Funny birthday greetings in verse Alla


To Alla I compose greetings,
To congratulate her birthday!
And this wish congratulations,
That all came true, what she wants!

In short, the wish to have fun
And hurry to fall in love with a decent,
So that you are always on hand wearing
That, moreover, to sex have the strength!

To bryuliki and Lexus gave,
To the Maldives every year drove ...
That money at you, he was not sorry
And so while not all poorer!

Oh, Allka, whether we be in mourning,
When your birthday has come!
Let the year you have become older,
All the same, all have the strength!

I wish to become a wiser, a little bit,
After all, wisdom - a female trait!
Go only easy way of life
And let no one touch the soul of the fuss!

Suppose you are going to get younger every year,
And let there be no phantom worries!
Let sidestep adversity!
Let the best of life is waiting for you!

Gentle, clean as cute Fialochka
Wonderful life of our Alia!
And her wish, as the flower of spring,
That was always the norm in the mood!

May be you successful and lucky!
And if necessary, and a snake rattlesnake!
Friends let love, and the enemies are afraid of!
You want to smile!

And let the soul gardens blooming great!
Embrace discloses today is wider
To accept our congratulations
And once again the whole evening not to faint!

For the best girl in the world,
For Alia soul, rasprekrasnoy
I want to wish: let the sun shine in your life!
Weather soul let it be clear!

I want to have a birthday this evening
I wish you and affection and hope!
Let there be joy in meeting all the earth!
Love will let you boundless!

And let many desires for Alla
Able to fulfill God coming soon!
Let there be a lot of plans and dreams!
Let live through life more fun!

What do you want - then you and wish,
Birthday, Alla yours!
I'm in that day from the heart to congratulate you,
I wish only the best in life all!

For example, a house, an apartment in the center, the cottage,
A dozen coats, and in the bank account of a great-great!
And the groom in a decent bargain,
That he loved you with all my heart!

Another wish in life seamlessly
All their problems quickly solved!
To live in peace only certainly
And, to make purchases more often!

Oh, so you wish for more, Allusya.
So when all that is necessary is!
Zamayalsya, I swear to you now,
While decided to wish you wonders!

A little more magic in your life and glory!
Gratitude, affection and love!
Suppose that in the book of life of all new chapter
Describe all the advantages yours!

Whether ladies price Know yourself and accurately
You are the most famous in life become!
Come smile, Allka urgently!
Experience and spoil the nerves stop!

Congratulations on the anniversary Alley in verse

 Congratulations on the anniversary Alla


For Alia colleague's birthday

In verses offset from the heart Congratulations!

They have a lot of respect and passion!

They ward off evil, misery, misfortune ...

We extend our congratulations on the anniversary

We want you to set off not without embarrassment ...

We wish for career advancement,

We wish to live a life in his manner ...

And let it be, as the fate of writing,

I wish that you all enough!

To luck was with you in tandem,

That life was like in the wonderful fairy tale!

Greetings fellow by the name of Allah


Alla, we work together with you,

And we have a lot in common -

One busy affairs.

Here are suggestions for you -

Let's career goes uphill

By itself, without the hassle.

Luck arrives soon

And it will be better every year.

Let the head of respects,

Let dreams come true,

Colleagues simply adore,

And the work will be Paradise!

Anniversary congratulations together

Let there be in life all you need!

Happy Anniversary girlfriend Alla


Alia girlfriend anniversary we wish,

To materialize their dreams ...

Everything will be as you want, just know,

After all, the best in the world exactly you!

And the feast of the words will not spare,

To convey its appreciation to you!

You're in my life be always around the bolder,

To always lucky in your destiny!

And let the beautiful days in life will be!

Let things go well with every moment ...

Let your life be like a miracle,

Let it be only in the life of glitz and glamor!


Alla, friend, my dear!

Congratulations on your birthday I love you!

With you we have to stick over the years.

We live, friendship Save

Through the anxiety and hardships.

Sweet, gentle, like apple color

Such a further stay.

I feel closer to you in the world.

Flowers and enjoy life!

Poems girlfriend, a woman in Alla anniversary


Anniversary year - holiday light

And his favorite Alia,

Dreams cherished wish fulfillment,

And a lot of life in the happy days!

I want my love warmed

You frost and cold easily ...

Let there be happiness in life without limit!

Let it be the joy of you always ...

And let the soul you will keep youth

So that was the enthusiasm and happiness eyes burned ...

Bless, multiply the holy trendy!

Let it be in the life of a lot of important things!


You, beloved Allah, I wish

Only warm days and sun light.

I'll give you, my dear,

Moon in the sky and the sunrise.

Let all good things happen

I wish I was you, love.

Suppose that you are chirping birds,

Flowers bloom just for you.

Always be you irresistible

And the admiration of catch,

Happy, gentle and beloved.

Bathe you my love!

Congratulations on the anniversary bright

And now catch my presents!

Congratulations to Alla from friends on the anniversary


Alla! Thee we congratulate the Jubilee!

Let this day bring only joy.

Good luck and we wish you,

And let all the bad things go away into the distance.

Health certainly wish,

Success, honor and glory - for you.

Luck will be there of course,

And all the flowers at your feet, loving.

Friends let you leave,

No one has loyal friends.

Mother let surround care.

And that sparkled with happiness Jubilee!

Congratulations to Alla happy birthday in prose


Original and humorous greetings to Alla: colleague, friend, beloved sister, the wife of the text in their own words, beautiful prose wishes to DR

Special Greetings colleague Alla

Dear Alla!
Our friendly working team congratulates all of you. Happy birthday, we wish you to your immense, contagious positive was never completed and you gave people lots of smiles, kindness, joy, and happiness.

Let your way to career growth is light and fleeting, and on your way to meet a kind, nice and helpful people like yourself. Thank you that you were working in our team!

Happy birthday to her friend Alia prose

My dear friend!
Alia, my dear, I want to congratulate you on your next birthday! I wish you, faithful, honest friends, because when a person has a support, no he is not afraid of difficulties. In your not an easy life I had a lot of ups and downs, but you always knew how to get out of any situation, so I want to wish you have a positive attitude and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Also, I wish that you may be disappointed in the people, but remember that in this life is to count only on themselves, no matter what. And it is a winner in life.

Wishes favorite Alla own words

My favorite, Happy Birthday!
Sweetheart, it's your birthday! My soul rejoices and is glad that many years ago was born my favorite girl, who has become for me the meaning of life.

Favorite Alia, I want to wish you, let your life be happy and joyful, as if in a fairy tale, it is not the place nor the evil sorcerer. And I, in turn, promise to be your prince who would be happy to keep you and fulfill your desires.

Congratulations sister Alia prose with DR

Happy Birthday Sister!
Of course, people can not choose their parents and family members, but I'm the opposite, incredibly lucky, because I have such a caring and loving sister.

On this festive day, my heart wants to wish you to good people around you, to support and care for you. Alia, even if the financial condition is stable, let the dream realized. Well, the main thing that you were always happy.

Wishes wife Alla lyrics

Happy birthday, my dear husband!
My dear, you and I have been together for many years and I am very happy that you are my beloved wife! On this auspicious day, I wish you health, peace of mind and tranquility career. We love you all very much love and are happy that you are here!

Happy birthday, our dear! And remember that even when the walls are crumbling, do not worry. For opening up new horizons. Alia, believe in themselves and go firmly and confidently towards its goal and know that on this difficult path, I am always ready to support you.

Birthday greetings in verse Alla
Congratulations to Alla happy birthday beautiful
