Scenario evening high school reunion

 Scenario reunion

Happy new comic script for the holiday evening high school reunion.

Poems for teachers, congratulations to former classmates, fun contests, school riddles, humor in the script, prizes, rework songs about school.

Evening high school reunion starts singing to the tune of the song from the movie "Heavenly slug".

Songs rework about school


One night, maybe not in the evening,

Not because we have nothing else to do.

We meet here, my friends,

And you and he, they, and I,

As the holiday should not be delayed.


We are again and again,

We come to the school to congratulate the new release,

To see teachers

See all the friends of the school,

And that this was the life of cheerful!

We met school,

And every year we celebrate the anniversary.

We come to school again,

To all the friends of the school to embrace,

To later in life you will not forget.

The next part of the script

Congratulations former students classmates

We're not students, not long ago the children.

But remember everything is still the native walls.

There are so many had lived, taught us a lot,

So we can use that in the school received.

Take gratitude from former brats,

Boys and girls, from mothers, grandfathers, fathers.

Whether we want to congratulate all the teachers,

We appreciated a lot, because we became adults.

May the joy you bring

Your rewarding work.

Graduates let visit

Congratulate you go.

Then a greeting from teachers for the evening meeting of all graduates

Once again we are celebrating

Our good school anniversary.

At that time the guests were welcomed,

From your people in my heart lighter.

We are glad to see you all again,

Successful: not very much.

You gladly welcomes school

His boys and girls.

It turns leading the script and says school puzzle:

And now you are in for a surprise,

Who won the super-prize!

I will conjecture puzzles

And I'm waiting for you to otgadki.

Who will have all the answers,

The prize that once hello.

So, let's begin:

What is written in the order?

The answer where? I / notebook /

The foam hides ours?

What? Hurry! / Pencil /

On the board hang card

A priest at Shunem? / Party /

Without it, not to make cases

What is so necessary? School? / Mel /

Where bored of boredom?

The answer! /At the blackboard/

That heard the call.

What end? / Lesson /

The class jumped up at the same time,

Started what? /Turn/

Above control who wilted?

Who is responsible? / Student /

Reading the literature,

All run on? / Physical Education /

Books wear all week,

Where? Rather, where? / The portfolio /

And what you are student, tell all

Well? / Diary /

Our cheerful birthday

Now what? Of course? / School /

Who has the fastest response shouts, that the assistant takes the stage at the end of the contest awards small prizes: a chocolate bar or a pen, pencil or something big like that.

The script contest Guess what it is

Leading explains to conditions: hung a big picture, but Hall sees it downside. Drive gently prompts, and one who can guess the fastest, award prizes and a picture is displayed throughout the hall.

For example, picture a cow. Moderator: a large, four animal .... ..... .... moos horn

For example, a picture of the machine. Moderator: a large, four ... no. not an animal rides .... buzzing ...

For example, the picture of the table. Moderator: a large, four ... no, not an animal .... no, not coming .... .... covered with a tablecloth

For example, a picture of a chair. Lead: average, four ..... is ..... ..... lean back

For example, a picture of an elephant. Moderator: a large, four ... .... very large and flanked by two large ..... and front and rear two large ....

For example, the picture of the house. Moderator: big, very big hole .... ..... a lot more holes and smaller openings are closed .... .... .... in big slap in the small vents

Etc., by analogy, the image can be funny, guess will be a lot of fun, if the master is to hurry and pick up the pace.

Next Beauty Contest.

Please choose one who has the most brilliant attire, the type of beauty contest. Then, the winner becomes the leader in the following competitions.

Contests can pick up different, including to hold a competition for the most beautiful and the most beautiful classmate classmate, who are chosen by voting or applause.

As well as competitions for the best poem, funny greetings or funniest toasts on the topic of school, classmates and alumni meeting, if the script you have provided a feast

After a good warm up competition, to arrange a merry song streams, fast, almost running, and selects the winner of the previous competition "brilliant." And then, on the evening high school reunion can not do without dance.

Comic toast at a meeting in honor of the graduates of teachers and lecturers

 Toast to the prom


For those who have suffered over us,

Something even taught!

But first toast - a cool mom!

God bless her and effort!

A toast to the class teacher


For a cool mom!

May God grant her good health!

We drink only standing

And just to the bottom!

For the eternal drama:

"Shepherd with livestock"

Where there is no peace -

Moroka one.

And here are the results

Class. hands.!

Before thee

Coop brood -

Naddtsat goals.

Girls, boys,

What a noisy crowd

Mastered conclusions

Stir up love.

But as a beginner!

The girls in the bows,

Boys - zinger,

Books, flowers ...

You should not have to say goodbye

Our childish pranks,

In holding up credit

All the spaces-tails.

So pity,

What is not among us

Lomonosovs ...

(Gagarin was only

What pears fell)

But you, like a violet

Under severe dew,

Blooms, as before,

They collected a ball

Common exhaust

His little kiddies,

Have absorbed

Blood and the power of love.

Let's have a drink

Secretly, classified,

As they drank to our

Health and You!

A toast to the Director in the verses of graduates


Director - praise and glory

Behind the house is a long time - ten years,

For style, vaccinated best of manners,

For light from the scientists to track!

A toast to the head teacher of the school graduates


We must give the head teacher

For org. questions of all processes!

This means: it is necessary to pour,

And do not look to the interests.

Let it be again all generally:

Standish, stood up, sat down,

Without objection, "Wait" and "cho"

We waited even grayer

From the long pauses at the blackboard ...

Do not dilute the angst!
