Arabat Spit
Arabat Spit is a unique sand spit size unrivaled in the world. In length it is 112 kilometers, the width from 270 meters to 7 kilometers. On the one hand it is washed by waves of the Sea of Azov, and on the other side of the Salt Lake Sivash.Tselebny climate and rich in valuable resources of this region allow to turn to Arabat Spit vacation in a wonderful spa treatment.
That is why on a sand spit to be a lot of resorts and recreational camps for children.
On Arabatsky arrow keeps huge stocks of healing mud and brine, besides a relatively recently discovered mineral springs. Not far from Genichesk it was built wonderful Spa clinic basic direction that this treatment is supporting - motor apparatus. It being treated in a hospital or kursovkam.Letom water warms up to 29 degrees and the air is filled with ions of iodine and bromine.
During the active development of tourism in the Soviet Union at the Arabat Spit took walking tours of the first grade. Thousands of tourists annually from around the country took place on this route. The only problem was the route - the lack of drinking water in some areas.
An interesting historical tour object is Arabat Fortress. She was the only the Tatar-Turkish fortress on the Crimean coast of the Azov fortress morya.Ruiny survived to this dney.Ryadom the village of Kamenka are Ak-Monayskie quarry. The catacombs were formed during the development of building stone - limestone. Manual way it was mined in the period from 1874 po1939 year. After quarrying on these developments tunnels acquired length of several tens of kilometers and are multi-tiered underground complex. Every year in the catacombs are underground orienteering competitions. The organizer of the competition Travel Club "Kara-Dag". In the event of underground adventure lovers come from all over Ukraine. Take part in the competition can be anyone. The main observe safety underground.
On Arabatskaya arrows come fishing lovers. Fish can be caught from a boat and from the shore. You can engage in underwater hunting. If travelers do not have to spearfishing special equipment, it is possible to hire local residents.
Main Villages Arabat Spit it Genichesk Gorka (sometimes called Gengorka) Schastlivtsevo and small. Lovers of quiet and relaxing holiday can stay in private homes or minipansionatah. In local café serves fresh fish and a variety of beaches and shallow waters moreproduktov.Peschanye ideal for relaxation of parents with children.
To get to the Arabat Spit can be bus or from Feodosia Genichesk.
From Russia most convenient to take a ferry across the Kerch Strait, and then from Kerch on the bus with. Kamenka. It is best to go on holiday on the Arabat Spit in his car as transport goes there often, and his movement does not always correspond to the schedule.
Arabatskaya arrow rest and treatment at the Arabat Spit Sea of Azov