Congratulations missile forces in verse

 Congratulations missile forces in verse


We're glad we congratulate the Day of Missile Forces

All those who could pass for a rocket!

We would like to send congratulations to all,

So that you can happy, live long!

Suppose you promise a huge success!

Suppose for a big, a huge honor you!

Let there be joy in all earthly milestone!

May all your troubles will not count!

You just its inverse duty to perform,

That, as always, truly shine!

You are the world, we are very well guarded,

So that we can sleep peacefully at night!


We want to congratulate the great feast

Rocketeer across the vast country!

And congratulations to all-all-all right,

That you were doubly happy!

To bring you the joy of work,

So that you can shine on the life of the age!

So that you have the wisdom and strength,

To protect our peace humble!

May God grant you the strength and the only good luck!

May God grant you more of the best years!

Today is the Day of Missile Forces and, therefore,

Important day for congratulations, no!


Day of missile troops, we note nice

And we wish you anytime, anywhere

To get all you properly!

To place in life was not a disaster!

So that you are always able to be proud of!

To perform his duty with a bang!

That was what you still strive for!

Tomorrow was better than yesterday!

Let you sidestep adversity!

Suppose you are lucky passionately always!

We wish that from now on every year

The work you do not ever grow old!


Today is the Day of missile troops arrived

And this holiday helmet we'll greetings!

You want to ascend to the podium,

That you are greeted with joy the dawn!

To protect, since it is necessary, we could!

To bring joy to work!

To serve gladly bear!

And, so as not to leave the honor and power!

Let ratna will be exploits in ages!

Suppose that you admire, love you!

May never be guided by fear!

Give only peace and joy to people!


We will on the Day of Missile Forces congratulate you

And you want the best from the heart!

Let all be behind all the troubles!

In the shower let it be the best weather!

Suppose you everywhere valued, respected!

Let you anytime, anywhere, just enough!

You work out the good deeds

And never ever do not be discouraged!

We heartily congratulate heartily

And the service you always want to shine!

You are the best in the whole wide world!

Let the sunshine in your life forever shine!


Today is a holiday Day of missile troops!

And this honor, we say loudly toast

We wish to live long and be healthy

And precisely in this life all the time!

Let there be joy in your life forever!

Do you live a happy year!

Let greatly appreciate you and cherish!

Let the heart is sweet comfort!

We are a professional holiday

We wish you a note brilliant!

Let multiplying all martial success!

Let the joy of the earth will be your milestones!

Congratulations on the day of the military translator in verse

 Greetings to translators


There is such a profession - translator!

And not just a translator - and the military!

Whoever his days, and often nights

Dedicates reliable translations.

You are in the quiet of their silent rooms

Information for the homeland are doing.

Translations, like his poetry poets,

Bound in invisible threads.

Let your work nebrosok not see

Suppose that you are not striding on parade,

But today you from us all take

Wishes of joy and happiness!

Wishes lasting success!

Party let you bypass the troubles!

These wishes, recording descenders,

Let warm illuminate your age!

Greetings to translators in verse


From the ancient interpreters

The profession you are driving!

Then, to the deeper meaning

He appeared around the turn.

That foe is not hiding secrets

During the speech, a stranger, unfamiliar ...

Giving answers to questions

On duty, ready!

We heartily congratulate you!

We wish you health and peace!

Good luck and we wish happiness!

And the words - just clear the air!


Polyglots and scholars, you - military interpreters,

Connoisseurs of the great world languages ​​and many others!

On this day, smiling confidently,

and forget any doubts!

And in all languages ​​and dialects

Take, friends, congratulations!

We wish you fair weather!

Starfall your straps!

And let them always just peace

gets you the translation!


Military Translators

Congratulations from the heart!

May the joy and light

This day we are all in a hurry!

Holiday sun shines

Weekdays quiet dance.

We congratulate you:

Glory! Glory! And honor!


In war, soldiers in attack

It raised all.

And shoot menacing tanks -

In war as in war.

There tankers, there are sailors

The pilots and snipers.

To fight them all is not easy,

What can you do - the war.

Military Translators

Also remember in the hour.

Clenching his fist nerves of steel,

They are the enemy once again

We must fight back word:

To speak, translate,

To battle is harsh

Be sure to win!

On the day of the military translator!


Be the military - it means

Do not go with the best.

Let the enemies of anger cry.

There is an order - we go into battle!

Defending the earth again

From the boots of soldiers strangers

Terrible, quiet and stern

Death stand amid the storms and battles.

Translator - also a warrior,

Word - a sword and shield him.

And so worthy

It is my honor!

Congratulations military intelligence in verse

 Congratulations scouts

Feast Day of military intelligence in 2013. note 5 November. (date, number)


Military intelligence - cool as a rock!

Without this profession - not the country!

Borders sensitively they guard,

Peace and quiet while we all wait!

We want the scouts say

And a lot of the benefits they wish!

Let them be a hard work,

Always appreciate and understand!

Let everyday be all quiet,

And do not penetrate to our enemies!

Let our happiness and peace,

Remain under their protection!

We wish them a lot of health,

Good and simple way,

Go to their awards, the Order!

Let there be only happiness to you!


Scout - your life is dangerous,

But romantically beautiful!

All the boys her delirium,

Become a spy want!

And only by becoming serve in the exploration,

Danger of all realize

Risk and pain because there are frequent!

Service Difficulty learn!

So you need to wish,

You much joy fate

Let there be peace and quiet,

And dreams come true!


Day military intelligence!

How much pride and strength,

These lines and words,

Wish want men

Let the fear of the unknown!

Let the smile will often

Appear and shine!

Let the soul will not cry,

Torn and suffer!

Let the love in my heart plays

And strings of magic,

Happiness illuminates the soul,

Will sincerely, easy!

Let the luck will be there,

It helps you always,

We will always be friends,

And the support and words!

Author Valeriy Petrovich


While we sleep until we rest

The enemy does not sneak up on us - just know!

And it is not that a little sleep,

Scout save us, he is brave!

It has been battle-tested you,

It has strengthened and will and consciousness,

Now you are our pride, our hero!

Proud, love, always we are waiting to go home!


What would be the fate brought news

Are you comfortable and confident forever!

Feel the danger within,

You saw through the enemy at one, two, three!

Your experience is unique and Call of Duty

By law, our nation was able to evaluate.

In honor military intelligence we

Sit down and rest - your holiday now!


Your job - our peace,

And do not we sometimes noticeable intelligence.

And you - privacy on the job, in a way,

Cool mind and purpose - to save us all!

Selflessness in any setting,

Always ready to be on the test!

About your great qualities know

It is not often seen, but fully respect!

Today we warmly congratulate,

To be the best you want!

Comfort in the family, from people close to you - the heat

You are respected, loved by all!

Author Roman Kudinov
