Popular choose tankers
And to congratulate cherished!
To your tanks raced rapidly
By academic fields unnoticed!
Crews will give Girls
And the flowers, and a lovely smile!
Podnesut, poured and again congratulate -
For tankers seen without error!
Your grandfathers fought bravely
On the battlefields with the meanest Fritz!
Supertehnikoy in the hands of skilled,
There is much to learn and learn!
Let the tanks firing only feast
On targets, not in the villages!
We love you and are proud to know
What reliable tanks as before!
So serve, gallant guys,
As parents and grandparents, for the sake of happiness!
That you presented us peace,
Your service in the cold and bad weather!
Let the enemy, as a secret, and a clear,
So afraid of your tanks,
What's a thousand miles Proselkov dirty
Flee, dropping his sneakers!
And now once again we congratulate
Happy tanker all the guys deserve it!
Peace to all peoples wish,
So that lived on Earth in peace!
Author Galina Gysin
Let the helmet protects the head,
Let strength, courage, skill
Never leave you!
Happy tanker congratulate you
And you idly wish
For the world has been around forever!
On the day of a brave tanker
I wish you strength,
Good deeds, acts of pure,
That was always a favorite!
To meet your family
With a bright spark in his eyes,
That the country did not know the war
And the rest was even in dreams!
In your hands any machine
Docile becomes like a child,
You - tanker, you - a serious man,
But I'm always ready to indulge you!
Happy tanker! Today, I wish
Stay forever so -
Naughty and serious man,
Wise, but always young!
Be careful, but quick!
Diligent in the service ever be!
Happy tanker!
Let the light will go!
Let there be light your tank,
Bring your car you skillfully
Among the tank was not there
People like you - brave, courageous!
On this occasion I congratulate you,
Waiting for you to visit! It is the call!
You come, I beg you,
After all, you, my tanker, I love you!
Postcard Happy tanker
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