Poems Artem happy birthday humorous greetings

 Humorous poems Artem

Happy birthday from a friend Artem


Little in life knowing

It is huge - I am small,

I know only one thing - yesterday I

A little more in life I realized.

After all, we have a holiday today.

With the birth of the afternoon you, Artem!

And now I had the honor of

Watch the celebration.

I wish to take each zemelku

For a lot of businesses.

And there nasazhat cabbage,

To all the missing.

Humorous congratulations from friends


Happy birthday, Tom, congratulations

We wish a lot of fairy tales and miracles.

For example, we want the red hats

Twenty-five years, so there was preponderance.

We wish a lot of mood and,

To like a bun was fun,

To easily rolled over the fate of the road,

But in a cruel fall, to not hit.

We wish that was the prince at the ball,

That you had half the kingdom according to the documents,

To the next electoral year

In the first round you're elected president.

Verses from colleagues Artem


Happy birthday, a colleague Artem!

Congratulations to the angel we

On this day we want to make your dream

Dream come true childish.

So you could become an astronaut,

He flew off to conquer the entire universe,

At the same time, and could pootkryvali

Companies-daughter time.

To forgive - a business Artem

You want to climb in his career,

Could there you loose it

And on Mars, the command to stay.

Humorous congratulations in verse Artem


Dear Artemka, do not give up,

Wade though the head,

Try to break out of the bosses,

After all, you dream about it myself,

Buy yourself a black chair softer,

Will you build your colleagues,

The tie will choose much brighter

And you will achieve many victories,

Happy birthday, dear Artemka,

I congratulate you sincerely from the heart,

It will be a complete let your wallet,

Happiness, joy and warmth!


The best you are a driver,

You can park itself,

Ride often with an air of importance,

In serious cases,

Happy birthday, Artemka,

It became a steep long time for everyone,

And you laugh so loud,

It infects us your laughter,

May you burn in life,

And in the affairs of the green light,

After Artem impeccable,

Best guys in the world there!


Dear Tom, accept

These congratulations

Rejoice you from the heart,

In this Day jam

We are waiting for the cake, sweets,

Tasty salads,

If you do not have them,

You run down somewhere,

Birthday celebrated,

We must all tastefully

This holiday once a year,

We did not miss,

In the morning we arrive,

All congratulate you,

No attention is not destiny,

We leave you!

Birthday greetings brother Artem

 happy birthday brother Artem


Artyom, beloved older brother,

Your name day today.

Congratulate you, as a sister,

And I wish to be a man.

Great tenacity stocks

Everywhere for the purpose.

And only for the better lookout,

In order to get everything on the matter.

Let them be happy days

Let it be sweet night.

Patience to you, love!

I am happy, my friend, very, very much!

Congratulations brother Artyom from his sister


Congratulations, Tom,

With your name day celebration.

Brother, you happiness in your home!

You always be as strong.

Take care of yourself, my dear.

Do not be sad, we rejoice yet again,

For your birthday -

The most obvious and best reason!


Happy birthday, Artem.

You - my brother, and I'm glad this.

Forever will be let into your house

All that is necessary for a happy life.

The joys of you big, big,

Let happiness will cover the head.

And kids, little such

There were so friendly as we are with you.


Artyom, birthday, I congratulate you!

Brother, I wish great health!

Let it be glorious life you have.

Live, slowly, admiring, loving.

And let you just pleasing moments:

And the sun and the rain, wind breath of.

In cases certainly let it be a success.

And whether you are in the world happier everyone!

Happy birthday brother Artem


Artem, I congratulate you happy birthday.

I wish you much joy, brother.

Let it be with you success and luck,

Less bugs, lots of good.

Let people meet only such

To them I wanted to work, to make friends.

Let executed big plans.

May you live a long time - not to grieve!


My brother Tom, I hasten to congratulate you,

In your birthday wish for happiness.

And if there are errors, fix,

And if omissions - finish saying.

Delayed time to finish everything,

Which has forged ahead - it's time to catch up.

I wish you to be courageous in life

And it is important not to lose their senses.

Then the sun will brighten your.

Then, with a deep sense will be days.

Then luck will smile exactly.

I wish you happiness, laughter and love!


Artyomka! Happy Birthday!

Brother, I am always happy to everyone!

Merry desired mood,

Often it would be desirable to hear your laughter.

May all your wishes come true,

In work and in love let luck.

Let something good happens.

You become older and wiser for the year.


Artyom, brother, congratulations

With your birth you.

Welfare wish

In the bag - thick ruble

The family - Understanding

The paper - competent colleagues

In matters - greater prosperity,

Love and faithfulness forever!

Congratulations to Artyom in verse on his birthday

 Congratulations to Artyom


Happy birthday Tom,


At one table sit,

We are waiting for all the food,

You are an honorable man,

In total he has made,

And on top of that,

Well I married

Let there be Peace in the family,

There are all healthy,

Spending is from the heart,

Throw off your shackles,

Go back quickly,

Where sand and sea,

Let them go forever,

The trouble, sorrow,

In his career to grow,

Increases prosperity,

And with the boss will let him,

Do you order!

Happy Birthday Artem


Dear Artem accept

These congratulations.

Cry from the heart,

Chase away doubts,

Wish you want

That all happened,

To widely fate

You smile,

To wake up in the morning,

There has never been a burden,

To my wife and I go to sleep,

You were a joy!


No reliable you

Dear Artemka,

And in communion with you,

There are a lot of sense,

You are able to protect,

And shoulder substitute,

You do not give you a long whine,

You can get live,

The other is better not to find

This I know for sure,

And I wish my life to live,

You're a bright, juicy,

Let all the sadness go away,

Take away adversity,

That was not bad,

Never weather!

Congratulations to Artyom in verse


Wish wish Artem,

On this birthday,

That he drove his slumber,

He threw doubt

Be alive and active,

Conquer the peak,

Laugh often, smile,

Even without a reason,

Let you all the bypass,

Troubles and bad weather,

If you dare cry,

Crying only happiness!


Artem wonderful person,

With you been friends for a century,

You will not find reliable,

You are not able to betray,

Let this birthday yours

Will bring happiness and peace,

Let all the dreams come true,

Total'll get you in life,

Let it had long dreamed of,

Because of what you did not sleep the night,

Become a reality soon hurry,

Suppose that the result does not disappoint!


Dear, Artem, I heartily congratulate,

And I wish you luck in love,

About colleague, I do not dream of a better,

Should you be happy soon,

Be yourself and do not change,

Believe strive always just ahead,

Always remained a loyal friend,

And it does not get you into trouble,

Let everything goes perfectly well in his career,

Let family care is,

Let luck to you all, not only in the individual,

I wish to live a happy life!
