With Epiphany woman greetings in verse

 Congratulations to the baptism


With Epiphany congratulate you

And happiness and joy in life wish.

Let love candle lit day and night,

May God from harm and protect from evil.

Be gentle, good, and good always,

Let the love of the sky gives you a star

And shines brightly always in the way,

When you dream of going to the light to go.

You - a clever woman, a good one can,

May the joy of your children you are,

And like you, dear friends,

And strong is a big family.


When Epiphany

On earth will step out of the heavens,

I wish that in the soul, good,

The fire of love big rose,

I wish that the heart is full

The desire to live, to create, to give,

And so could you do with a spring

Holy Water to drink again.

It will fill your soul,

Give joy and warmth,

To you always, good,

Comfortably it was light.

You're a woman and you're beautiful,

You give life and bright lights

I congratulate you today

I wish to live a hundred years.


Do you hear the sound of blessing

We are told that the Lord's Baptism

All our miracle he sprinkled on the ground,

Holy water to irrigate the whole world.

Thee I congratulate with the holiday today,

Being a woman and a friend I wish,

Being a good mother, umnoyu wife

But the main thing - always herself.

For fame and fortune do not chase,

And best of heaven, and we pray to God.

May He give us the words of humility,

Words of love and good patience.


Epiphany Eve - the occasion to congratulate,

One of the most beautiful women I know.

I wish that washed off the holy water Adversity,

the disease once and for all.

Let your holiday snow all zaporoshit,

To become as a child, a beautiful life.

Suppose that gives freedom, comfort and warmth,

There have always been close, in spite of all the troubles,

Those people who are dear to you,

Let only the joy will go home,

And you swallow like a carousel of love,

Only sincere, sonorous and vibrant fun.


Let Epiphany night and cold,

But in the hearts of the people is now warm.

Female congratulate so easy,

If I'm so lucky with her.

But today really try

Choose from the heart the words

In order to touch the heart of tenderness,

And gave a modicum of heat.

I wish you sunny pans,

To bring the tale to life,

To the morning when you wake up,

Sun whispered: "Smile."

That has always been easy on the heart,

And the soul hovered in the sky.

It's very simple, I believe,

If only faith flickered in his eyes.


Beautiful women, I congratulate

With Epiphany. With the soul desire,

Unshakable faith in the eyes of a spark,

So that was not thought to go back.

To forward only path led you,

And it was not there to universal evil.

Always with relatives live with love,

And cherish every moment of her.

Congratulations on the Epiphany friend in verse

 Congratulations to the baptism


Cold grows stronger, pinching her cheeks,

My friend, congratulations on the Epiphany,

Let this holiday bring good,

Who honestly believes - to fall,

A particle of the Lord's love, grace,

All worldly goods, sparkling happiness

Fun, success and all good luck,

Simple solutions required tasks.


Special holiday - Epiphany,

A friend of mine, so now comes the evening.

I wish health in the baptismal water,

Catch, strengthen and save myself.

Suppose that in the future only waiting soon,

There will be no place in it, errors, adversity,

Kohl has faith in life - need not fear,

Kohl God willing - so it is necessary to happen.

Try to accept with gratitude the wise,

All that was much today and,

Let not dry up a huge fortune,

Warm light of friendship, warmth and participation.


My friend, I wish to wash away the baptismal water

All of their problems and hardships,

Whatever the fuck you in the path of life,

Always know that life's burdens

You are able to carry out in this life,

When you next with the help of God,

And no matter what happens on the way -

Let it be always righteous road.

Suppose that every day, like a clean slate,

Before you open up horizons.

The most important thing that the heart is the place,

Where every man suddenly the child

Wake up, smile with latitude

Serene smiles, genuine.

And once it becomes clear that with you,

And what Desire Providence.

Receive our congratulations to you

Happy Epiphany of the Lord!


I congratulate you with the Epiphany!

Let bright it will shine in my heart!

To love calls us ringing the bell

And light news broadcasts around!

Calling all Hot dip to himself,

Body and spirit of bringing healing.

But faith does not need to be afraid of the cold:

With her second birth is given!

My friend, do not tuzhite today!

Do not! May the Lord reward

You joy of salvation

We will send you health and happiness as a reward!

Take heart from my congratulations!


On the Epiphany! Face of an angel sings,

And yasnokryly Dove Love pours on the ground,

Sighs the entire planet, snow falls silently.

Sacred light stepfather cleared man!

Shelter whiteness creation of the Father, St

Its water will wash the heart.

Frost nipping Russia will adjust, burn

And the thrill of faith burning in the lamps will light shower.

I bring greetings from the wonderful this afternoon,

Let it be a consolation and peace in your home!

My friend, I wish you happy, many years!

I congratulate you! Bless the Lord, from the troubles!

Privіtannya s Hreschennyam Gospodnіm have vіrshah

 Verses with the baptism


W Hreschennyam Gospodnіm vitaєmo schiro!

Nasnagi to pratsі bazhaєmo you!

Dwellers hlіb not vazhkim CCB and Svit syayav world

I shte: Peeled dwellers knew Bram!

Vіdchinitsya true Pauline at will,

Holy water to extinguish gnіv,

Chord rows ahead zіyde in polі,

In vіrshah s Promova spіv be born.

Slіpy hi i sonce prozrіє pobachit,

Arise Skalіcheny that znovu bіzhit!

Naykrasche іz grain prob'єtsya, nastane,

And one hto vzhe yde on krilі flight!


You h Gospodnіm Hreschennyam vіtayu!

Bajan schiro i do not have vіrshah tіlki! ..

For you in the holy propozitsіyu I May:

Zabut gnіv, zbentezhenіst i fear!

Nekhay porins in virіy clean Dream,

And do updates vsmіhaєtsya Tobi's World,

Water hlіb that animate you to dії,

That Well vklonimos s prayer vodі!


In vіdlunnyah sky plinut shte Kolyada,

I znovu іmenem s day glorified Christ!

I pospіshayu vislati Rejoice,

Scho nadrukovanі have viglyadi sheet.

Yuletide, shanuysya! W Hreschennyam Gospodnіm!

Divuysya schiro glibinі Lakes!

Schodnya molisya zіrkovіy bezodnі!

Dwellers force vіdchuvav m'yaz i, i nerve!

In vіrshah vіdshukay Echo of pisni,

In potsіlunkah vilіchi love!

Saying to Korotshe, be surprised at Svit not peroxidation!

Bo's World purifications vzhe posmіhnuvsya znov!


Chima holy uzimku vіdgulyali,

We walked so on lans Gulo scho ...

Before Vodohreschennya zdorovі rode,

And all passed - "ere", "kolis", "Bulo".

Vіtaєmo іz Hreschennyam Gospodnіm!

Bazhaєmo naykraschih іz chasіv!

Nye that water nebesnoї bezodnі

Sanctify makіvki zbentezhenih golіv!


Vіtayu with Hreschennyam Gospodnіm,

High ominaє you sogodnі

Sadness, soulful hard smutok,

High of order will vashі druzі,

Dwellers zіgrіvat svoїm heat.

Tom Happiness Je leash in fact

Hto vmіє radіst uyavlyati,

Todі, if Absent forces vtrachati,

Hto bachit in kozhnіm dnі, yak dolі,

Lord Proper leash will.

So high vіn you blagoslovlyaє,

Vid any bіd oberіgaє!


Seem, scho svyachenoyu water,

Yakscho her vmitisya hoch time

That is all the Lord take away with them,

Scho gnіtilo povsyakchas soul.

You vіtayu with Hreschennyam Gospodnіm,

Hi you are not lyakaє frost,

Orthodox Serdce leash lyubov'yu

Generously without napovnyaєtsya between.

So let them i torknet You Love,

Lascaux - the Lord's grace.

The I leash Happiness smutok wrap,

The reason is not Bulo dwellers Vertan

We passed, once s smutkom quiet,

Bo passed - those scho vzhe proyshlo.

You Bajan Zlagoda i world,

Dwellers have to svіtі all Bulo.

Congratulations on the Epiphany in Ukrainian poems
