One of the best jewelry for the appearance of the person is a professionally manicured. It can improve your mood and hinted or openly express his inner world. However, using the full dignity of nail art, do not forget about the health of their own nails.
After all, they, as part of the body, are constantly in need of thorough attention, care, strengthening, and then, and in a decent decoration. Often these requirements are in conflict, but they may combine bio-gel for nails. This means taking care of the preservation of the nail plate in the ideal healthy state, while at the same time, it is decorated beautifully. Biogel is a special structure, consisting of wood rosin, various proteins, calcium. It is 58 per cent consists of natural protein and is not only safe for the nail, but also very useful. With the help of bio-gel nails master give excellent shape and the natural quiet brilliance.
A thin layer of bio-gel deposited on the nail, not striking appearance of the nail plate remains natural and natural. With it created and classic design for this colored Biogel nails covered or patterned jacket, and original design, with the author's design and pattern. Nail coated with biogelevym continues freely to "breathe", the growth did not stop, but instead accelerated, with its strength improves.
Use of bio-gel helps to ensure that:
nail plate is supplied with the necessary power to it, so that it is restored and strengthened;
beautiful nail growth is not broken cracked and chipped;
skin surrounding the nail remains in perfect condition, bio-gel does not irritate and dry it.
At a time when most of modern materials can cause a number of allergies and side effects, contraindications have bio-gel completely absent, it can be continuously used for strengthening and nail. Manicure with Biogel can not only women, but even the most conservative men as nails, Naroscheny using bio-gel are so natural-looking that no one will suspect that they suffered a thorough professional manicure. Surrounding people will admire the natural, the natural beauty of your nails and hands.
It is now impossible to find a reputable nail salon that does not know how to build up gel nails. Therefore, we offer our customers a variety of different materials from reputable manufacturers.
Biogel is applied to the nail plate is simple enough. To do this, the nail is prepared beforehand, then it is applied to the gel, which is a self-leveling material. He is allowed to cure under ultraviolet light a special lamp, and then the nail is formed finally. The process of building going on Biogel nail harder, requires special skills from the master and the presence of special forms or TIPS.
Biogel nail
One of the best jewelry for the appearance of the person is a professionally manicured. It can improve your mood and hinted or openly express his inner world. However, using the full dignity of nail art, do not forget about the health of their own nails.
After all, they, as part of the body, are constantly in need of thorough attention, care, strengthening, and then, and in a decent decoration. Often these requirements are in conflict, but they may combine bio-gel for nails. This means taking care of the preservation of the nail plate in the ideal healthy state, while at the same time, it is decorated beautifully. Biogel is a special structure, consisting of wood rosin, various proteins, calcium. It is 58 per cent consists of natural protein and is not only safe for the nail, but also very useful. With the help of bio-gel nails master give excellent shape and the natural quiet brilliance.
A thin layer of bio-gel deposited on the nail, not striking appearance of the nail plate remains natural and natural. With it created and classic design for this colored Biogel nails covered or patterned jacket, and original design, with the author's design and pattern. Nail coated with biogelevym continues freely to "breathe", the growth did not stop, but instead accelerated, with its strength improves.
Use of bio-gel helps to ensure that:
nail plate is supplied with the necessary power to it, so that it is restored and strengthened;
beautiful nail growth is not broken cracked and chipped;
skin surrounding the nail remains in perfect condition, bio-gel does not irritate and dry it.
At a time when most of modern materials can cause a number of allergies and side effects, contraindications have bio-gel completely absent, it can be continuously used for strengthening and nail. Manicure with Biogel can not only women, but even the most conservative men as nails, Naroscheny using bio-gel are so natural-looking that no one will suspect that they suffered a thorough professional manicure. Surrounding people will admire the natural, the natural beauty of your nails and hands.
It is now impossible to find a reputable nail salon that does not know how to build up gel nails. Therefore, we offer our customers a variety of different materials from reputable manufacturers.
Biogel is applied to the nail plate is simple enough. To do this, the nail is prepared beforehand, then it is applied to the gel, which is a self-leveling material. He is allowed to cure under ultraviolet light a special lamp, and then the nail is formed finally. The process of building going on Biogel nail harder, requires special skills from the master and the presence of special forms or TIPS.
Nail care, household trays polish
Hand care was a priority wealthy people before our era. Unfortunately, there were not such coatings, which are present on the market right now. Women painted nails eggs or wax. Just great popularity enjoyed henna. It is known that the poor were allowed to apply only light shades. About long nails slaves could not be considered.
Time passed, and gradually increased the number of tools necessary for a full manicure. Also, the various components were developed to cover the nail plate. So in 1978 a D. Pink came up and introduced into the mass of the first French manicure. Of course, since then it has undergone significant changes, but the general concept remains the same.
Manicure in modern society
It is difficult to imagine a woman without a manicure, which has become one of the main components of the image. As for the men, doing manicures mostly business people working with people. No one can say for sure whether there is so popular nail care in the men's ranks.
First of all, is important not color or brand of varnish. Important systematic care. Beautiful female hands always admired. You should be aware that the age of the woman as easily identified by the hands. Manicure in modern society has become not only a way to express themselves, but also became one of the most important places in the lives of women.
If you are not burdened with hard work, you can afford long nails. If you grow your nails does not work, come to the aid of gel and acrylic, often used in beauty salons.
Caring for nails at home
First of all, you should know that the condition of your nails depends on your diet. Try adding a daily ration of vitamins A and B. These vitamins have your nails appear healthy glow. Just to maintain the beauty you can use different masks for hands and beauty baths. Thus you will save time, as per procedure must be no more than twenty minutes.
Homemade bath for nails
So, for the preparation of the bath, you will need the following items and components: a glass of water (best if the water is warm) and one teaspoon of sea salt. The salt to be dissolved in water and the tub is ready. Throw up their hands in the resulting solution for twenty minutes. For a positive result is enough to make such treatments a day, but not more than two and a half months.
You can also apply the pan with olive oil, which is quite significantly moisturizes the skin. Half cup is enough. It would be better if you warm up the oil in a water bath and pour into a prepared container. In no case did not boil the oil. As the hot oil can burn the skin. Dip your hands in butter, but do not hold more than fifteen minutes.
Excellent help bath soap-based. It should be in a glass of warm water add one teaspoon of sea salt and dilute the resulting mixture of liquid soap. Twenty minutes is enough. The procedure should be repeated until, until you notice the desired results.
To maintain the beauty of nails need to carefully take care of them. Since not always have time to visit the beauty salon, at least you can effectively take care of nails at home.