How to make a beautiful and resilient chest, chest exercises

 How to keep the breast beautiful and elastic

Useful article on how to do a breast beautiful and elastic. Concern about the beauty of the breast-feeding and care will not require much of your time. Most importantly, it is necessary every day to take a cool bath or sponging.

Cool water will make your skin supple and lovely massage you get by rubbing with a towel.

The most vulnerable point in the body is often the chest. At night, our chest badly supplied with blood, improves circulation and is not constant wearing bras.

To make breast beautiful and elastic, prevent disease, breast cancer, to do exercises to strengthen the chest. Begin doing exercises with a minimum load can be gradually increased.

The exercises for the chest:

Get up, stretch your arms forward at shoulder width, and slowly, with force as if overcoming resistance, arms out to the side, then return the arms to the starting position. Do exercise 10 - 15 times.

In a standing position, raise your hands up and with the power of your right hand to press on left for 4 - 5 seconds, then change hands. Perform the exercise for the chest should be 5 times with each hand.

In the supine position, putting his hands on her shoulders. Slightly straining, slowly raise your elbows to the sides and to the starting position. Do exercise 20-25 times.

Kneeling down, hands shoulder-width apart to separate and lean your hands on the floor. Bending and extending your elbows, wrung from the floor, and the chest should touch the floor. The exercise 5-10 times.

Stand up, put your hands behind your head, slowly, to reduce stress and raise your elbows back and forth. To make breast beautiful and elastic carry out this exercise 20 - 25 times.

Stand straight, arms bent at chest level, palms folded together thumbs up. With the power of compress and uncoil palm, within 3-5 seconds. Perform exercise 5-10 times repeated, but now with folded hands thumbs down.

Stand up straight arm to separate the sides. Make small circular movements with his hands back and forth Perform the exercise 15 - 20 times in each direction.

Stand up, put his feet shoulder-width apart. His right hand raised up and bent over her head. The left hand to start behind his back and join hands behind his back. Then just repeat the exercise, changing hands. Doing exercise 5-10 times with each hand.

Stand facing a wall at a distance of half a meter, put the feet shoulder width apart, arms straight, palms touching the wall. Doing push-ups from the wall, raise your elbows to the sides. Perform the exercise 15 - 20 times.

Put your palms on the chest. Rotate the hand first clockwise and then - against. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms apart. Make a circular motion hand clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform each exercise for 1-2 minutes.

Stretch your arms in front of him, between his palms hold a thick book. Raise your hands up, and then return them to their original position. Repeat 10 times.

After charging, take a contrast shower or wipe the chest with a piece of ice, and after - rub with a towel. If you do exercise regularly for breast, breasts will be beautiful and elastic.

Proper nail care after extension


Today, at the peak of popularity of different procedures nail. These services are offered in almost any interior.

Indeed, it is a fast and efficient way to give, even very careful on the nature of the arms, well-groomed appearance.

But once parted with artificial beauty, many women face problems of their natural given the nature and nails.

As a rule, the nails passed through the building process, losing a healthy appearance, become brittle, start to exfoliate. What to do? For such nails need special care to bring them back "to life."

Proper nail care after extension

Reduce process of stratification will help nail the hot salt bath. This requires the solution of one cup of water and a teaspoon of sea salt. Dip your hands in the solution for 20-30 minutes and relax. Listen to music, watch a movie, and the time will fly by faster than you think, and your nails get a little charge of health.

It is important to regularly - indulge handle such baths should be daily for 7-10 days. For best results a month procedure can be repeated.

For the layer of nails also suitable weekly oil "mask." Makes them better for the whole night. Apply olive oil on your hands, wear cotton gloves. While you're watching dreams vitamins contained in oil, will help to strengthen the structure of the nail.

And yet - if exfoliate nails, set aside manicure scissors. These nails better handle non-metallic sawing. Thus hands must not be wet, so as not to damage a nail.

If the nails become brittle?

Then they need additional moisture. In addition to daily use nourishing hand cream, you also need 1-2 times a week to rub into the nails of certain essential oils of plants.

For example, almond oil makes the nail plate elasticity, soften the skin around the nail and lemon oil stimulates healthy growth and reduces brittleness.

Subsequently, in order to avoid unwanted problems with nails, as well as prevention, simple rules should be followed:


- In any case do not skimp on a good basis for paint;

- Polish remover only use liquid oil-based, rather than products containing acetone.

- Do not forget to arrange nails "fasting days"

- Pamper them at least once a week, bath, at night be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

Make your nails healthy and strong as can proper nutrition.


Diversify your diet dairy products, dried apricots, raisins, tomatoes, baked potatoes and orange juice.

This food is rich in calcium and is indispensable for the beauty of natural nails after a build-up.


Author Oksana Badyaeva

Secrets of beauty and attractiveness, supermaska ​​wrinkle

 Secrets of beauty and attractiveness, supermaska ​​wrinkle

The article describes the family Secrets of beauty and attractiveness.

I am 35 years old. I often hear compliments that I look very young, 10 years younger than his age. The same is said to my mother, and even grandmother.

Surrounding believe that in our family such genes.

In fact, we just have a small family and women's beauty secrets of attraction.

In a lot of our diet fruits and vegetables, as well as dishes of sea fish. It contains fatty acids which protect the skin from premature aging.

We try to be active, a lot of walking in the fresh air, to do morning exercises. Many masks and creams do themselves from herbs, fruits and vegetables.

To cleanse the skin, I was stirred for 1 h. Liter. coffee pulp with half a banana and nanoshu mixture on your face for 3-5 minutes. This mask I do every 2 weeks.

Spring feeding my skin gives a mask of sour cream. Freshen the face helps infusion chamomile or cucumber juice.

Supermaska ​​wrinkle

The unique recipe is a mask of wrinkles for all skin types, which I use myself. The mask moisturizes the skin and provides it with all the necessary vitamins, because of this - it helps to extend the youth.

Before the procedure need to scrub clean the face, the mask is better absorbed into the skin.

To cooking masks combine 1 tbsp. l. white clay and 1 hour. L. glycerin, add 1 hour. L. sea ​​buckthorn oil and 1 h. l. water.

All of this mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on your face evenly on 15 min, then a water rinse. After use your face cream.

This mask of wrinkles is very effective and inexpensive. All components are no problem to buy in any pharmacy. I do supermasku wrinkles 1-2 times a week and very happy with the result. Try it and see for yourself.

How to care for your hands

I want to share my knowledge to care for your hands. Wash hands should be lukewarm waters. AND cream, it is desirable to apply immediately.

If your skin is coarse, helps broth celery (it you need to cook for 30 minutes in 1 liter of water). Then the broth cool slightly and lower in his hands for 10-15 minutes. After dry with a soft towel and apply a nourishing cream.

It is useful to do and special gymnastics

Lean elbows on the table and join hands. Clutching fingers as much as possible, push the palm of your hand. From this statement describes brushes circles in one and in the other direction.

Make a fist, then with force unclench, taking his fingers as much as possible further back. Interlace your fingers into the lock. Rotate thumb around one another.
