How to become beautiful and healthy with the help of power


Creams, lotions, cosmetics, and then a plastic surgeon ... We do so hard to look young and attractive, but it can be much easier to achieve. Enough to pay attention to what we eat. A well-chosen products can do far more good than cosmetic procedures.

Look younger will help almonds

It contains a lot of vitamin E, which is an essential component of the anti-wrinkle creams. It has a lot of fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the skin, and the antioxidant selenium. Just a beauty parlor in a small Die! But keep in mind that nuts very high in calories, so that a handful a day should be sufficient.

Healthy nails

Eat a lot of protein, and your nails will be strong and shiny. Chicken breast, turkey, tuna and beans - delicious source of protein.

Shining hair

Foods rich in vitamin C - a great way to transform dull hair into brilliant. Large amounts of vitamin B contain eggs, milk, green vegetables and poultry meat. In order for hair supple, healthy and shining, silicon is important. Sources of this mineral - raw oatmeal, skin cucumber, onion and green beans.

We struggle with dry skin

The skin is dry and flaky? Try to prepare fish for dinner. Particularly useful for skin fish containing a lot of fat, such as trout or salmon with lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which moisturize the skin and great care for her.

Pimples and blackheads

Tired of wiping the skin lotions, from which there is still no sense? Add more zinc in the diet and calcium. Swedish researchers found that patients in the diet which had a lot of products containing zinc, for three months got rid of 85% of acne. A lot of zinc in seafood, oysters, turkey, eggs and milk. Everyone knows that calcium is needed for bones, but it also helps to get rid of pesky pimples. To clean your skin, eat more milk, low-fat cheese and yogurt.

Down wrinkles

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, and the more collagen, the more elastic your skin, and wrinkles are formed much more slowly. One kiwi contains daily rate of the vitamin. A lot of vitamin C in rose hips, cauliflower, red pepper. But in citrus, contrary to popular belief, it is less.

White teeth

We all know that coffee and tea give a yellowish teeth plaque, and a sweet lead to tooth decay. But there are products that act directly opposite way. Apples and celery help clean and whiten your teeth. So be sure to eat an apple for dessert!

Farewell, dark circles and bags under the eyes

If you have it, this may be due to a lack of vitamin C and iron. Try to cook chicken breast (lots of iron) with red or yellow bell pepper, add onion and garlic, and get the low-calorie and tasty dish. As a result, and get rid of under-eye circles.

Shining Leather

You want to skin looked fresh and healthy? Drink plenty of water. It sounds trite, but - the absolute truth. Water flushes toxins and hydrates the skin, helping it to look young, radiant and supple.


These are substances that fight free radicals that destroy healthy cells. Antioxidants will not only help in the fight against aging, but also prevent many serious diseases, such as cardiovascular or cancer of the skin. Tomatoes contain three antioxidant - beta-carotene, vitamin C and lycopene. Fresh or canned tomatoes or tomato juice - choose what you like best. For best results add to a dish of tomatoes a little olive oil, which promotes the absorption of lycopene.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Cyrus Rovenko.

The secret of attraction


It is believed that the first people pay attention to the eyes of the interlocutor, and then, on his lips and a smile. However, to this day a clear "rating" attention-grabbing features do not exist. Try to understand ...

The secret of attraction is disclosed?

A few days ago appeared on the internet site "Center for the Study of first impressions" - a project created with the support of CLEAR Vita ABE, in which people examine the exterior.

The purpose of the study - statistically validated data on what the key parts of human appearance form a first impression of him. Everyone knows that "meet on clothes," but only if it's the matter?

It is believed that the first people pay attention to the eyes of the interlocutor, and then, on his lips and a smile.

However, to this day a clear "rating" attention-grabbing features no one was, even though polls on this subject have been many.

"We applied a scientific approach to the study of the formation of first impression, - says Roman Ustyuzhanin specialist, guiding research in the" Center .... "

For research, we invited volunteers - women and young people. Then randomly divided into pairs, and each pair of an experiment.

During the communication pairs, we recorded rather than spoken words as the reaction of the body that reads sensor equipment, the so-called indicator of psycho-physiological reactions. These reactions have told us a lot. "

For example, along with the predictable conclusions about what the eyes, lips, hair - the main thing that attracts attention, it turned out that in a person's appearance has a number of distracting details. Sometimes they can be perceived positively, in other cases - to form a negative attitude in advance, which would be difficult to fix.

For example, freckles, according to the test results, attention is pulled, while not in themselves form a negative evaluation. But unshaven, unkempt hair can spoil the impression once and for all.

The same list can be added too pronounced make-up, crumpled clothes, dandruff (the latter is perceived very negatively and even confuses the interlocutor), etc.

Secrets summer makeup


In the summer do not have to give up makeup. It may well persist throughout the day, despite the heat and sweat on your face. Summer makeup should be light and delicate. After all, your beauty in a hot season can be stress and with the help of bright dresses and showy accessories.

To make persisted longer need to do it wisely and properly fastened.

Without foundation

Before you apply makeup, be sure to wash thoroughly, and then wipe the face, neck and décolleté tonic. Then apply to the skin daily moisturizer selected according to the type of your skin.

When meteorologists predict almost tropical heat, it is best to abandon the use of foundation. Minor blemishes can be hidden by a masking pencil, and more visible - with the help of light and delicate tonal emulsion.

Do mascara?

On the eyelids, apply a shadow. In the summer is better to use dry shade as liquid at high temperatures can be collected in the pores, and wrinkles significantly impairing your appearance. Then you need a little touch up the eyelashes and eyebrows.

If they are dark by nature, it is better to abandon the use of mascara. Enough to put a little light on them gel. Eyebrows can be lubricated moisturizer - they darken slightly and gain luster. If you have light lashes, do not give up the carcasses, but your choice on water-resistant species that do not let you down in any weather.

Move the eye contour pencil, but only the upper eyelid but. If you are used to certainly apply eyeliner on the lower eyelid, it is better to make it as thin and delicate to use a pencil, not flashy colors.

It is necessary to know

Face and neck should be protected from intense sunlight. To color the skin in these areas did not differ from the shade of tan on the body, use creams or cream for sunless tanning.

If you decide to abandon the use of summer mascara pamper lashes. Morning and evening, rub them therapeutic composition of castor oil solutions of vitamins A and E.

Glossy lips

The skin on the lips need to moisturize and nourish. At night, apply the cream on it, and the day use cosmetics that not only embellish the lips, but also provides the proper care of them. It is better to opt for a lipstick containing UV filters, vitamins A and E.

For summer makeup podtopilo longer translucent shiny lipstick or lip gloss. If the skin on the lips is too dry, use a good hygienic lipstick or Vaseline, which nourish the skin.

Lips circle outline with a pencil. First make a loop on the upper lip, drawing a line from the center to the corners, and then causing a continuous line along the contour of the lower lip. Color contour pencil must be the same (or a darker tone) as lipstick or gloss.

Before using lipstick, lightly powder the lips or apply concealer. If you choose a lip gloss, it is not necessary. Makeup can be fixed with the help of a humidifier in the aerosol.

Some cosmetic companies produce finished "haze". You can make them yourself, filling the sprayer with mineral water without gas.

Correct makeup

If your makeup during the day under the influence of sweat erased or preprinted paper, it is necessary to update. Therefore it is better to carry at least a minimum set of cosmetics. If you are using only eye shadow and blush, you can easily wash and apply again.

If before leaving the house you are dealt a foundation and make-up to complete the program, then quickly delete it and make a new one will be difficult. In this case, you can only slightly improve it. Soak the pot sanitary napkin.

Powdered skin that shine - forehead, nose and chin. Then apply a lip gloss or lipstick and spray a "mist" at a distance of 20-30 cm.

Do not forget

In your purse should be: a moisturizer, toner, milky lotion or cream, cotton swabs and sticks, compact powder, lip gloss or lipstick, and spray humidifier.
