Very attractive and devilishly clever women


All very attractive and devilishly clever women just need to keep what they have created hard work - their beauty and health. After all, nothing is given for a reason, and even more beautiful. It - an insidious, requires more and more new victims in the form of effort, time, labor and money investments.

So, not only fitness, aerobics and dieting are the "creators" of beauty in a woman.

What else? These tips are just for you, desperate beauty, tirelessly toiling on their appearance and health-conscious in the name of peace on earth, which is designed to save your enduring beauty.

First of all, I want to remind that all people live in harmony and unity with the universe, so to be always beautiful, you need to nurture and protect their health, have the skills of positive thinking, inner harmony, directly connected with the knowledge of their place in life.

To get all this, you need to go through life in accordance with natural laws. Here are the main ones:

• Law of the sun. Man can not live without the gentle rays of the distant star, so ardently beloved. With the help of sunlight, we not only get a divine tan, but a necessary and fill our body with vitamin D.

• Water Act. Without water there is no life. Because of the water is a large part of the body (50-70%), water is vital to us. We simply have to eat as many fruits and vegetables to nourish yourself minerals and drink clean water at least 1 liter per day.

• Air Act. It is necessary to acquire the skills of proper breathing, and be outdoors as often as possible and longer. Correct, heals the human breath is (as the work of the heart muscle!) Of three phases: 1) involuntary silent inhalation (required through the nose); 2) an exhalation; 3) a brief pause - pause. All three phases are equally important, equally suitable

• The law of motion. Movement is life. For a better metabolism and metabolism of muscle, you need to be very active throughout their lives. This means that the daily sports training should be given at least 20 minutes.

• The law of harmony. Girls, remember that the main cause of your troubles and diseases - is the lack of harmony in your life and finding the inner contradiction in itself. Learn to think positively, to love ourselves and all that surrounds you.


The next thing that must be remembered, is the ability to liberate themselves properly. What it is? Let me explain. The fact that people are mentally enslaved standard cliches of thinking imposed on us by TV, the people around them, even to the rhythm of life, etc. Sometimes you feel in a certain cell ...

So to prevent this from happening you need to internally liberated, breaking standards and go beyond dogmas and stereotypes. There is one interesting and funny way - imagine that you are not a man but an animal. Any: cat, dog, horse, etc. Choosing a zoo image, try to become one.

Within 10-15 minutes behave like an animal: navigate, make sounds that are typical for him to imitate his behavior in different situations, using all their imagination. In carrying out this exercise for a few days, you will feel much freer.

Awake with the idea!

How to start a day of each person? That's right, with the awakening. And as soon as you open your eyes, what do you do? You get out of bed and decide to lie a little longer? Certainly not, the first thing you do - it will think. Every day, in the morning we wake up thinking about something.

Very often, when we think of awakening that have not yet done or that has somewhere to be late. This inner dialogue is not positive, and destructive character. And it was from our inner spirit from our thoughts and dependent beauty. You have to create for itself a specific set of tones and positive thoughts for you:

"I'm good, I loved", "I am happy, and all the difficulties I meet with a smile." Smile as often as possible, especially in the morning in the mirror itself. If your dear little face would shine radiant smile, you will not only raise the mood around, but they themselves will gain vigor and vitality.

In addition, with the help of a smile, you can easily avoid various critical situations that so often ruin your mood for the day.


Stress. It is the eternal companion of life in metropolitan areas. Unfortunately, to get rid of stress is impossible. Therefore, we must learn to manage their emotions, to any stressful situation could not harm you, because uncontrollable negative thoughts and emotions destroy your spiritual structure.

Self-control - is not only the external balance, and calm the internal reaction to external stimuli. Of course, not the fact that not showing negative emotions, you will thus avoid their negative effects on the body. But we must be able to transform negative energy into positive.

After all, our world is dual. In each event there are negative and positive. And which side of this duality, you will notice at some want to concentrate their attention, such energy and charge. Look for the positive in everything. It is a panacea from all illnesses and troubles in life.


I want to remind you about love, about the magic and the most powerful spiritual force. In principle, it built all the world religions. Love does not obey the logic and reason, it is selfless. Everyone wants to be happy in love to another person.

But to have this priceless gift - the gift of a happy love, should follow two rules:

1. see a partner a free person, not an object of possession, do not take it as a property;

2. reveal themselves for a loved one, and only then comes the dissolution of two beings in one another.

In love, we closed on the energy partner, which results should be the creation of a third person - your child in common. To reach the highest stage of love - love for all living things in the universe, you need to cultivate within ourselves the feeling of love. Create a vibration of love energy within and around you.

Mentally visualize it and try to feel. The more often you do it, the faster you will notice that all around you began to change. Will your aura, you will feel more alive.

People around you will feel you are different, they will be pleased with you, joy and warmth. All your beauty lies within you, you only need to see her, to uncover and release outside.

So do not waste time, peers, disclose, be happy and remain very attractive and devilishly clever women!

How to make the right makeup

 how to make the right makeup

The face - the area is unsuitable for experiments. It is a reflection of our soul and spirit, which is not "paint over" and not "zashtrihuesh" any cosmetic products, as it sometimes might wish.

This means that the approach to the selection of the "right" makeup, which should not "paint" a new face and emphasize the natural beauty - it is very serious and responsible.

How to choose the right makeup

The most important thing in it - not to destroy, but to identify those undoubted advantages which nature endowed you with the birth.

Sit down to the mirror, look into his reflection more closely. State the purpose and goal - what you want? Otten different colors dignity of his face, giving them a certain playfulness, or, conversely, the solemnity? Or, to put the so-called "neutral" makeup, which is based on a combination of color, eyes, hair?

In the first case, preference is given to a set of makeup, which may contain a variety of color tones in the second - only "warm", natural colors (gold, beige, brown, brown or beige).

And in any case, do not attempt to try on a "foreign person", that is to repeat itself make "Tanyuha from next door." The same type of make-up will look on different people in different ways, and that is Tanyuha, you can simply spoil.

How to Apply Makeup

We now list a few simple rules applying makeup.

By the dark paint is to resort when you want to create the impression that your eyes are brighter than they did nature. However, only if the eye is not black or dark brown.

Dark and flashy, bright colors (black pencil, crimson, scarlet lipstick, blue or violet shade, brick blush) will approach a natural brunette with dark skin.

These colors will give you a "rock" image, but do not overdo it with him - too hard can make you play bad joke, otpugnuv men whose attention you seek.

And it was a blunder looks too garish cosmetics use natural blonde with fair skin - they are often bright makeup looks just vulgar.

How to make the right makeup, the secrets of perfect make-up


It should match the color of your skin. Cream yellowish foundation will give your face austerity, pink - will create a more youthful image. At the same time the yellow color will help disguise signs of fatigue and "shadows" under the eyes. Do not forget to apply foundation on your neck! Otherwise, wilt tread on it clearer.


Best of all, if the powder is a semitone-tone lighter than your skin color. This will give it the effect of "transparency". At the same time, the purse should be more dark powder - it can disguise the sudden defects: bruises, pimples, burned and peeling in the sun noses and cheekbones.

Experts recommend not to use a compact and friable powder - it is more naturally falls on the face, and sometimes is not visible at all prying eyes.


Want your eyes become a sparkling, mysterious, alluring? It is not difficult to achieve, if we impose the upper eyelid shade lighter shade. Using shadows silver emphasize the natural eye color and attract the attention of others.

It must be remembered that the owners of blue and pale green eye shadows should prefer brick, pink, dark blue and golden color. If you have dark green eyes, your color - purple, bog-green, gray and light brown. For brown eyes are almost all colors except a light pink and blue.


Only quality, with a rounded brush, which will not leave any lumps! Color can be any, but it is worth remembering that the color ink will emphasize eye color and black - their shape.


Using the contour pencil is mandatory. It should be a tone darker than the lipstick you use. Pencil not only emphasize the shape of the lips, but will hold on lipstick on her lips much longer.

Samu lipstick or lip gloss applied with a brush, after applying a little blot lips with a napkin, and then powder the apply lipstick.
