Beauty thighs or how to get rid of cellulite

 Beauty hips

Cellulite - is a real scourge for the shapely female legs. They suffer not only from the curvaceous young ladies, but also quite anemic women. And the thing is that cellulite is an outward sign occurring within metabolic disorders. If you are driving the wrong way of life, regardless of the weight of your body may appear undesirable "orange peel". How to fight it?

Proper nutrition

This is one of the key factors contributing to the prevention and treatment of cellulite. The very root of the "orange events" is that disrupted cell nutrition, stagnant liquid oxygen supply is deteriorating. This contributes to poor diet, plenty of animal fats in the diet, harmful products. Smoked, buns and pastries, fried foods, fast food, fatty meats (pork) - all these should be excluded from the diet.

The most interesting thing to stick to any diet is not necessary. You can eat several times a day, the main thing is not to overeat or eat unhealthy foods, which we discussed above. Your menu should be present cereals, steamed vegetables, cooked in a double boiler, fish, fruit.

Heavy drinking

Another important point is the use of a sufficient amount of liquid. On the day should drink about two liters of water, and if a light soup is believed that black tea and coffee - on the contrary, increase the diuretic effect, so it should be deleted. Conventional non-carbonated water - that's what you should be drinking during the day. This fluid helps to stimulate metabolism, and if you receive less of her, it will affect your body.

Physical activity

Do not forget to play sports. This is extremely important, as it helps improve blood circulation. And if the blood and lymph are actively moving through the vessels and in the intercellular space, and supply the body with oxygen and nutrients will be at the proper level.

Baths with anti-cellulite oils

This method is complementary to the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, as described above. In itself it has no effect, as well as all kinds of massages and wraps. Agree, how can help a bath or special underwear cellulite, if you continue to live the same lifestyle that caused the problem? How can help massage for 2 thousand rubles (price may vary), which you connect to the cellulite area if, instead of an active lifestyle and balanced diet continue to sit in a chair, looking television, sipping coffee and podkurivaya another cigarette? These additional means are good as a supplement to the three above postulates contributing to the prevention and treatment of cellulite.

Thus, anti-cellulite bath oils. We can recommend this recipe: in a glass bowl to drip 2 drops of oil of lemon, geranium and rosemary. Top pour the foundation as almond or orange oil.

Tip: Not every pharmacy you can find a natural essential oil of orange, so we'll show you how to do it herself. Cut off the rind with a few oranges, put in a jar of glass and pour vegetable oil is odorless, until the level is slightly higher than the height of the crusts. Cover the jar with a lid and keep the container for 4 days in a dark place. You can then use the base. You have got a natural orange oil.

Anticellulite massage

After the bath is very useful to light anti-cellulite massage. Also, it can be done in half an hour before breakfast. It stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph, and the following day the activity will be a great addition to this procedure.

The main rules that you must follow when performing a massage at home, are as follows:
- Clockwise run by clicking on the problem areas, and against - light strokes,
- With the outer side of the thigh massage is performed from top to bottom and from the inside - the contrary,
- Buttocks massage in a circle - from the center to the sides.

Before performing the massage you need to prepare your skin - steam or rub with a towel. Then it is cleaned and applied a cream to moisturize. After that comes the turn of massage oil or honey. The frequency of procedures - 12 times with an interval of one day. It is necessary to perform two courses with an interval of 4 days.

To master the technique of cellulite strokes, you can enroll in a massage, or you can download the video instructions.

Methods of breast augmentation

 Methods of breast augmentation

Beautiful breasts has always been considered a decoration of the female body. However, not always a decoration given to a woman by nature. Some injuries and congenital diseases can also deny even the young girl natural forms. In order to feel confident and aware of their beauty, many decide to artificial methods of breast enlargement. Today there are many ways to not only change the size, but also change the shape of the breast.

The easiest method is to use creams and gels. Many are skeptical about it, but it is undeniable that this method really works. It is for the most part did not increase breast and tightens it, giving the skin much more elastic. The result: beautiful and fit shape of the breast, which contributes to its visual increase.

All of the processes that occur with breast directly depend on a number of hormones. Its growth is no exception. To activate it using special pills and other medications that accelerate the development of fabrics. They cause the actual increase in breast size. However, they have one serious drawback, which does not have a professional and high-quality breast augmentation. It is the change in hormonal levels. This can lead to very serious consequences, ranging from obesity to cancer breast. So take risks with their health is still not worth it.

Gymnastics and special exercises - it is quite an effective method to increase, which does not pose any harm. Here there is overuse of the muscles that connect the chest with his shoulder and armpit. This causes a slight lifting of the thorax and increase volume. Exercises are many, ranging from simple push-ups, completing a whole complex. They are a must for those who lose weight, but wants to maintain a beautiful chest.

Perhaps the last and most urgent step method can be considered. As a rule, it lays it on the back burner. Perhaps it is more radical welcome, but one thing is certain: it gives instant and guaranteed result. If doctors believed that no contraindications for this, it is possible to apply such a method. But it has some consequences, particularly if you are planning to have a baby in the future.

Beauty thighs or how to get rid of cellulite

 Beauty hips

Cellulite - is a real scourge for the shapely female legs. They suffer not only from the curvaceous young ladies, but also quite anemic women. And the thing is that cellulite is an outward sign occurring within metabolic disorders. If you are driving the wrong way of life, regardless of the weight of your body may appear undesirable "orange peel". How to fight it?

Proper nutrition

This is one of the key factors contributing to the prevention and treatment of cellulite. The very root of the "orange events" is that disrupted cell nutrition, stagnant liquid oxygen supply is deteriorating. This contributes to poor diet, plenty of animal fats in the diet, harmful products. Smoked, buns and pastries, fried foods, fast food, fatty meats (pork) - all these should be excluded from the diet.

The most interesting thing to stick to any diet is not necessary. You can eat several times a day, the main thing is not to overeat or eat unhealthy foods, which we discussed above. Your menu should be present cereals, steamed vegetables, cooked in a double boiler, fish, fruit.

Heavy drinking

Another important point is the use of a sufficient amount of liquid. On the day should drink about two liters of water, and if a light soup is believed that black tea and coffee - on the contrary, increase the diuretic effect, so it should be deleted. Conventional non-carbonated water - that's what you should be drinking during the day. This fluid helps to stimulate metabolism, and if you receive less of her, it will affect your body.

Physical activity

Do not forget to play sports. This is extremely important, as it helps improve blood circulation. And if the blood and lymph are actively moving through the vessels and in the intercellular space, and supply the body with oxygen and nutrients will be at the proper level.

Baths with anti-cellulite oils

This method is complementary to the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, as described above. In itself it has no effect, as well as all kinds of massages and wraps. Agree, how can help a bath or special underwear cellulite, if you continue to live the same lifestyle that caused the problem? How can help massage for 2 thousand rubles (price may vary), which you connect to the cellulite area if, instead of an active lifestyle and balanced diet continue to sit in a chair, looking television, sipping coffee and podkurivaya another cigarette? These additional means are good as a supplement to the three above postulates contributing to the prevention and treatment of cellulite.

Thus, anti-cellulite bath oils. We can recommend this recipe: in a glass bowl to drip 2 drops of oil of lemon, geranium and rosemary. Top pour the foundation as almond or orange oil.

Tip: Not every pharmacy you can find a natural essential oil of orange, so we'll show you how to do it herself. Cut off the rind with a few oranges, put in a jar of glass and pour vegetable oil is odorless, until the level is slightly higher than the height of the crusts. Cover the jar with a lid and keep the container for 4 days in a dark place. You can then use the base. You have got a natural orange oil.

Anticellulite massage

After the bath is very useful to light anti-cellulite massage. Also, it can be done in half an hour before breakfast. It stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph, and the following day the activity will be a great addition to this procedure.

The main rules that you must follow when performing a massage at home, are as follows:
- Clockwise run by clicking on the problem areas, and against - light strokes,
- With the outer side of the thigh massage is performed from top to bottom and from the inside - the contrary,
- Buttocks massage in a circle - from the center to the sides.

Before performing the massage you need to prepare your skin - steam or rub with a towel. Then it is cleaned and applied a cream to moisturize. After that comes the turn of massage oil or honey. The frequency of procedures - 12 times with an interval of one day. It is necessary to perform two courses with an interval of 4 days.

To master the technique of cellulite strokes, you can enroll in a massage, or you can download the video instructions.
