Methods of breast augmentation

 Methods of breast augmentation

Beautiful breasts has always been considered a decoration of the female body. However, not always a decoration given to a woman by nature. Some injuries and congenital diseases can also deny even the young girl natural forms. In order to feel confident and aware of their beauty, many decide to artificial methods of breast enlargement. Today there are many ways to not only change the size, but also change the shape of the breast.

The easiest method is to use creams and gels. Many are skeptical about it, but it is undeniable that this method really works. It is for the most part did not increase breast and tightens it, giving the skin much more elastic. The result: beautiful and fit shape of the breast, which contributes to its visual increase.

All of the processes that occur with breast directly depend on a number of hormones. Its growth is no exception. To activate it using special pills and other medications that accelerate the development of fabrics. They cause the actual increase in breast size. However, they have one serious drawback, which does not have a professional and high-quality breast augmentation. It is the change in hormonal levels. This can lead to very serious consequences, ranging from obesity to cancer breast. So take risks with their health is still not worth it.

Gymnastics and special exercises - it is quite an effective method to increase, which does not pose any harm. Here there is overuse of the muscles that connect the chest with his shoulder and armpit. This causes a slight lifting of the thorax and increase volume. Exercises are many, ranging from simple push-ups, completing a whole complex. They are a must for those who lose weight, but wants to maintain a beautiful chest.

Perhaps the last and most urgent step method can be considered. As a rule, it lays it on the back burner. Perhaps it is more radical welcome, but one thing is certain: it gives instant and guaranteed result. If doctors believed that no contraindications for this, it is possible to apply such a method. But it has some consequences, particularly if you are planning to have a baby in the future.

Teeth whitening at home, the easy way

 Teeth Whitening

Each of us drinks coffee daily, or "chasing teas", each eating something, and a lot of the food consumed is natural or artificial colors, every other one of us smoke. All of this great influence on color of tooth enamel, which, unfortunately, each year looks increasingly not great. In this article you will learn the basic rules and simple, effective ways to whiten teeth at home, as well as folk remedies.

In commercials and on billboards we see white smiles of children and adults, and our teeth, as not chew Orbit, have some yellowness. Because the teeth are not been cleaned, it appears in a very small part of the population. Basically, each of us in the mornings and some evenings drayat teeth according to the rules. Still, the desired whiteness is not. This is because the color gives no plaque on the teeth, which is removed toothbrush, toothpaste, and a pigment, or coloring eats into tooth enamel. But I want to, like in the movies. And success in any business is easier to achieve more and those with a pleasant smile.

Although dentists claim that a stronger yellowish enamel, many of us are trying to whiten it.

At home, you can perform mechanical and chemical whitening.

Mechanical - a tooth brushing with abrasive powder is very fine, powdery consistency. If you brush your teeth with something that is a part of the larger particles can scratch the enamel and make cavities. Use for a clean soda, activated carbon, salt. This press hard on the teeth brushing is not recommended. Also a little to whiten your teeth at home, you can use the powder of dried milk or normal tooth powder (if you find it).

The chemical methods include applying to the teeth chemicals capable of discoloring yellowish enamel.

The most reasonable and effective tool in this process - the special whitening gel, sold in pharmacies or directly to dental offices. Apply it should be according to the instructions, or brush, or by means of so-called kappa.

Folk remedies recommended to bleach the enamel ordinary strawberries, causing the crushed berries on the teeth and gums. A pleasant way, is not it? The only trouble is that ineffective.

Another very useful fruit, which can whiten the enamel - a lemon. You can simply regularly after every meal chewing his crust, you can apply the juice on the gauze and wet their teeth, it is possible to drip juice powders for cleaning teeth. But we must remember that undiluted lemon juice has quite a strong acidic environment, which not only bleaches the enamel, but it effectively destroys.

For prevention, as well as a regular daily enamel whitening method can be several times a day to rinse the oral cavity with solutions of essential oils of peppermint, orange, grape, lemon, grapefruit.

For more consistent effect and faster whitening results, it is better to spend in hospitals, to professionals. The procedure takes no more than a couple of hours. Doctors use a special highly concentrated gel, which can not be bought in pharmacies, and the catalyst. But to achieve the desired quickly and use special UV lamps, special himsoedineniya and laser.

What a way to choose, everyone decides for himself. But there are some general rules.

The first - before bleaching the enamel in any way necessary to consult with your dentist. Enamel everyone is different. Some of it is strong, and some weak and thin. After this bleaching the enamel becomes painful, faster destroyed.

Second - do not use any bleaching process, besides the daily preventive rinse well, and orbit more frequently than once every two weeks or at the doctor's recommendations.

The third - to remember that only the natural bleached enamel. Bleach artificial teeth, crowns, fillings impossible. They can only be replaced.

Fourth - much better to have a strong healthy teeth, even if slightly yellowish than active too hasty actions to bring them to destruction.

Teeth whitening at home, the easy way

 Teeth Whitening

Each of us drinks coffee daily, or "chasing teas", each eating something, and a lot of the food consumed is natural or artificial colors, every other one of us smoke. All of this great influence on color of tooth enamel, which, unfortunately, each year looks increasingly not great. In this article you will learn the basic rules and simple, effective ways to whiten teeth at home, as well as folk remedies.

In commercials and on billboards we see white smiles of children and adults, and our teeth, as not chew Orbit, have some yellowness. Because the teeth are not been cleaned, it appears in a very small part of the population. Basically, each of us in the mornings and some evenings drayat teeth according to the rules. Still, the desired whiteness is not. This is because the color gives no plaque on the teeth, which is removed toothbrush, toothpaste, and a pigment, or coloring eats into tooth enamel. But I want to, like in the movies. And success in any business is easier to achieve more and those with a pleasant smile.

Although dentists claim that a stronger yellowish enamel, many of us are trying to whiten it.

At home, you can perform mechanical and chemical whitening.

Mechanical - a tooth brushing with abrasive powder is very fine, powdery consistency. If you brush your teeth with something that is a part of the larger particles can scratch the enamel and make cavities. Use for a clean soda, activated carbon, salt. This press hard on the teeth brushing is not recommended. Also a little to whiten your teeth at home, you can use the powder of dried milk or normal tooth powder (if you find it).

The chemical methods include applying to the teeth chemicals capable of discoloring yellowish enamel.

The most reasonable and effective tool in this process - the special whitening gel, sold in pharmacies or directly to dental offices. Apply it should be according to the instructions, or brush, or by means of so-called kappa.

Folk remedies recommended to bleach the enamel ordinary strawberries, causing the crushed berries on the teeth and gums. A pleasant way, is not it? The only trouble is that ineffective.

Another very useful fruit, which can whiten the enamel - a lemon. You can simply regularly after every meal chewing his crust, you can apply the juice on the gauze and wet their teeth, it is possible to drip juice powders for cleaning teeth. But we must remember that undiluted lemon juice has quite a strong acidic environment, which not only bleaches the enamel, but it effectively destroys.

For prevention, as well as a regular daily enamel whitening method can be several times a day to rinse the oral cavity with solutions of essential oils of peppermint, orange, grape, lemon, grapefruit.

For more consistent effect and faster whitening results, it is better to spend in hospitals, to professionals. The procedure takes no more than a couple of hours. Doctors use a special highly concentrated gel, which can not be bought in pharmacies, and the catalyst. But to achieve the desired quickly and use special UV lamps, special himsoedineniya and laser.

What a way to choose, everyone decides for himself. But there are some general rules.

The first - before bleaching the enamel in any way necessary to consult with your dentist. Enamel everyone is different. Some of it is strong, and some weak and thin. After this bleaching the enamel becomes painful, faster destroyed.

Second - do not use any bleaching process, besides the daily preventive rinse well, and orbit more frequently than once every two weeks or at the doctor's recommendations.

The third - to remember that only the natural bleached enamel. Bleach artificial teeth, crowns, fillings impossible. They can only be replaced.

Fourth - much better to have a strong healthy teeth, even if slightly yellowish than active too hasty actions to bring them to destruction.
