How to be beautiful and to preserve youthfulness

 How to become krasiovoy

Continuation of the article How to become beautiful and secret recipe of youth

Now, in fact, anti-aging treatments. Morning every normal human being begins with washing. This is a simple and familiar since childhood we all action, is also a big influence on the premature aging of the skin. More precisely, it does not affect the very washing and the water that we use. As you know, water canal carried water disinfection. And rightly so, that is held, but ... in the water virusoubivayuschie chemicals simultaneously and youthfulness of our skin are killed.

Sorokapyatiletney known story of one woman whose fate, for three months, has thrown in the remote village where not only about luxury cosmetics is not heard running water from birth had never seen. Water is the old-fashioned hauled in buckets from a well or taken from a spring. At first the woman, and she came to the program with the purpose of the Red Cross charity events, very worried.

Anti-aging treatments

But the use of the purest spring water for washing and drinking for three months to make the skin younger years desyat.V home, too, need not wash with water from the tap, and specially prepared.

Tap water first advocate because many harmful chemical elements under the influence of sunlight break. Then it is poured into a plastic bottle and frozen and thawed before washing. Such a simple and totally free method is quite effective in combination with other methods gives good results.

How to keep youth

The second little secret of preserving youth - washing using icicles. In this way, used by many of the greats, such as Catherine II. It is very useful to prepare the ice from a variety of juices, an unfinished tea or decoction of herbs. And if you do this procedure contrast, then there's the rub rubbing ice alternated with hot herbal tinctures and decoctions, the effect will turn out stunning.

This procedure performs the function of massage, because in her the vessels in the skin dilate the narrowed and eventually become stronger, become elastic. In addition, this procedure narrows the pores and smooths wrinkles.

To do it, there are some rules. First - you need to start slowly and do not overdo it. Some advise to do this procedure once or twice a week, but every day it does not hurt if it is carried out in moderation.

The second rule - to-prepare the ice in any case should not get solid particles, even the tiniest, ie liquid Ice should be perfectly clean and transparent. Otherwise, the skin applied microtrauma, visible or invisible to the eye, but in any case insecure. After washing icicles sure to put on face cream good quality.

How to become beautiful, the recipe of youth

Finally the mask. They can be bought in the store, but you can prepare yourself. Recipes various masks, there are about a thousand. Each of them is useful in its own way, each has its own nuances and each takes time.

But it is possible to act in a different way. One woman, who was in his late fifties, looked no older than forty. Her secret was simple - it is every day, "spoiled" your skin with something tasty, and not spending a lot of time. For example, prepare tomato salad - cucumbers, lubricate the skin with a piece of cucumber or tomatoes.

After 10-15 minutes, washed and went to lubricate the skin with olive oil. Some of it is absorbed, and some can be wiped with a napkin. In the same way she did daily minimaski and other vegetables and fruits. Of course, this method is not a replacement masks, specially prepared and include many ingredients.

The method that most women is an excellent and useful addition, and apply it to each of us can. Then our mirror will show all right.

How to make a beautiful and resilient chest, chest exercises

 How to keep the breast beautiful and elastic

Useful article on how to do a breast beautiful and elastic. Concern about the beauty of the breast-feeding and care will not require much of your time. Most importantly, it is necessary every day to take a cool bath or sponging.

Cool water will make your skin supple and lovely massage you get by rubbing with a towel.

The most vulnerable point in the body is often the chest. At night, our chest badly supplied with blood, improves circulation and is not constant wearing bras.

To make breast beautiful and elastic, prevent disease, breast cancer, to do exercises to strengthen the chest. Begin doing exercises with a minimum load can be gradually increased.

The exercises for the chest:

Get up, stretch your arms forward at shoulder width, and slowly, with force as if overcoming resistance, arms out to the side, then return the arms to the starting position. Do exercise 10 - 15 times.

In a standing position, raise your hands up and with the power of your right hand to press on left for 4 - 5 seconds, then change hands. Perform the exercise for the chest should be 5 times with each hand.

In the supine position, putting his hands on her shoulders. Slightly straining, slowly raise your elbows to the sides and to the starting position. Do exercise 20-25 times.

Kneeling down, hands shoulder-width apart to separate and lean your hands on the floor. Bending and extending your elbows, wrung from the floor, and the chest should touch the floor. The exercise 5-10 times.

Stand up, put your hands behind your head, slowly, to reduce stress and raise your elbows back and forth. To make breast beautiful and elastic carry out this exercise 20 - 25 times.

Stand straight, arms bent at chest level, palms folded together thumbs up. With the power of compress and uncoil palm, within 3-5 seconds. Perform exercise 5-10 times repeated, but now with folded hands thumbs down.

Stand up straight arm to separate the sides. Make small circular movements with his hands back and forth Perform the exercise 15 - 20 times in each direction.

Stand up, put his feet shoulder-width apart. His right hand raised up and bent over her head. The left hand to start behind his back and join hands behind his back. Then just repeat the exercise, changing hands. Doing exercise 5-10 times with each hand.

Stand facing a wall at a distance of half a meter, put the feet shoulder width apart, arms straight, palms touching the wall. Doing push-ups from the wall, raise your elbows to the sides. Perform the exercise 15 - 20 times.

Put your palms on the chest. Rotate the hand first clockwise and then - against. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms apart. Make a circular motion hand clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform each exercise for 1-2 minutes.

Stretch your arms in front of him, between his palms hold a thick book. Raise your hands up, and then return them to their original position. Repeat 10 times.

After charging, take a contrast shower or wipe the chest with a piece of ice, and after - rub with a towel. If you do exercise regularly for breast, breasts will be beautiful and elastic.

How to become a beautiful woman without makeup: natural makeup


How to become a beautiful woman without makeup?

"Natural make-up." It is no secret that bright makeup ages many persons. And if in 20 years, it might just as well in the 30 - is no longer so obvious. In addition, obscuring, concealing and zapudrivaya unhealthy skin,

we often neglect treatment, conduct is not the most healthy way of life, and from that age in the truest sense of the word.

If you think that a natural make-up - it's the morning rinse with cool water face and run for blossoming and shining - this is a big mistake.

To a certain age face looked completely made up, but it is fresh and beautiful, it takes time   (fashion shows creation of a "totally painted faces" mannequin takes 4 hours) and money - "natural" cosmetics must be very high quality.

But there is no choice - with the age of have to hide the fact that your face is dyed .   and showing it quite "natural" youth, freshness and color.

Master-class beauty

One of the main means of expression is a natural makeup chiaroscuro.

The dark tones of colors narrows, deepens and distance; and light - expand, and increase the closer.

Therefore, all that they want to reduce the optically deep and narrow, covered with a dark tone or a powder, and what they want to increase and expand, on the contrary - "lightens".

At the same foundation and rouge are the main tools of make-up and their purchase should be approached with the utmost care. We'll have to forget about the lip pencil, liquid eyeliner, black mascara, bright lipstick, blue, green, anthracite and dark brown shade, and - about everything connected with sparkles.

The color of lipstick should be as precise as possible to repeat the color of the lips when you're hot, you got excited or thrilled - as a last resort, to be darker than the tone of the color of the lips. Blush (preferably dry and be sure to pastel pink) should have a good fit shade of lipstick.

Black ink may be used only brunettes and dark-haired, whose black eyelashes and eyebrows; the rest is better to use brown and dark gray ink.

A few useful tricks of natural beauty

• Apply makeup desirable in bright daylight (or even just the bright uniform light)

• Do not forget to lightly wet sponge before the shading liquid tone

• Pumps tone toward gun hairs on the cheeks - from nose to ears

• around the eyes and on the wings of the nose uses a special tone concealer or just one shade lighter

• Powder darker and lighter shades can slightly adjust the relief of the face: lighten receding chin, high cheekbones and shade, etc.

• Blush superimposed on those places that are the most at a smile

• Light shade of blush on convex parts of the face (forehead and chin) makes natural color

• To use the touch-up brow dry shade rather than a pencil

• Do not apply mascara on lower lashes

• Do not trace the lip pencil, and that their path was more precise, put on lip tone and powder them before embellishment

• Pumps lipstick with a brush, first circle the loop, then - small strokes across lips

• Better yet, do not use lipstick and lip gloss tinted

So you reached the age of natural make-up - you for 30. It's fine. Aside from the fact that the natural make-up does not distract from the sight of irregularities, redness of the skin, pigmentation, fine lines - all your natural beauty - at a glance.

I am sure that you, like any woman, I miss the time when "natural makeup" for you was not the hour romp with ten powder and blush shades and natural tones - a quick morning washing.
