Beautiful breasts outstanding female dignity exercises for the chest

 Secrets of a beautiful female breast

On that first of all pay attention to a man in women's appearance? Well, all in different ways, of course: someone pays attention to the beautiful eyes, someone - an unusual hair color, someone - on beautiful legs, someone - the whole piece as a whole.

Breast size does not matter

But most men is indifferent to the female bust. Although opinions are divided. Some may be surprised, but not all men like big sizes. Many prefer the so-called average size "C grade".

A lot of those who delighted solely on a small chest - no more than a first size, arguing their preferences so that a small, neat breasts will never lose its shape, even after delivery. She did not face the likelihood that over time it may droop, losing its former elasticity and roundness, unlike a magnificent bust.

Anyway, our chest - not the last weapon in the fight for male attention. And so worthy of attention and care, proper care from our side.

And may we always have the possibility of some disadvantages to disguise clothing, special underwear, bras push-up, but we need to be confident in the beauty of their breasts, even when it is not covered by clothing.

Breast Care

When it comes to the beauty of the body, there will have to forget about his laziness. Because there is no "magic" creams, gels, and so on. F. You will not achieve such results as with regular exercise.

Oh, you are too lazy? Or once to improve their body? Well, sorry, you will be no one to blame but himself, the flaws in the figure. Another thing, when you all a happy - that's another conversation.

So, consider some of the most effective exercises to maintain the shape of the breast.

We got up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulders, looking ahead, breathe evenly and deeply. Begins to rotate his hands describing wide circles, first forward, then backward. Making 20 approaches on each hand.

Flexed his arms at chest level parallel to the floor, elbows to the sides, fists opposite each other. Doing energetic swings, throwing elbows and shoulders as far back: once or twice.

Expand the housing side, while keeping an eye to the hip remained in its original position. At the same time as energetically do mahi, spreading his hands wide in all directions parallel to the floor, like a bird its wings in flight three or four. Making 20 approaches to each side.

Put your hands on the belt and begin to rotate your shoulders back: one, two, forward three or four. 20 approaches.

Finally, one of the most efficient exercises

He flexed his arms at chest level as indicated in the second exercise. Just resting the fingertips of both hands at each other. And we start with an effort to press. Elbows is not lowered, keeping parallel to the floor! We count to 20. Or, you can not push with your fingertips and palms, thumbs up.

Different push-ups, or, if it is not possible for you, from the wall of the bed. E. Any exercise with emphasis on strengthening the pectoral and shoulder muscles.

Massage - an excellent tool not only for breast but also for our whole body.

Triturate the breast in a circular motion while distributing traffic so that they were directed upwards.

Well do light massage special gloves or hard sponge.

Kind of massage ice cubes. Produced also in a circular motion from the bottom up. Ice is made on the basis of useful herbs: nettle, or chamomile, or a mixture of several herbs, wide selection.

And remember, it is better to give these exercises for 15-20 minutes a day, but every day than today to seven pots puff a couple of hours - and forget about exercise for the whole week, or even month.

The effectiveness of all the physical activities depends on the regularity of their conduct.

We Author Tatiana G. for the site to site Magazine women's secrets

Beautiful breasts outstanding female dignity exercises for the chest

 Secrets of a beautiful female breast

On that first of all pay attention to a man in women's appearance? Well, all in different ways, of course: someone pays attention to the beautiful eyes, someone - an unusual hair color, someone - on beautiful legs, someone - the whole piece as a whole.

Breast size does not matter

But most men is indifferent to the female bust. Although opinions are divided. Some may be surprised, but not all men like big sizes. Many prefer the so-called average size "C grade".

A lot of those who delighted solely on a small chest - no more than a first size, arguing their preferences so that a small, neat breasts will never lose its shape, even after delivery. She did not face the likelihood that over time it may droop, losing its former elasticity and roundness, unlike a magnificent bust.

Anyway, our chest - not the last weapon in the fight for male attention. And so worthy of attention and care, proper care from our side.

And may we always have the possibility of some disadvantages to disguise clothing, special underwear, bras push-up, but we need to be confident in the beauty of their breasts, even when it is not covered by clothing.

Breast Care

When it comes to the beauty of the body, there will have to forget about his laziness. Because there is no "magic" creams, gels, and so on. F. You will not achieve such results as with regular exercise.

Oh, you are too lazy? Or once to improve their body? Well, sorry, you will be no one to blame but himself, the flaws in the figure. Another thing, when you all a happy - that's another conversation.

So, consider some of the most effective exercises to maintain the shape of the breast.

We got up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulders, looking ahead, breathe evenly and deeply. Begins to rotate his hands describing wide circles, first forward, then backward. Making 20 approaches on each hand.

Flexed his arms at chest level parallel to the floor, elbows to the sides, fists opposite each other. Doing energetic swings, throwing elbows and shoulders as far back: once or twice.

Expand the housing side, while keeping an eye to the hip remained in its original position. At the same time as energetically do mahi, spreading his hands wide in all directions parallel to the floor, like a bird its wings in flight three or four. Making 20 approaches to each side.

Put your hands on the belt and begin to rotate your shoulders back: one, two, forward three or four. 20 approaches.

Finally, one of the most efficient exercises

He flexed his arms at chest level as indicated in the second exercise. Just resting the fingertips of both hands at each other. And we start with an effort to press. Elbows is not lowered, keeping parallel to the floor! We count to 20. Or, you can not push with your fingertips and palms, thumbs up.

Different push-ups, or, if it is not possible for you, from the wall of the bed. E. Any exercise with emphasis on strengthening the pectoral and shoulder muscles.

Massage - an excellent tool not only for breast but also for our whole body.

Triturate the breast in a circular motion while distributing traffic so that they were directed upwards.

Well do light massage special gloves or hard sponge.

Kind of massage ice cubes. Produced also in a circular motion from the bottom up. Ice is made on the basis of useful herbs: nettle, or chamomile, or a mixture of several herbs, wide selection.

And remember, it is better to give these exercises for 15-20 minutes a day, but every day than today to seven pots puff a couple of hours - and forget about exercise for the whole week, or even month.

The effectiveness of all the physical activities depends on the regularity of their conduct.

We Author Tatiana G. for the site to site Magazine women's secrets
