Beautiful woman - male gaze


Beautiful woman - it is a profession, and everything else - a pure amateurism.


Every woman wants to be beautiful always, in an important date for all or for someone single.

Who can define the criteria, if the beauty - it is a subjective and vague concept and it depends largely on perception. The same woman, two representatives of the stronger sex they see a completely different one - and the ideal of the goddess, the second - unremarkable feminine identity.

And yet - it means beautiful woman with a male point of view?

As you know, man, everything should be fine. But that may be said about the soul, the first impression it looks. If you compile the most popular opinion, are perceived by beautiful women who have:

Neat appearance

Perhaps the man will never be able to determine in detail what your skin type, whether fashionable hairstyle and the percentage of split ends (if this man is certainly not shocked star Sergei Zverev).

But on the level of perception, they always celebrate matte and elastic skin, shiny and beautifully arranged (or "natural" tousled) hair, light natural make-up and neat clothes. A foundation imposed spots on peeling skin, chapped lips and red bloodshot eyes, certainly, you push us away from the image of a beautiful woman.

Describe exactly what it is groomed - it is impossible. The main thing is to constantly monitor themselves and care for the skin, hands, hair and body according to its type of skin and hair. The final touch give light unobtrusive perfume.

Proportional facial features and expressive eyes.

Of course, not everyone is given the nature of the complete harmony of features: large eyes, well-defined eyebrows, neat nose, chin, and their relationship with each other. But it can be a little bit to adjust by using makeup. And all this does not mean fraud.

After all, if you like the person, you will become more serious your relationship, the more it will assess internal qualities of the soul, or rather, the harmony between the inner and outer qualities.

And if it is only about visual perception, what difference to him what you look like without makeup? And, by the way, Sophia Loren nose is far from the ideal shape, and who turn the language to call it ugly? And expressive eyes evaluated by different people in different ways.

The proportional figure.

And here we are not talking about the skinny or full - because men like different, and certainly not a faceless standard. Did Marilyn Monroe look skinny? The main thing that the figure was taut and elastic ass.

Breast size - also not an indicator of beauty, some people like a magnificent breasts, and some small finds benchmark. And the word "cellulite" men began to realize only by the number of articles on the subject and our groans.

The stylish and tasteful clothes.

Figure-hugging clothes flowing soothing colors, high heels, long hair and beautiful manicure - one of the most attractive images.

Second - sports, and it is: short hair, jeans, comfortable but elegant shoes.

The third image of an attractive, surprisingly, business woman. Business, but not a boring suit, neat: hairstyle, manicure and makeup.

The main thing is to wear what suits you, hides the flaws and emphasize the advantages. Fashionable skirt on you or not, few men pay attention to it.

But accuracy - one of the components. Twisted pantyhose, gathered pleats, slovenly blouse and stretch skirt with spots automatically reduce your chances of getting into the top most beautiful ladies.

The secret of attraction


It is believed that the first people pay attention to the eyes of the interlocutor, and then, on his lips and a smile. However, to this day a clear "rating" attention-grabbing features do not exist. Try to understand ...

The secret of attraction is disclosed?

A few days ago appeared on the internet site "Center for the Study of first impressions" - a project created with the support of CLEAR Vita ABE, in which people examine the exterior.

The purpose of the study - statistically validated data on what the key parts of human appearance form a first impression of him. Everyone knows that "meet on clothes," but only if it's the matter?

It is believed that the first people pay attention to the eyes of the interlocutor, and then, on his lips and a smile.

However, to this day a clear "rating" attention-grabbing features no one was, even though polls on this subject have been many.

"We applied a scientific approach to the study of the formation of first impression, - says Roman Ustyuzhanin specialist, guiding research in the" Center .... "

For research, we invited volunteers - women and young people. Then randomly divided into pairs, and each pair of an experiment.

During the communication pairs, we recorded rather than spoken words as the reaction of the body that reads sensor equipment, the so-called indicator of psycho-physiological reactions. These reactions have told us a lot. "

For example, along with the predictable conclusions about what the eyes, lips, hair - the main thing that attracts attention, it turned out that in a person's appearance has a number of distracting details. Sometimes they can be perceived positively, in other cases - to form a negative attitude in advance, which would be difficult to fix.

For example, freckles, according to the test results, attention is pulled, while not in themselves form a negative evaluation. But unshaven, unkempt hair can spoil the impression once and for all.

The same list can be added too pronounced make-up, crumpled clothes, dandruff (the latter is perceived very negatively and even confuses the interlocutor), etc.

How to prolong youth and beauty of the skin


Every woman dreams of a clean and firm skin, prolong youth and beauty of the skin in several ways.

It is only necessary to know how to select and apply some cosmetics. As cosmetic preparations can use natural ingredients.

For example, herbs, honey, walnuts, sour cream, etc. Creams, masks, massage oils and herbal infusions can be prepared at home.

Clear skin, you will steam bath. For this it is necessary to boil the water and add the 3-4 drops of tea tree oil. The vessel is then remove from heat and cover with a towel, sit over the steam for 10 minutes.

If your skin is irritated, make compresses with a decoction of yarrow (4 tablespoons dry grass, yarrow, and 500 ml. Of water), boil for 15 minutes. Then cool, soak a soft cloth and apply on face for 15 minutes.

You can also make a poultice of mallow (4st. Tablespoons dried flowers, mallow, 500 ml. Of water), boil for 15 minutes. Cool and also soak a soft cloth. Put on your face for 15 minutes. This compress helps to get rid of spider veins on the face.

You can use tincture of witch hazel. He particularly useful for those who have oily skin. Infusion hamamelis reduces sebum secretion and reduces pores.

Particularly effective tincture of witch hazel and rose tincture (50ml. Hamamelis 50 ml. Infusion of roses, 10 ml. Of fruit vinegar), all mixed and applied to the skin massaging movements. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Very useful with the addition of cream St. John's wort oil. Take 50 ml. the basis for the cream and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil of hypericum. Apply to your face. After a few treatments, you will notice that your skin will become more elastic.

If you feel that the facial skin has become dry, buy coconut oil and rub into the skin. The beneficial effects of coconut oil due to the presence in the kernel of coconut biotin and vitamin NA is needed for the body substances that affect the appearance of the skin.

Improve metabolism and nutrition skin, the honey will help. In this case, the honey can be eaten and used as an external agent, i.e. in the form of masks.

To prepare the mask you need to mix 2 tablespoons. spoon sour cream and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Cooked mixture put on the face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Honey mask is especially recommended for sagging skin, because the mask contains a range of vitamins and other nutrients that help heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Make it more elastic and smooth.

Author Tatiana Markinova
