Secrets and prescription youthful skin and facial beauty

 How to become beautiful, the secret recipe for youthful skin, beauty secrets

Mirror, mirror, tell me ... What does the mirror?

Any real woman looks in the mirror dozens of times a day. And if at a young age that it shows the most beautiful woman like something closer to forty, almost every one of us begins to notice a variety of small and large defects.

Someone skin was loose, someone is too dim. Someone wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead and nose were. In short, the mirror is necessary to decide something.

How to become beautiful

Now, to make the mirror "to show correctly", that is, to bring back the old skin fresh and young, there are a lot of methods and more beauty salons, ready for you to use any of them.

A massage for the face, various peels, laser resurfacing and, bioreinforcement and Botox injections, surgical skin tightening. Of course, all of these procedures give a good effect. Just not every one of us has the opportunity to attend the expensive salons, and everyone wants to look good.

Donate here for years and can be tested more than one generation of women folk methods. Of course, they will not give such a tremendous and rapid effect as Botox injections or a lift, but with the right and, most importantly, in a systematic and long-term use will enable a long stay young and beautiful.

Recipe youthful skin

At home, you can make a variety of masks and peels. But you need to start the rejuvenation as it may seem trivial, not from outside but from within. No masks and creams do not help to look good, if you do not take care of their health.

By the way, in professional beauty salons for many treatments for rejuvenation without a doctor does not even come from.

Wrote extensively about health can be a lot. In general, we note that regular lack of sleep, even a young age the skin, leaving it dull and lethargic.

Owners of the bags and dark circles under the eyes does not hurt to check for the presence of cervical spondylosis and osteoarthritis, as well as to find out if there are any problems with the kidneys and heart.

If everything is in order, you need to revise your daily routine and try to carve out more time for rest and walks in the fresh air.

Dull skin can be caused by the same lack of sleep, and may indicate spasms of the neck muscles. And of course, long work at the computer, daily drinking liters of coffee and a pack of cigarettes smoked has this defect considerable service.

Beauty Secrets persons

Now a few words about food. It must be right, this one does not argue. I would like to just add to the facial skin look young for a long time, be sure to eat a lot of raw vegetables and some raw vegetables.

Those who do not otmahnetsya from this council and it will follow, will be surprised how to change the skin of a person for a month.

It is very useful and tasty to eat fruit is not just after washing them under the tap, and are prepared from fruit salads.

The main rule of the salads that there are no rules. They are made from any fruit available. Melons could be coming. Mince all the ingredients you need to fill a mixture of honey and sprinkle with grated nuts. Yummy - Yum.

And if you replace this dinner salads, you can get a double effect - and rejuvenation and slimming. From vegetables to rejuvenate the most suitable tomato and sweet red pepper.

It is also useful to chew parsley. Good and carrots, you want to grate or chop in a blender, and then add raisins or honey.

How to improve complexion

As well, very helpful every day to drink fresh juices. Manually prepare them practically impossible, then you need a juicer. Juices are prepared not only from fruit but also from carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, even parsley.

Another useful blend juice, fruit or vegetable. Regular consumption of at least a month to help align the complexion, smooth out fine wrinkles, and if there is no underlying disease, get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes.

To be continued ...

How to be beautiful and to preserve youthfulness

 How to become krasiovoy

Continuation of the article How to become beautiful and secret recipe of youth

Now, in fact, anti-aging treatments. Morning every normal human being begins with washing. This is a simple and familiar since childhood we all action, is also a big influence on the premature aging of the skin. More precisely, it does not affect the very washing and the water that we use. As you know, water canal carried water disinfection. And rightly so, that is held, but ... in the water virusoubivayuschie chemicals simultaneously and youthfulness of our skin are killed.

Sorokapyatiletney known story of one woman whose fate, for three months, has thrown in the remote village where not only about luxury cosmetics is not heard running water from birth had never seen. Water is the old-fashioned hauled in buckets from a well or taken from a spring. At first the woman, and she came to the program with the purpose of the Red Cross charity events, very worried.

Anti-aging treatments

But the use of the purest spring water for washing and drinking for three months to make the skin younger years desyat.V home, too, need not wash with water from the tap, and specially prepared.

Tap water first advocate because many harmful chemical elements under the influence of sunlight break. Then it is poured into a plastic bottle and frozen and thawed before washing. Such a simple and totally free method is quite effective in combination with other methods gives good results.

How to keep youth

The second little secret of preserving youth - washing using icicles. In this way, used by many of the greats, such as Catherine II. It is very useful to prepare the ice from a variety of juices, an unfinished tea or decoction of herbs. And if you do this procedure contrast, then there's the rub rubbing ice alternated with hot herbal tinctures and decoctions, the effect will turn out stunning.

This procedure performs the function of massage, because in her the vessels in the skin dilate the narrowed and eventually become stronger, become elastic. In addition, this procedure narrows the pores and smooths wrinkles.

To do it, there are some rules. First - you need to start slowly and do not overdo it. Some advise to do this procedure once or twice a week, but every day it does not hurt if it is carried out in moderation.

The second rule - to-prepare the ice in any case should not get solid particles, even the tiniest, ie liquid Ice should be perfectly clean and transparent. Otherwise, the skin applied microtrauma, visible or invisible to the eye, but in any case insecure. After washing icicles sure to put on face cream good quality.

How to become beautiful, the recipe of youth

Finally the mask. They can be bought in the store, but you can prepare yourself. Recipes various masks, there are about a thousand. Each of them is useful in its own way, each has its own nuances and each takes time.

But it is possible to act in a different way. One woman, who was in his late fifties, looked no older than forty. Her secret was simple - it is every day, "spoiled" your skin with something tasty, and not spending a lot of time. For example, prepare tomato salad - cucumbers, lubricate the skin with a piece of cucumber or tomatoes.

After 10-15 minutes, washed and went to lubricate the skin with olive oil. Some of it is absorbed, and some can be wiped with a napkin. In the same way she did daily minimaski and other vegetables and fruits. Of course, this method is not a replacement masks, specially prepared and include many ingredients.

The method that most women is an excellent and useful addition, and apply it to each of us can. Then our mirror will show all right.
