Useful tips and tricks
To get rich and get rich first Pay yourself!
In order to secure a decent future, not necessarily to indulge in all and save, save, save. Can you, for example, to remember at the end of the month, what exactly you spent your salary? Most people will not be able to recall the fate of at least 10-15% of the money.
And for the working life of a man who earns, say, fifteen hundred dollars a month, it is already more than 100 000. In order not to wonder where you are Delhi are the same 10-15% of their salary, learn to set aside a certain amount every month after payment of mandatory expenditure ( utility bills, mortgage payments, the cost of mobile communications, etc.).
If you put off what is left at the end of the month, I am sure that at the end of the month you have nothing to be postponed. Please pay yourself!
How to get rich and become rich
Start today
When money is working for a long time, then they have the effect of compound interest works. Sam Albert Einstein called compound interest "the greatest discovery of mankind." What is this effect? It's very simple: when money is working constantly, they are increasing exponentially. For example, you invest $ 100 at the end of each month at 10% per annum.
In this case, in a year you will have just 1254 dollars. But after 10 years it will be 20 026 dollars, and after 30 years - 206 696 dollars. And if you do not put at 10% and at 20%, this amount will be equal to 1,555,766 dollars.
At the same time the actual amount that you put off, will be only 36 thousand. Dollars. In other words, the earlier we start to invest and the more quality work of your money, the greater will be the effect on your investment.
For example, in our example above, if you divide half a million dollars on the number of months that have passed 30 years, you get more than 4 thousand. Dollars. That's how much will it cost each month for which you have postponed this possibility.
Take a chance
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. For investments that phrase fits perfectly. Without risk there is no income and money. Do not be afraid to take risks. After all, the worst that can happen - you will lose some money. This is not fair.
Every day, we run the risk of their lives, without realizing it (driving a car, crossing the street, in the subway). But you do not think about it, when you sit behind the wheel, go outside or go in the subway.
You know that if you do not go to the oncoming lane, to move in the wrong place, or too close to the edge of the platform, then you'll be fine. Otherwise you will not be out of the house (which is also not 100% safe). So it is with investments. If you learn to "safety rules" and get the necessary experience, you will feel confident.
How to get rich to form
Do not be "Fomami unbelievers." The easiest way to say "It's all MMM! "And with a sense of pride in the fact that it is not allowed themselves to" cheat "to abandon the proposal to invest the money somewhere. Explore the investments that you make the offer. On the Internet, hundreds of pages devoted to mutual funds, securities, real estate and precious metals.
In bookstores dozens of books devoted to personal finance. Read the book by Robert Kiyosaki in a series of "Rich Dad" or our book, the Russian financial expert Heinrich Erdmann, my good friend. You will discover many interesting things. I personally know people whose lives changed dramatically after reading these books.
Do not count on state
Needless to say that our country, for that matter, any other, do not take care of you in old age, do not provide you with decent free health care and free your children quality education.
I think that the illusions have no one left. If you do not take care of the children and of themselves, then in retirement you will about the same, they have a modern Russian pensioners - a miserable existence.
Create your own personal pension and education of their children.
And this should be done long before the time comes to retire or pay for the child's education. It is better for dozens of years earlier.
If you follow these simple tips to
get rich, I am sure that the management of personal money you will find a simple and exciting experience that brings a good income.