Jobs and careers or household?

 Career or family?

Have a happy woman who firmly know their destination. Some vigorously climb higher on the career ladder steps success, others with pleasure and nursing babies are household. Yet the majority at a certain point in their lives wondering which of these paths to choose.

Jobs and careers or households

The most common problem of such a choice opens when a young woman, married, is preparing to become a mother or has become of it. New circumstances, new experiences open up previously unknown to her world. Before that woman seemed natural and right to work a lot to improve in the profession, but now she gladly immersed in the care of the home, of her baby and the man she loved.

When the family wealth to ensure the success of a husband, a choice between a career and the life of the housewife becomes a dream or a fantasy, but a reality. If you have reached a point of such a choice, take it seriously. Do not give in to emotions, taking a responsible decision, weigh all.

Career woman or a housewife

After selecting the job, you should be aware that some family interests will inevitably suffer, at least for the duration of your active growth. A successful career in the modern world rarely leaves the possibility to spend with loved ones as much time as we would like. Working mothers often feel guilty in front of their children; it seems to them that they deprive children with warmth and attention.

This choice is easier given to those who does not like household chores and bored alone. If you are more likely to remember how it was interesting to work on a new project, and call colleagues to learn the latest business news, most likely, it is worth thinking about returning to work. If your morning starts with a thought about how cool will not rush the preparation of plans and intricate dishes next to the family dinner, you might not want to rush something in life to change.


On the other hand, choosing a family and a house instead of professional development, consider whether you will be tormented over the years by the fact that not realize their potential, have not achieved recognition and success. It just seems to be to sacrifice career for the children and home comfort - noble and beautiful. If you feel like doing it as a victim, most likely you will make a mistake.

We can not ignore such factors as the influence of family, friends, and family. Of course, well, when they support you, regardless of your decision. But if the opinion of relatives at odds with your own concept of a correct choice, do not rush to change his mind. Go its own way - badly. But it is much worse if this path, moreover, was not chosen by you.

How to choose

And the choice is complicated by the fact that even the same woman at different stages of life can feel the craving for hearth and home, the desire to place in business or his profession. Unless you are one of those lucky women whose choice internally predetermined once and for all the doubts and hesitations, perhaps you will visit more than once in their lifetime.

Making a decision to refrain from following the stereotypes and fashion. And yet - note that today the way careerists and housewives can often overlap and even coincide. Did you - one of those energetic women who can be both a successful business mistress, loved and loving wife and caring mother.

And maybe, with joy and pleasure doing household and family issues, you'll find yourself passing in freelance or become famous on the web spaces of the blogger.

Do not limit your choice of flimsy framework - and then your path will be successful and happy, no matter what you choose. Jobs and careers or household, career woman or a housewife?

Looking for a new job ...


Gone are the days when a woman married, fully devoted themselves to family and children, forgetting the career.

Nowadays, most women prefer to work after marriage, combining work with child-rearing and household duties.

After all, for many women it is very important and self-realization of the opportunity to be independent. However, each of us probably change jobs. And many did not even once.

Dismissal - in any case it is always stressful. Whatever the circumstances are not at work. Just comes a point when we realize that there is no other choice, or because of circumstances or because of inability to understand the career.

Each of us, just make a decision to leave and looks to the future with optimism. Not always knowing what is waiting for us really.

But his resignation already on the table boss, we say goodbye to our colleagues and all employees, and for the first time feel the true freedom from the comfort of an office building ...

The first two weeks after the dismissal of a sense of relief. This is the time we tend to dedicate himself beloved. Meeting with friends, going to the theater and cinema. All that at that time we did not have long left.

We revel in the freedom and feel that life is beautiful. This euphoria can not destroy anyone. However, the most important thing at this stage not to lose his head, and by the time and not get carried away by the full freedom too.

On the third week of dismissal, slowly comes the understanding of what is already tired of excessive freedom. Most of the cases have already done. I get bored sitting at home bored and constantly hanging out with friends.

There is an active search for an answer to the question: what exactly to do next. And the obvious answer - to seek work. And to start from scratch: make summaries, send it to sites. At this stage the most important thing is not to despair if you suddenly give up, and believe in themselves.

In the fourth week after the dismissal felt bewilderment and confusion. Unsettled depressing. Many start to feel lazy and incompetent. It begins to seem that there is no normal operation. And creeps first doubts about the validity of the dismissal. What further escalate the situation.

The most important thing at this stage is not to give up and not throw everything in the middle. Do not succumb to melancholy mood and continue the search for a new job.

The fifth, sixth and sometimes seventh week we panic. We feel like failures and worthless people. First of all, we start torturing fear of lack of money in an already difficult time. During this period, we must try as much as possible to reduce their costs and be more economical.

A week later, it is just a shame. And the banal: "What will people say? "I do not sleep. I do not want any regrets about dismissal or look in the eyes of friends and acquaintances failure.

The ninth week rolls longing for their former place of work. And remember only the good. A friend from a neighboring department. Handsome system administrator, always ready to help and not so boring chef seemed before.

The belief that the dismissal was the right decision, every day melts like snow in the spring. At this stage the most important thing is not to feel sorry for the departure (although this is very difficult), and even more so in any case not to go back.

At the tenth week, we just start to drift completely lost faith in their abilities. Realizing that so go on can not. But do not despair, because the search for work - is also a work and not the easiest.

Therefore, only faith in their own strength can help us overcome the depression started after the dismissal and to find decent paying jobs y.

Author Anastasia Khachatryan

Looking for a new job ...


Gone are the days when a woman married, fully devoted themselves to family and children, forgetting the career.

Nowadays, most women prefer to work after marriage, combining work with child-rearing and household duties.

After all, for many women it is very important and self-realization of the opportunity to be independent. However, each of us probably change jobs. And many did not even once.

Dismissal - in any case it is always stressful. Whatever the circumstances are not at work. Just comes a point when we realize that there is no other choice, or because of circumstances or because of inability to understand the career.

Each of us, just make a decision to leave and looks to the future with optimism. Not always knowing what is waiting for us really.

But his resignation already on the table boss, we say goodbye to our colleagues and all employees, and for the first time feel the true freedom from the comfort of an office building ...

The first two weeks after the dismissal of a sense of relief. This is the time we tend to dedicate himself beloved. Meeting with friends, going to the theater and cinema. All that at that time we did not have long left.

We revel in the freedom and feel that life is beautiful. This euphoria can not destroy anyone. However, the most important thing at this stage not to lose his head, and by the time and not get carried away by the full freedom too.

On the third week of dismissal, slowly comes the understanding of what is already tired of excessive freedom. Most of the cases have already done. I get bored sitting at home bored and constantly hanging out with friends.

There is an active search for an answer to the question: what exactly to do next. And the obvious answer - to seek work. And to start from scratch: make summaries, send it to sites. At this stage the most important thing is not to despair if you suddenly give up, and believe in themselves.

In the fourth week after the dismissal felt bewilderment and confusion. Unsettled depressing. Many start to feel lazy and incompetent. It begins to seem that there is no normal operation. And creeps first doubts about the validity of the dismissal. What further escalate the situation.

The most important thing at this stage is not to give up and not throw everything in the middle. Do not succumb to melancholy mood and continue the search for a new job.

The fifth, sixth and sometimes seventh week we panic. We feel like failures and worthless people. First of all, we start torturing fear of lack of money in an already difficult time. During this period, we must try as much as possible to reduce their costs and be more economical.

A week later, it is just a shame. And the banal: "What will people say? "I do not sleep. I do not want any regrets about dismissal or look in the eyes of friends and acquaintances failure.

The ninth week rolls longing for their former place of work. And remember only the good. A friend from a neighboring department. Handsome system administrator, always ready to help and not so boring chef seemed before.

The belief that the dismissal was the right decision, every day melts like snow in the spring. At this stage the most important thing is not to feel sorry for the departure (although this is very difficult), and even more so in any case not to go back.

At the tenth week, we just start to drift completely lost faith in their abilities. Realizing that so go on can not. But do not despair, because the search for work - is also a work and not the easiest.

Therefore, only faith in their own strength can help us overcome the depression started after the dismissal and to find decent paying jobs y.

Author Anastasia Khachatryan
