Anti-routine therapy


You think that your career has come to a standstill? You devoured routine? With this urgent need to do something, otherwise life will soon begin to appear dark and joyless, you fall into a depression ... What steps should be taken? If your job has turned into a routine, it means

she no longer pleases you. You go to the office exclusively for salaries, and hence a minute there you seem endless.

To check whether you are in a trap routine, you can ask yourself the following questions:

- Do you feel that your work you are interested in?

- Does it require you to mobilize all your forces and the best quality?

- When you think about that ahead of the long working hours, you feel excitement?

If these questions are answered "no" - it's time to come to grips with the routine. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

So you need to take the following steps:

1. Make a decision: what kind of job you really want. People often complain that they are not satisfied with the work, but the answer to this question can not. They say they want to change something, but what exactly - do not know.

Find the courage to think about what you want. Even if at first glance it seems that the dream is not feasible, specify it. And even better - make a list of ten things that you enjoy doing the most.

Then select the three most favorite things. And think - on what work you could do that?

2. Set a goal. The main goal should be, of course, to work a pleasure. But you now need to formulate a smaller goals that will help you achieve major.

Then - break them down into small steps. For example, if you want to create your own beauty salon, you first need to talk to people who already have a business, then a business plan (it may require additional knowledge), to find a room, to find the means, etc.

3. Determine the time frame. For each of the prescribed purposes set deadline. Try to adhere to these deadlines. After all, if you plan to make, for example, your hobby work, it will require you to discipline.

In his current work, you do not allow yourself to delay the deadlines, as well? So why can avoid this with their own dreams?

4. ACTION! Start doing something - the most difficult. And when it comes to realizing the dream, then certainly. After all, subconsciously, we are afraid that it will not work, and then have to admit to myself: I can not do that.

Much easier to present themselves in the mind of the fashion salon hostess than to take concrete steps, right? Try to cope with their fears.

Tell yourself that even if you will fail, you can always try his hand at something else.

And find yourself another chore will be able to even more.

Take the first step, and with each successive you will be happier and easier to engage in the embodiment of their dreams!

Change the course of the work!


How many of us at least once in my life wanted to radically change their lives - namely, to throw a boring job and go to work in a completely different field of activity? But only a few really embody his desire. How did manage to make such a breakthrough?

Of course, not everyone should change their career. After all, your dissatisfaction may be due to many factors: the chief, tyrant, poor working conditions, lack of career ...

And sometimes - and just lingering bad mood. Often, to solve all of these problems can be talking to management or, in the end, going to work in another company.

However, if you really hate the scope of activities in which labor, it is worth thinking about fundamental changes.

What do you need to change careers?

- Do not make any sudden moves, first carefully think things through.

First of all - analyze how current employer can help you. It is not excluded that, after talking with him, you will be able to find another position within the same company.

- Think about what you have just drawn, what would you like to do. But abstract "want" is not enough - you need to make this work inspires you, that you may be ready to act.

- If you can not decide Browse Jobs completely different company - perhaps at the sight of one of them, something "clicks" in, and you want to work precisely in this position (or company).

But do not threaten the position of chief or leading experts in the areas which you know virtually nothing. It is better to start small and gain experience, move up the career ladder to the top.

- There are some areas where you can come without experience, but also, you will pay even during training. Look for vacancies where competitors offer such conditions. - In some areas it is now an acute shortage of staff.

If you're lucky - you can take and without experience in good position. In order to look after a "sweet spot" more often communicate with their friends and ask to keep you informed if their employers need staff.

- If you want to err - not to quit his job, start to learn a new profession. For example, make an evening or online courses, or even go to study at any university in absentia. Skills absorb, there is a small break-in. So you get experience, and still get paid at your old job.

- Do not focus. If you can not "penetrate" into the area where you would like to work - look for other activities, which can also bring you pleasure, but are easier to make money with them.

Believe me, there are areas of activity.

And if they are even remotely related to the job of your dreams, but it is possible that with time and help you realize your desires in life.

How to overcome his timidity


How to overcome his shyness and get other people to respect themselves. We often someone shy, shy in front of someone and just fear may bully who will not let you in night club (even if you have a license and a friend who works behind the bar)

new boyfriend or your girl (handsome with money that you do not miss a chance podnachit, which has everything that is not you). And what if the shy man - you zabivshiysya the corner - can be the most confident person? If you have never thought about such a possibility, then think again.

With the following tips, you'll be the guy to whom others will shyly lowered his eyes down, when you go in the room, and those who make a normal healthy man scream if you are close to make any sudden movements. You have to admit, it sounds tempting, does not it? So that's how you have to behave for that.

Ideal confident person.

  The first thing to remember, there are two behaviors:

1) When you constantly beat his wife, set fire to a neighbor cat, then you are taken away in handcuffs to the police station,

2) When you are wearing the latest fashion trends, to seek just using his charm, and wisdom, and force others to feel a couple of centimeters below.

We are interested in the second case, since the first embodiment includes physical bullying and intimidation that is beyond the scope of legality. If you are clever, educated and charming (or are trying to become one), then you do not need to use brute force and flaunt their criminal past to demonstrate all his "manhood."

Stick to their merits

Now, remember the main thing: to make others respect yourself, no need to tell other people think of you. Brag - this is an unreliable method and is based on it is despair. Instead, start creating a reputation as a person with dignity. Resist the pressure of your surroundings.

Even if you started smoking because your older friends said that it is "cool", it does not mean you have to repeat it in the future. Change their lives, their behavior and the consequences of their decisions. Say "no" to those things that you would not normally do. It has quite an impression on others, they want to be a little bit as strong as you.


be independent of the social and professional pressure to adhere to their integrity does not make you less manly. In fact, it says that you have a strong character, and you should have as a friend or an employee. Do not try to be too assertive - this only undermines the value of your property.

Body language

At some point in your life you will have a complicated confrontational situation. Rather than do as well as all use this opportunity to confirm their status and reputation of an independent person. The highlight of using his body to intimidate - understand it and realize that you are in a confrontational situation.

This does not mean that you need to include all at once at full speed with the use of foul language. Often, silence is actually a "gold." When you are constantly aware of the situation, those who want to frighten you, do not know whether you ever scared. If those who are opposed to you will not be able to read anything in your face, it would be genuinely uncomfortable.

They will not know what you think and how you react in this situation. And even if you did not mean to hurt them, they may think that you have, for example, "black" belt in karate. Be steadfast and confident in these situations, never lose concentration: soschurte eyes and look at your opponents directly, without blinking.

Clearly, calmly and confidently say what the problem is and how you think it necessary to resolve it. Your every movement should be balanced, and if showing a finger at them, do it as if every movement of your fingers can overturn them on the floor.

Those who allow the situation in this way will win a lot more additional whist compared with those who are directly pairs of ears. On occasion, however, it does not hurt to show their anger. Only in such moments, when your face is all written, breath and try to calm down.

This will show that you can restrain yourself and you have everything under control. And there is nothing more frightening than a fully self-controlled man. People will know about your unpredictability, and you will try to bypass the party.

Outward appearance

And although you do not have to look like a man, bodybuilding, keep in shape it is necessary. Join a gym, make an effort and go there at least a couple times a week. If possible, hire yourself a personal trainer. Work mainly on those parts of the body, which can be seen the others shoulders and arms.

If you are not physically look like behaves, you can not take seriously. Adhere to the relevant stereotypes clothes: Purchase your English suit and use it as a bulletproof vest, and in professional and social life.

Even if you do nothing, your suit will say that you are an intelligent person who does not need to do a cool tattoo and have a box of the AK-47 in the garage to make an impression. The best way to win a reputation for using his intelligence, charm, education and ambitions.

In the English costume you can keep at a distance, even the coolest guy in the room, stretching out his hand for a drink and to demonstrate to all his gold cuff links from Tiffany & Co. But be careful, you do not want to look super, and come to some old wreck.

Intellect and education above all else

Although the look is very helpful to get other people to respect themselves - is not just a demonstration of your project. Sometimes you need to dig deeper. In fact, a person who knows five languages, and demonstrate this at a party, may be five times more interesting than the pumped thug with an IQ of less than 50.

The same applies to the person has traveled the world, jumped off with a parachute from Empire State Building, and shook hands with the president. Do something, for example, take part in a charity marathon. Show everyone that you are not afraid to live. And it does not need to be very strong physically. You can learn a foreign language, for example.

Break the shell, which is built around you, enjoy a social activity. Be sure that you look good and you always have something to say (you can even pre-prepare a list of topics for discussion). Show yourself open person, smile, if someone looks at you, and for God's sake, do not stand in the darkest corners.

During the call, stick to your subject. For example, if you travel a lot, tell us about where they were last year, if you are interested in culture, then tell us about the art exhibition, which visited recently. After all, the art of "being respected" better comprehend when you communicate freely and behave openly, so do not talk about what you do not understand.

More importantly do not flaunt their weaknesses. If you have a bad game of pool, you do not need to take the call. Just tell me what you play bad. At the same time, emphasize its advantages: tell me what you love to play with them, say, football or basketball.

Once you have captured the attention of people who get close to those you are not interested, zastante them by surprise. Talk to them about you seen the news this morning, ask what they think about the political situation in any country. This can be a very unexpected for them, and you will be able to show their best side, demonstrating their knowledge.

What is art "to be respected"

In the end, it's the belief that you can overcome his shyness and win the respect of others. That is why such people are confident in yourself - physically, socially and emotionally.

They are those who learn to live with their disabilities, base their behavior on their own merits. These are the people who understand that ideal people do not happen, because like the loser in a corner, and from thugs in a bar has its drawbacks.

Substantially Life - is a game-competition for influence between the different members of the human race, and you have to learn how to play it, if you want yourself to be the "master", and not "slave".
