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10 reasons why you should not work
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Work gives only experience of this work, and "experience" you get doing something, so there is no real advantage. Sit around doing nothing, a couple of years and you can call yourself an experienced meditator, philosopher and politician.
The problem with access to the experience on the job is that you usually just repeat the limited experience again and again. You learn a lot of new, first, and then stop. This ensures that you are missing some other experience that may be more valuable. And if your limited skill set becomes unnecessary, is it worth your experiences squatting?
In fact, ask yourself what the experience gained now will be valuable in 20-30 years? Will your job even exist then? Think it over.
What experience do you prefer to receive? Knowing exactly how to do a particular job well - the only thing you can monetize by trading your time - or the knowledge of how to enjoy financial independence most of his life without having to work again?
The latter seems to be more useful in the real world, what do you say?
3. Lifelong domestication
Getting a job - it's like writing a program on human domestication. You learn to be a good pet. Look around. Take a good look. What do you see? Are the people living around freely? Or do you live in a cage with unconscious animals?
(*** Have you fallen in love with the color beige? ***)
How's your obedience training? Whether you are the owner of awards for good behavior? Penalize you if you disobey the team owner? If there is in you a spark of free thought? Or your limitations make you a pet? Users are not intended to living cells. Poor you ...
4. Too many mouths to feed
Income is the most taxable employee. In the US, you can expect that about half of the salary will go to taxes. The tax system is designed to mask the reality turns out, as some taxes are paid by your employer, and some are deducted directly from your check.
But you can bet that in terms of your employer all these taxes are a part of your salary, as well as other compensation you receive such as bonuses. Even the rental of office space, you can refer to this account, so you have to create a lot more value to cover it.
You can feel like a corporate environment supports you, but keep in mind that you're the one who pays it. Another portion of your income leaves owners and investors. That's what the "many mouths to feed." It is easy to understand why most of the employers pay on their income. After all, who has more control over the tax system?
Business owners with investors or employees? You get only a fraction of actual revenue you are creating. Your real salary may be more than three times higher than what you get, but most of the money you'll never see. It goes straight into the pockets of others. What a generous person you are!
5. Too risky path
Many employees believe getting a job is the most secure and protected way to self-sufficiency. Nerds. Social promotion is amazing! It is so good that people believe the exact opposite of the truth.
Is the room itself in a position where someone else can turn off your income just by saying two words ("You're fired") sound like a safe and protected situation? Is access to only one source of income to be honest looks more secure than access to the 10?
The idea that work is protected Hired by income simply stupid. You can not have security if you do not have control, and employees have the slightest control of all. If you are an employee, then your current position is called a "punter".
6. The presence of the evil bull host
When you enter into the entrepreneurial world is stupid, you can look back and go the other way. When you enter into a zany corporate world, you have to look back and say, "Sorry, boss." Did you know that the word "boss" is derived from the Danish words "baas", which historically means "master"?
Another meaning of the word - "a cow or bull." A large number of video games, the boss is an evil guy, you have to kill at the end of the level.
So if your boss really angry bull owner, it gives you?
So if your boss is really your evil bovine master, then what does that make you?
Nothing but the cakes after cow herd.
So who's your daddy?
7. begging money
When you want to increase your income, whether you are on your knees asking the owner to give more money? How well do you feel when you occasionally throw a few extra Sakharkov?
Or, you're free to decide how to get it without having to negotiate with someone other than yourself?
If you have a business and your customer says "no", then you simply say "next."
8. degenerating social life
Many people see work as the main point of social activity. They hang out with the same people on the same field. Such incestuous relations are social dead ends.
An exciting day includes chatter about switching companies with Sparkletts to Arrowhead, the delay of the last operating system from Microsoft, as well as unexpected supply additional pens Bic. It is believed that it is better than to go outside and talk to strangers. Uuuuuuu ... scary!
It is better to stay inside, safe. If one of your co-slaves sold to another owner, you lose a friend? If you are working in the field, where there is a man, does this mean that you never spoke to the woman whose rank is higher than the scorer?
Why not decide for themselves with whom to socialize rather than allow it to solve a host for you? Believe it or not, there are places on this planet where free people congregate. Just be careful with these unemployed kids - they are a bunch of crazy!
9. Loss of freedom
A lot of work has to invest in order to tame the person to be an employee. The first thing to do - to break a person's desire to be independent. A good way to do it - give it a hefty set of rules, filled with absurd rules and regulations.
This will ensure that the new employee to become more obedient, for fear of being penalized in any minute for something incomprehensible. So that the worker is best to conclude that the safest thing is to obey the commands of the master without question. Add some office politics for better digestibility and get a fresh mind slave.