Possible and impossible


Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,

Give me the courage to change the things I can change,

and give me the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

Most often Yandex attributes this quote Oytingeru. However, I found it well with the caption "Rudyard Kipling", "Kurt Vonnegut" and "Reinhold Niebuhr" and "Christian prayer" and "Eastern wisdom".

This quote was also observed without a signature on multiple sites therapists (for some reason they love it), astrologers tolkiyenistov, Sufis, and Alcoholics Anonymous. After that I stopped strain yourself looking for the author of this quote, thinking that the wisdom of the people.

Unfortunately, most people, this plant is not the wisdom there, and they begin to consider it impossible to made the real thing.

Of course there are things that are impossible for a person in terms of the laws of nature or impossible at this level of development. For example, I have not seen in the lives of people who are able to walk on water or to walk through walls. Although some authoritative sources say, and it's real ...

But for some reason people do not allow for the ability to, well, at least that many times they have done to other people?


You can not earn a lot of money in an honest way

You can not get into a good institute without cronyism

You can not pass on the right without bribes

You can not get a good job without higher education

You can not start a business without start-up capital

You can not learn on their own legal / accounting / trade on the stock exchange, etc.

It is impossible to succeed in my city / my age / looks with my / my education / at my employment and in general in my terms, in my situation, in my life.

Yes? Have you tried? And many times tried?

Or your neighbor said the janitor, Uncle Bob, because his son is a blockhead did not work? Or you read it in the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets"? Or you talked about this as a school teacher or your parents, and now you yourself have forgotten why you have come to believe? So it is possible to trust only my own experience.

All the rest - no more than a hypothesis requiring verification. I do not call to check in practice, it is possible to jump from the tenth floor, and do not break, but what's stopping you try, for example, start their own business without start-up capital?

Or, to figure in the accounting? In most cases, the assertion that something is impossible - it is the fear to admit their weakness and fear of independent action. Stupid pride involved on stupidity prevents people admit that maybe a lot more than they think.

What is not "impossible" that it is their laziness, their stupidity, their lack of confidence in themselves they do not give tackle the problem and solve it. And because this fear sits in the vast majority of the population, and no one wants to recognize themselves lazy and stupid, then everybody starts to inspire each other as much in this life is impossible.

Until you find someone who is doing what they thought was impossible. Everyone looks at him with surprise and considered a hero.

Why say "impossible"? Is not it better to say: "I do not know yet. But I will learn"?

Defending its limitations you are depriving yourself of omnipotence. Richard Bach, "Illusions"

Only 150 years ago there were "impossible" cars. 100 years ago - aviation and TV. 50 years ago - human space flight. Most readers of this newsletter, I think, found the times when there were "possible" the Internet and mobile communications. The development of mankind was going because people were doing things that were considered impossible before them.

Clark Law of radical ideas:

Each radical idea - in science, politics, art - is three stages of response:

1. "It is not possible, and do not take my time!"

2. "Maybe so, but really, it is not necessary for it to undertake ..."

3. "I've always said it's a great idea!"

Clarke's First Law:

If outstanding, but the aging scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. If he thinks something is impossible, he is likely wrong.

Clarke's Second Law:

The only way to establish the boundaries of the possible - is to get out of them into the impossible. Arthur Bloch, "Murphy's Law"

Do! The only way to find out, perhaps something or not - check it out in practice. Another way to get an adequate idea of ​​what is possible, and that - no, not there. We can do a lot of what is considered impossible.

And it prevents us do it only one thing - our point of view, our inadequate ideas about what is possible and what is impossible. Change them to more appropriate - and you'll see how to open your horizons.

Be of good cheer!

And one last quote:

"The biggest challenge that you can throw yourself is to call the lack of faith in themselves and their own laziness. It is your lack of faith in themselves and too lazy to define and limit what you are. If you want to change, has to face off with their doubts and laziness . After all, they keep you in poverty. They denied you to the life you want. "

"On your way there is no one other than yourself and your self-doubt. It is so easy to stay the same. It is not easy to change. Most people choose this way - to remain unchanged for life.

But if you challenge your doubts and laziness, you will find the path to freedom. "

Robert Kiyosaki,

To leave or to stay, or twenty years later

Table of contents
To leave or to stay, or twenty years later
Page 2


Yet what some twenty years solid experience in the work place was considered a great merit of any worker. There is even such a thing as a career officer. To be considered as such, in some plants

sometimes had to work fifteen years. The duration of the work in one place gave the well-known benefits. These included not only an increase in pay for years of service, the percentage calculation of premiums and thirteenth salary, and social assistance, which depended, as a rule, from the number of working years.

A financial aid in the years provided for all occasions, including vacations, relocation, medication. Personnel staff have advantages in the preparation of the apartments and so on. D., And so on. F. Heads of HR departments by sending retired honored worker tenderly smiled at the sight of the work book, which were sometimes only two entries: "Admitted to the post ..." and "... Released in connection with the retirement ..." yes continuous gratitude and to award marks for labor achievements veteran.

Chiefs contemptuously called fliers who, in their opinion, often change jobs. Although in those years was common humorous saying: "After five years of being in one place for a person would have to change either his wife or job," personnel officers a different opinion, and this humor is not understood.

In the most prestigious organizations to act well-known principle: "From us on their own do not go away from us just take out feet first." Times have changed, today's labor market is quite different.

Expanded search capabilities for a new job, fundamentally changed the system of employment, a huge number of recruitment agencies, replete with advertisements for employment online.

The candidate is able to express themselves in any form: send resume by fax, email or just put it to employers on any of the sites. The possibilities are. It remains to resolve the issue - whether to go with an old work or maybe better to stay? After all, as they say, from the good deed goes unpunished.


On the one hand, long experience in one place may be evidence of the seriousness, love what they do and a good employee exposure. On the other hand, the labor market is clearly visible trend to interest firms in workers with occupational flexibility, multilateral, capable of performing a variety of tasks.

Therefore, those who really sits up too long in one place, suspicious. It is logical to assume that these people do not possess the above qualities. Yet often change jobs should not be.

To you not attributed to the category of frivolous flyers or people who do not have sufficient self-control and patience, take the decision to move to another job must be very deliberate.

It is important to strike a balance: not too early and not too late. It is not to be refused to leave the company within a year after the start of employment, for example, immediately after receiving vocational training.

From 22 to 30 years should stay in one place for at least two years. After thirty continuous service in the same enterprise should increase. For 40 years it is necessary to determine definitively professionally.

After 45 it is time to become honored master, a professional in their field, mentor young and inexperienced professionals. In this age of "throwing in the field" it is somewhat inappropriate, and is possible only in rare and unusual situations.

Arguments pro et contra

So, if the idea is to leave home place began to appear quite often, you'll first need to think seriously about why this is happening. You should not take hasty decisions.

It is especially dangerous to succumb to the mood. Unfortunately, this often happens after some creative failures, grievances and conflicts when you want to stand up, slam the door and start life anew. The only way out of this situation initially seen only change jobs.

Here it may be advisable to take a deep breath, calm down and try to sort out the problem. But if the desire to change jobs are not caused by emotional outburst, but for other reasons, then it's time to evaluate all objectively.

It is better to do it at home, in a calm atmosphere, without giving up the participation in the process of close friends whose judgment you trust. All pro- and counter - "on the table."

Put the following questions and try to answer them honestly.

# You terribly bored every day to go to work, weighs uninteresting business?

# You are constantly forced to carry out tasks that do not match your qualifications? There is a feeling that you have been escalated internally what is necessary to do?

# You often perform meaningless, from your point of view, the job?

# You feel that your opinion on the work no one takes into account that you as a professional is constantly ignored?

# Have you ever received an invitation to the conference and you are interested in meeting, you do not offer any form of training go?

# Chef constantly underestimate your ability, with outputs of your ideas for your own?

# Despite the fact that for a long time you have to stay after work and take a job at the weekend, overtime is not compensated in any way, including financially?

# At the moment there is downsizing due to the fact that your company merges with another, or is it the restructuring. There is a feeling that you will be redundant and you can not find a place in the newly formed structure?

# When you last time to raise salaries? Maybe you over the long term for one reason or another refused to increase wages?

# How long have you talked with your boss about your outlook for the company? Does he have any views you in the future, such as a new participant interesting project?

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