Psychology of Success

Table of contents
Psychology of Success
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1. Goal setting - the key to success.

People who succeed - people who set a goal. Optimal planning periods - is 3 months and 3 years. What kind of work you'll be doing for 3 years from now? Where do you work? What do you need to achieve your career goals?

Do you need to learn the business strategy, marketing, finance, pension funds, human capacity? And finally, why do you want to achieve these goals in your career? What do you really want in life?

It is a beautiful house, car, boat, better health, a happy family standing goal, a tremendous sense of material well-being? Very few people set goals. Those who make it succeed. Remember that the goal is automatic, but you have to work very hard to set a certain goal. Your number one priority should be the formulation of the primary objectives.

2. Determinants of Success.

Your success depends in part on your knowledge, abilities and your position. Knowledge and ability to provide a 15% success. Attitude is much more important. It provides a 85% success rate. We must acknowledge that our place in life is a direct result of our knowledge, abilities, and our positions. If after three years you want to be anywhere else, you need to start working on their knowledge, skills and attitude. Why do so many people for many, many years engaged in the work of the hated, which they consider inappropriate and not giving any feedback?

The answer is - they have ceased to learn and they hold those same positions that brought them to this work. Even the hard work is not enough. The more you are engaged in their work, the more you will benefit from what you have. Only hard work over what you are busy at the moment, you do not achieve success in the future. If after three years you want to get a desirable job, you need to change your position, your attitude toward this goal. The adoption of the correct mental attitude radically and very quickly increase your chances of success. Items settings can be changed in seconds.

3. Stop restrain themselves.

Many of us believe that that you were successful, you have to be smart, have a good education, to look good, to be successful, attractive and have great communication. These factors have been studied for many years and recognized as having nothing to do with success in general and success in business in particular.

4. Components of success.

Over the centuries, the great philosophers have argued that we need peace of mind. It provides health and energy, loving relationships, financial freedom, self-knowledge and self-improvement. What do you value most in life? Money? Health? Harassment standing goals? In setting goals will help you knowing who you really are and what is important to you.

5. The first step to success.

The first step is to ensure one hundred percent responsibility for their condition. Take one hundred percent responsibility for their health, for the state of his emotional life, for the amount of money earned by you, for you to achieve important goals for figuring out who you are and what you want, as well as a deep sense of satisfaction from their lives.

All successful people are responsible for themselves. If you will take care of all this, you will be under control. That's why people always said that man is the master of his own destiny. Because your success depends on the knowledge, abilities and personal items you need to understand that you yourself can learn everything and just want to take any position. Whether you like it or not, you are the master of your fate.

6. So, what bothers me.

All we fail to reach our fullest potential of life due to self-restraint, negative emotions or perhaps stupid mistakes. As children, we are totally irresponsible. Growing up, we have to make this transition to laying the absolute responsibility for their condition. Very few are capable of this "racing". We think that we can not swim, ride a bike, do not know how to trade, presentations, can not develop their human capacities, learning strategy, we believe that we can not master the marketing, financial issues, etc.

It's a simple example of self-doubt. Test your ideas about yourself. They are not based on reality. They are based on all sorts of strange ideas, settled in your minds for years. You can change your submission now, if you want it. Nothing prevents us, as negative emotions. Most people take a very negative position. All we blame others for our condition. The fault lies at the heart of a large percentage of failures in life. As long as you blame someone else in your state, you will be the same as you are.

Other negative emotions are - a sense of guilt, a sense of "undeserved", fear of failure, anxiety, jealousy, self-pity, etc. Unfortunately, we interfere as much as 51 negative emotion. Concentrate on positive emotions willingness to accept responsibility, admiration, enthusiasm, positive hope, love, joy. Life is full of possibilities, if you believe it. Why did you have missed so many opportunities? Sometimes on our way it is a barrier. For example, such as exam. If only in this case, then the "tumble" on the obstacle, until it turned into nothing.

7. Mental laws guaranteeing success.

Act of faith - says that we will always act in accordance with our hopes, our faith. Statement You can think whatever you want. You can believe that you can trade, provide guidance, presentations, study the marketing strategy and philosophy.

The law of control - we as happy as we feel the control over their own lives. Take one hundred percent responsibility for themselves and thus to secure one hundred percent control over their own lives.

The law of cause and effect - nothing happens for a reason. Everything happens for any reason. The most important thing in this law is that thoughts are causes and conditions - a consequence. If you want to have in your life, something happened, think about it. Concentrate your attention on it. If you think about it, it will happen.

Legitimate expectations - in life we ​​get what we wait for. We get not what we want, and what expect. You can rely on everything you want. The richer your expectations, the more positive your attitude. Expectations affect the results.

Law of Attraction - we automatically attracted people and circumstances relevant to our basic notions. If you focus on what you want, you are to come near to him those who can help you. Unfortunately, if you concentrate your attention on what you do not like the law of gravity still works. Do not think about drugs, unemployment, poverty, etc.

The law of correspondence - says that the world around us is a reflection of what is happening inside us. If you believe that life is full of opportunities, you will find these options at their disposal. If you believe that life is boring and uninteresting, it's just what you see around. The most important thing in this law - that's what you need to achieve internal success before seemingly succeed. Mentally imagine ... feel yourself in this work, earning in 3 years this amount of money.

It is called mental rehearsal. Feel ... Imagine how good you will feel if all you have. Approve ... I'm doing this job and earn the money at this stage of the business. The words "I am" very subliminal. Just repeat myself good things about himself, for example, I am able to trade well, I'm a good leader, I do not smoke, I weigh 10 stone 12 pounds, I'm a good driver, a good boss, I have a wonderful lover, I have successfully engaged in marketing study strategy, social experience, the presentation. Let these parcels will be included in your subconscious.

The law of concentration - another mental law, which states that everything on which we concentrate our attention begins to really grow. Concentrate your attention to, because it brings to you your goal.

The law of substitution - for some time the mind can acquire only one idea. You can always replace negative thought positive. When you suffer from negative emotions, banish them, focusing on your goals.

Prev. - Next. "

Bad habits and career


Cigarettes and alcohol - our friends or our enemies? In the new century, it is fashionable to be healthy. There are vegetarian business lunch, pedaling in the health club, relax in nature. However, this does not prevent the majority of people smoke or drink alcohol frequently. As a child, it was considered a bad habit to point the finger and nail biting.

In later years we are winning children's bad habits, but acquire new - adults. And the danger of them are serious. But a closer look reveals that booze and cigarettes may be useful for a successful person. If your body is not accustomed to alcohol, you are risking to get into a puddle.

Opinion: Paul, 23, manager:

At work, smoking is helpful. In our office a lot of inside information is discussed in the smoking room. Non-smokers usually do not know "which way the wind blows."

But I'm always ready to the news because I heard about it in advance. And at corporate parties without drinking not do: do not drink, we only programmers and inveterate spinsters. So that alcohol and cigarettes - is an obligatory component part of my image.

Cigarettes and alcohol - are our friends?

In summer, during the working day smokers are not just once or twice out into the fresh air. Breaks in useful: a good break away from the boring monitor and chat with colleagues. In the smoking room and gatherings in the bar next door discuss workers gossip, Make useful contacts (not to be confused with the official novel!).

Business partners often have to walk to the restaurant. Important decisions also often taken by mutual libations, so if your body is not accustomed to alcohol, you are risking to get into a puddle.

Cigarette and booze to help relieve stress. It is important to neural work in conflicts with clients in difficult relations with management. Some claim that cigarettes help to focus and take a decision.

Anyway, a few minutes to think they just guarantee. There are companies in which the smoke on the job. For example, in the design studio Art Lebedev. In such companies a non-smoker's life is hard. But you'll feel great among like-minded dokurivaya eleven eighth cigarette.

Cigarettes and alcohol - are our enemies?

Injury. With that, thank God, no one argues. Many of today's employers prefer to pay extra to non-smokers or hire employees without bad habits.

There are companies where the absence of such habits - corporate identity, but in the rest of the leadership is well aware that a healthy lifestyle is worth the money - and paying for it (or provide passes to a fitness club, which is also good).

Many of today's employers prefer to hire employees without bad habits. The morning after the libations employee looks no better. Bad complexion yellowed tooth enamel - is unlikely I'll describe the ideal candidate for the position of administrative assistant. If your work is closely related to communication and involves a great appearance, cigarettes and alcohol spoil the overall picture.

As a result, we conclude that the benefits of smoking and drinking is definitely there. However, the harm from them is enough. But the main thing - to know the measure. A measure of responsibility, a measure of self-confidence. And measure the impact of bad habits to your life. Keep them under control!
