The road to the dream as achieve their dreams


Every person has a dream to be. But how to achieve this dream - it is for most people the big question. People should strive for their dreams, no matter how old they are, and what the financial situation they are now. Different people and dreams (goals) are different,

someone wants to buy a villa in the Bahamas, and someone wants to educate and bring up their children. Dreams can be attainable and achievable, and the road to the dream, and the possibility of the realization of all human beings are different. Unfortunately, for most of us it becomes an insurmountable obstacle limited financial possibilities.

So how do you achieve your dreams?

First, you need to define the purpose, even if, at first glance, it seems unenforceable.

Secondly, you need to understand, and it is better to write down all the milestones, achieving that, step by step, you will move on the way to his dream.

And lastly, but very importantly, bring their finances in order, which for most people is extremely difficult.

The main thing - is to understand how much you expend money on a monthly basis. It is first and foremost, because, as we all know we get, and how much to spend - no. In the calculation of own costs may take some time, a month or a few months. You may find that you think expend a sum of money, and when we look at a very different turns.

The thing that is very difficult to immediately identify all the expenditure and the amount of them, as there are costs monthly, quarterly and annual. When costs are calculated, deducted from income (salary) and get ...

Then the fun begins. At best, the sum is obtained with a plus and a man lays it on a rainy day. Well, when the amount obtained is also a plus, but the man does not see it and it never builds up. Here arises a reasonable question - where is she? Consequently, the calculations are wrong, or not taken into account all the costs.

In most cases, it turns zero, that is, all that is earned in a month for a month and spent, with no savings is not done. In the worst case, a sum with a minus, especially with the development and popularity of consumer loans and credit cards. In this case, the achievement of dreams do not have to speak at all, we must urgently take their finances under strict control.

Following the calculation, and already having a result is soberly face the truth and answer to yourself that you can achieve with these initial data. If the calculations show that the dream is achieved in that way for 200 years, it is necessary to think deeply about their income and, more importantly, costs.

Most people tend to Manilov arguments on the subject of the primary capital and a lot of arguing at length, reasonably and properly, they would have used it. If he was ...

First - it is, as if he needed them. It has been a lot of surveys on the topic - "what would you spend suddenly appears and you have a million dollars?" Most would spend it on a different need and no more than 5% - in one sense or another would create on his own business.

Second - they are generally poorly size. For some reason, many believe its size it is millions of dollars, but a reasonable question - where do they will take - for some reason is not given.

Third - most do not understand that the creation of the initial capital of the germ - it cuts costs and unexpected postponement of the cash income. It is crucial to have the self-discipline allowed free money - a hundred rubles. Further, it should enter into the habit of procrastinating and collect free money. You can earn big money and irrational behavior to bring yourself to a complete bankruptcy. On the contrary, penny savings can bring themselves to quite decent financial situation.

Fourth - the beginning of the savings should be, but you must save wisely. Well, I accumulated Miserly Knight chests of gold, and then what? The question of balance between reasonable savings and "Samoyed" at any cost saving is very difficult.

How to save a little bit:

* The discount in the store - and you postpone it. Especially if it is an unexpected discount.

* If you have a salary project and the money is transferred to a plastic card - take it with her, not all at once, but four times weekly. Less temptation to spend all at once, and make more healthy footwork. Yes - a trifle. But small causes birth the great investigation - so do not need to play aristocrat and millionaire squeamish additional ten. Even more so - as long as they did not.

* Suddenly basement award more than usual. Set aside 50% - of the value increase.

* Do not take bad loans. They are almost all the same. For example, to buy anything worth up to 10 thousand rubles a loan - just madness. The Bank will enrich not much - but your budget will undermine the ceremony. And in general, there is little to live within our means - have to live a little more modest. A loan - encourages laziness.

I agree that bored - and you know the other way? But if as a result will be able to accumulate the minimum amount of investment - and that's fine. In detail there is a good feature - you easily "leave" them without undue strain.

By limiting yourself over nothing can save a little, but not petty sum of money to spend. The main thing - to get rid of the pressure that by participating in risky activities, such as playing the stock market, depriving themselves and their families' daily bread. "

The money - a trifle - and they can be restored, even if the market disaster strikes and you lose. Then there is no need to rush and experience "would earn more or less to lose." Thus, financial freedom begins within man himself.

The next challenge on the road to the dream - competently multiply these most free money.

Maybe someone thinks himself clever enough to ensure that not only understand the simple truths of financial success - but with the success of "fashion" from itself financially wealthy man. It is possible but, alas, an exceptional case.

Most people are very difficult to understand the currently available investment tools correctly assess the risks and begin to invest correctly. Therefore, they can already turn to financial advisors.

We should not think that the services of financial advisors are only millionaires. Most of them - have not become established, they have used their services. Services financial advisors are not free.

However, it should be remembered that with the help of consultants can earn more and less to lose. Simple arithmetic - 90% of the earnings of ten thousand is more than 100% of the thousands of self-earned.

Speaking of losses. One of the most common mistakes beginners - this intoxication initial success. Deciding that the laws of motion of the market concept (and the success - in itself a proof) - beginners embarking on an adventure.

At the same time the first error and it is often the last - completely discouraging any desire to engage in investment. All athletes use the services of coaches, even the most outstanding.

An objective assessment of opportunities, preparation of a personal plan, recommendations on the choice of investment strategy, analysis of failure - these problems should not distract from the main task - the desire to dream.

Moreover, the work of a consultant makes one team member had aimed to win. So, dear readers of luxury to dream you.

Kuz'michev Dmitry, Alex Permyakov

Where to get the money


Imagine an old gardener. He knows that from a small seed grow big apple, which will produce a rich harvest of apples - you need only to have passed a sufficient amount of time to apple tree grown from seed. In all your finances just as well.

To build a good financial harvest, you plant the seeds, care for seedlings, and you're bound to wait for a good harvest. Most plant is only where the seeds, you ask? Like where, in your wallet, of course! Look for it in the ruble coin. Found?

Look at it - it's beautiful, selected grain - could not be better. Then you can see how good the harvest will bring your seed. Thus, allocating money from its present budget and planting the grain (in the world of finance are those of planting called investing), you are bound to provide itself with a good harvest of money, and hence prosperity.

Incidentally, inexorably true: if you do not put anything ahead of time, or cut down their apple (to spend money), then you will not be - simply nowhere to take the money.

Agree, it's very logical: if wealth is a certain amount of capital you need to save it. Because otherwise he could not come, right? In order to accumulate a certain amount, you need to use part of their current income.

After all the other money for that you do not? So the only way that you can use to achieve prosperity - is regularly set aside and invest part of their current income. There is no other way. And if you do not do this, you will be as strong enough to cut circles "earned - spent all that is earned."

Incidentally, the time will come when run on the range, that is, earn, will be harder and harder. If you have no savings, what you will be living at this time?

SUMMARY: In order to secure financial abundance and prosperity, you need to save enough money. This can be done only if you regularly set aside and invest part of their income TODAY.

You have a million in your pocket!

I'm not kidding, it really is. With one caveat: this is not currently a million and a million future. It does not matter how much money you have right now; ANY time increases the amount of money up to a million; just depending on how much you have now needs to go a little more or a little less time and a million in your pocket.

How does this happen?

The fact is, the money in the right to use them create their own money. Let us see how this is the example of a bank deposit. Bank deposit - this placement of your money in a bank account for a certain period; upon the expiration of the contribution of the bank returns the deposit amount, plus you pay a certain percentage for the use of your money.

Imagine a coin of 1 ruble. Small, quite frankly, the money. However, let's see what this coin can make a wizard time. If you put one ruble deposit with annual interest rate of 14% a year the bank will return you 1 rubles plus 14% of 1 ruble, which is 14 cents.

As a result, you get your hands on one, 14 rubles. You decide to renew their relationship with the bank and again place their money has 1, 14 rub., At the annual deposit under 14% per annum. A year later, you get 1, 14 ± 0, 16 = 1, 3 rubles. If you year after year to repeat the procedure, your contribution will steadily increase, and finally, after 106 years, turn into a total of 1,076,252, 67 rubles!

Note that because we started something with the ruble; how many do you have now in your wallet? A couple of thousands of typed? Hold tight the purse - in your hands 2, 15 billion rubles :)))! All this is great, you say, only a period of 106 years, with existing 20-30-50 years, quite frankly, does not inspire, and be absolutely right. However, I gave an example of a not for idle arithmetic.

Look, even one ruble, you can save today turn into a million over time. That is to say, the main element of the composition. Let's try it a little more difficult. As soon as the ruble grows to one million, let's not put him ruble, but two.

How long does it take to ruble rose to 2 million? Already 102 years.

And if you start with a 10? It should be 89 years. Well, if a hundred highlight this good deed? Total '72 turns. Fascinating math, but still a long turns. However, there is an idea.

And let us not put on 1 account and we will wait and begin each day by putting on the ruble. Since the ruble, you accumulate a million in your account in 46 years. Well, two of the ruble will be able to master every day? Then all you have goals in 41 years. For ten rubles every day count? Please: you need 29 years. And if you can every day to devote to it is 100 rubles, in 13 years you are a millionaire.

But the main thing now. It's simple. Understand that every ruble you spend can potentially make you very rich - as long as you do not spend it, save it and put to work for you. Leave him alone and protection he needs time to grow. Through your fingers literally every day pours a golden thread.

Your task - to save some of the money you intend to spend. Start right now to save you at least ten or twenty rubles every day of the money that now, perhaps, unwise use, you will soon be a millionaire! It's very easy!

Where to get the money to invest, or typically "Pay yourself first"

Let's look at how to manage money ordinary people. Upon receipt of income (such as wages), it pays the rent, telephone, buys food, and the list goes on obligatory payments. Then the family lives on the rest of the money remaining time until the next paycheck. By this time the money is there is very little or no choice at all. Such a person commits a major error in the handling of money.

Let me explain why. Imagine an athlete who wants to win a month later at the Olympic Games. Tomorrow is a very demanding exercise, and now my friends call it a night bar. Naturally, he refuses from the bar, he must sleep well.

Why does he refuse? Because for a much higher priority to the goal - to win the Olympics, everything else is subordinate to this goal. If you set out to achieve wealth, you need to subordinate this purpose all.

And then in the distribution of the earned money the most important thing for you would be: first of all to allocate money to invest, and the rest later. I emphasize: usually people first pay all its necessary and not spending, and that is the end of the month (as is usually very small) are trying to save and invest for the future. THIS IS MISTAKE.

If you really want to achieve financial prosperity, always first of the money direct investment. Just this can be expressed as follows: Pay yourself first.

Pay yourself first.

This phrase means the following. You decide that it is always a certain part of any of their income (for example, 10%), you direct investment, and the remaining 90% of spending. REVENUE FROM ANYONE. This means 10% of salary, bonus, old mint hundreds found in jeans. REVENUE FROM ANYONE.

The second important feature of this rule - so you should always do. Despite the birth of a child, loss of a job or broken in a car accident. ALWAYS. So, usually, "Pay yourself first" means that the first thing you do get any money - a predetermined part of them invest.

So you always do, to get any money. Here is the answer to the question posed in the title: where to get money to invest. Once you start to apply the rule of "Pay yourself first", you immediately have the money to invest, and you'll begin to move along the path to prosperity and financial well-being.

This is a very important rule. If you do not use it, you will never be money to invest. Indeed, if you currently do not have money to invest and you do nothing, then you have them and will not be, right?

So you will always need the money - because you never accumulate the necessary capital to you - you have nothing to invest. The path to prosperity - the steady implementation of the rules, "Pay yourself first."

With the same iron inexorability with which the implementation of this rule will lead you to prosperity, it will lead you to poverty - if you do not implement it. Pick and choose.
