Why do people have no money?


Why do some people have the money, while others do not?

Poverty, of course, not a vice. But who of us did not want prosperity and well-being of our individual apartment? And the best in the house. But here's the thing: have you ever wondered why some people have the money, while others do not?

To understand why people are poor, I asked our old friend Honorary Professor of the millionaire-mentor Robert Fletcher.

Recall that Robert Fletcher - an American millionaire, created in Ukraine training company Global System Training, which teaches Ukrainians to become more successful, earn money, save and invest. It would seem, who is better millionaire mentor see our problems from and to whom, if not to him, go for cash tips?

From communicating with a millionaire, I realized that the problems associated with the desire to become richer, if I may say so, are international. Robert Fletcher explained that the causes of poverty is to look for a child, for a child with his parents.

In order to more clearly reveal the essence of the problem of poverty, the millionaire mentor compared the human-computer. As you know, computers do not work without the program, which means that from the very childhood, parents, grandparents, teachers, our friends and other participants in the educational process lay in each of us certain programs.

Trying his best to give the children of the best, they share their experiences, including financial. But often these attempts to turn a disservice. Relatives and friends are programming the child to experience, similar to that which they had, and thus limit future social and material development of the child's own life experience.

We all know examples where the daughter of a teacher becomes a teacher, a carpenter's son - a carpenter and so on. It seems to be nothing wrong with this succession of generations there. There really is no other than the limited capacity of the child to become more successful and richer than their parents. Another problem occurs in adolescence.

In the conflict that often develops among teenagers with the outside world, sometimes piling even elementary laziness, unwillingness of their labor to earn a living and spending. The result: the end of the university, we are not friends with money, do not know how to earn it, and then just work, we get paid ... and want more, not knowing where else to run behind it.

But the most significant problem is that many of us are afraid of money. Yes, fear, even though this is a normal part of our lives as bread and air. I somehow always thought that it is impossible not to love money, but the millionaire mentor explained to me that not everyone thinks so.

I, for example, from childhood loved money, and when my father sold the car, the money I thought it was. And I still pile up the money in the purse, sort notes by denomination, turning them face to itself, causing dissatisfaction of customers in supermarkets.

It turned out, a sure sign of the love of money. And many, like Robert says, are simply afraid of money, and this is the main cause of their poverty. "In my classes I give into the hands of the people money so they are used to them, but many react as if I give them to hold a poisonous snake.

People are afraid of money, they were uncomfortable with them feel that is incompatible with a desire to earn, "- said the millionaire-mentor. But despite the seriousness of the problems that interfere with the Ukrainians to become successful and rich, the situation is remedied.

In his training, Robert teaches people how to love money and to get them to reciprocity. He'd know all about it!

But be warned, to be successful, some people will have to change our attitude to life, and learn to make money - not an easy science, yielded only disciplined people.

But, however difficult it may be, if you millionaire mentor, nothing is impossible.


Count your money!

Table of contents
Count your money!
Page 2


Money through love

"Think! It is a good Ukrainian tradition! "

B. Spivakovsky, Ukrainian millionaire.

There are people who are struggling to make ends meet from time to time "shoot" a little money to make it to payday.

There are people who just a few years ago were rich, and now can not figure out where to put their money.

And the millionaire and the poor very quickly lose their savings if spending more than comes to them. The problem is not how much money you have. The problem is whether you are able to manage them? If you do not know how to manage them. That ...

"... In this case, you will end badly, young man - strongly said Ostap. - Financial gulf - the deepest of all the precipices, it can drop life "Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov" Golden Calf ".

In order not to sink into a financial abyss, the money must be considered.

This is the only way to control financial flows. Rich people believe their money. Somehow Vladivostok I happened to meet and communicate with one wealthy woman. During the conversation, I noticed that it is all their income and expenses into account, and asked where she got this habit?

At the time, she read in the newspaper an interview with Mikhail Gorbachev in which he talked about his wife, Raisa. She was surprised by one fact of life Raisa Gorbachev. It turns out that Raisa Gorbachev always kept receipts of all purchases and led the expenditure and revenue to be able to demonstrate all that they lived well on income earned by themselves and not by income from the state.

It is so impressed that she decided, too, so treat your cash flow. The word "consider" in this case we mean keeping a permanent record of all your income and expenses.

And we do it primarily for the information: where and how much money is coming to us, and where and how much goes out.

If we do not know where and how much money comes to us, we can not determine the best source of income. If we do not know where and how much of our money is spent, we can not change anything, not because we have no strength, but because of the lack of information.

When we consider all the money, all the costs and revenues, we are monitoring the situation, we can change it.

Imagine that you want to learn how to do your child. You come to the class teacher and asked to show your report card "flower of life." See the table and see: math - five, in physics - five, by geography - Five, and on the Russian language - not the best mark.

And you realize that you need to work out with your child yourself or hire a tutor for the Russian language. Based on what you have done such a conclusion? On the basis of the information received. Likewise, keeping the cash flow provides information on the basis of the information to draw definite conclusions.

The first conclusion - where, on what and how much money you expend.

With this information you can see their costs and optimize them.

For example, your child - a computer genius and the whole day sitting on the Internet. Over the Internet, you pay $ 150 a month. This you know, because began to record their expenses. With this figure, you can go to an Internet cafe or the center and get to know, and how much is the unlimited tariff of the Internet. It turns out that this tariff could cost $ 40 - 60 per month. And out of the blue, you can optimize your spending on the Internet.

Another example.

You are actively engaged in business, and a lot of communicating on a cell phone. Within a week a few times buying a recharge card for your phone. Now you have started to keep records of the money and at each account refill began to record their expenditures on phone. And it turned out that way your expenses are 800 hryvnia. If you did not keep a record of this expenditure, as it had not noticed how much expend to negotiate by telephone. Thus, it may be. it's time to buy the unlimited package, which will cost 400 - 500 hryvnia, which will again optimize their costs.

A third example.

You have many friends who live abroad. You keep ringing them from your home phone. And, of course, every month you have to score. Find out how much you expend on socializing with friends, you can cut your expenses. For example, using IP-telephony services and Skype install a program that allows you to talk for hours with friends and spend a fraction of the money.

So leading daily records of their expenses, we get information and see where our money goes. Due to the information received, we can optimize their spending and save a significant portion of its capital.

The second conclusion.

Determine at what financial level you are at the moment.

Let me remind you that we distinguish four levels in dealing with money:

financial dependence - a condition where my income is less than my expenses;

Financial independence - a state where my earnings are my expenses;

financial wealth - a condition when my income exceeds the level of my expenses,

Financial freedom - a condition when my income exceeds the level of my expenses regardless of what I was doing (travel, walk, play golf or tennis).

Seeing the information, as I expenses and how much I earn, I can see the level at which at the moment I am. And to draw conclusions: I live within your means or not. And if not, in what direction is the financial drain.

One woman said: "My children complain that I have little time to devote to them. To which I answered that I do business and make money. And a lot of money. But the most interesting, despite the fact that she was earning a lot of kids how to eat on $ 100 a month, and continued to eat for $ 100.

And she wondered: where does the money earned? She began to keep records of money. It turned out that she had them constantly occupied. And as a good person, she could not refuse. As soon as she saw it, the leakage of money, she decided no one else to lend. For a month addressed to it only one person asking to borrow money.

She turned him down. More it did not look like borrow money. This man was a test: whether she will come or not, or just thinking. Life is checked, more checks are not satisfied. If it does not start to keep records of money, it is unlikely that she could detect the leakage of money.

Realizing the leakage of money a person can go from the level of financial dependence on the level of financial independence, from the level of financial independence at the level of wealth, and with the level of wealth at the level of freedom.

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