From the outset, I would like to remind myself and you that we all - the inherent functional units as the economy and all, but still falls under the influence of its laws. Among others, I would particularly like to draw your attention to three important law, the total effect of which is, precisely defines our financial situation with you.
First among these laws - the law of increasing requirements.
He tells us that our needs peculiar to a constant growth, and much faster than the increase in our revenues.
The second law is the law of decreasing marginal utility.
According to that same product over time it will inevitably lose its value and ability to meet our needs.
The last third law is the law of inflation - an extremely negative for us property of money to lose its purchasing power, that is to depreciate.
Given these and other in the same spirit of factors, let's make some adjustments to what our financial policy.
To begin to define our economic income. We do not mean income in the form of wages or income from a business under the concept of economic income, we mean cash balance after the payment of all consumer loans cover all the necessary expenses for food, housing, communications, transport and so on. D., And so on. N .
It is this balance in the economy is called the economic income. So what is your economic income? By example, let illustrate a few years ago, my net economic income tend to be zero! Moreover, sometimes he even reached negative values!
Why so? The answer is clear - I am, so to speak, did not like myself. I paid the first service providers, resellers, all, all, and eventually themselves leave either nothing or debts ... This was an unacceptable mistake, knowing it gave an opportunity to change the situation for the better.
Council №1. Receiving or distributing, any revenue PAY YOURSELF FIRST!
And how much to pay? Our personal advice - start with small. 5-10% of your total income - is an acceptable figure for the first step to financial protection.
Do not go too far! Do not try at the outset to save 100% of your income, develop the habit of paying yourself first starting with small amounts that will not have a significant impact on the quality of your life.
Having started to act on such a scheme, I experienced firsthand what it really is viable, and this served as proof of savings thanks to her money. And now let's go back to the first contact above the law, and to ask you, do we necessarily fall under its scope? The correct answer is "yes."
All of us, of course, want to raise the level of our lives, and therefore, with the growth of our income, we always increase our costs. But why do not we keep a distance? I mean, why not respect the 50% difference between the increase in our costs and revenues?
Council №2. Always keep 50% of the amount of money to increase your earnings.
In other words, if you have earned this month at $ 80 more than the previous, let your expenses will rise by only $ 40, but not all 80 as is usual. Save the remaining $ 40 in his pocket, and in the next issue of the distribution we will show you how you can effectively multiply them.
Let us turn to the second law. Drawing attention to him one day, I decided to analyze my expenses. Immediately, of course, it did not work - all the items of my cost last month recall failed. Then I decided (that you are strongly advised) to undertake the so-called "Month of control."
I began to carefully write down my expenses for a day before going to bed. At the end of the month, I will carefully analyze how much and where uplylo out of my pocket, as justified as suddenly as inevitable, and most importantly - how much minuemo. The last point, I draw your attention to the most important.
After such an analysis, I found that in fact a certain amount of money I spend each month, goes to buy things or services that have long been lost to me all kinds of benefits. That is, I spend a lot of money simply by inertia, without receiving the expected benefits from this. In addition, I found a few others, not necessarily waste, which decided to immediately eliminate and not to repeat the next month.
Council №3. Do not release its own spending beyond your control.
Spend a similar event, and you are guaranteed to find in its list of more expensive items, strikethrough which does not affect the quality of your life. And one more important information for thought.
If you've decided to become a successful and wealthy person - is not enough to save money. We must be able to keep them at least! Save on the above-mentioned law inflation. Once again - to keep it low.
Ideally, you should be able to maintain, increasing savings. A conservation, in turn, it is the first step in investing.
Now everything depends on you and your choice, so think, choose and get rich!