Secret Meaning of Money

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Secret Meaning of Money
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Today in the world there are no ideas, stronger and more violent than the idea of ​​having money .   and the more the better. This desire overcomes all, young and old, regardless of creed or color, social status and gender.

None of the religious or ideological currents did not have such power over people, which have banknotes of different category. Desire money wakes up with you and sleep with you. With you it is born and it dies with you. And even if you have a lot of them, they are never enough. As they say in the case of billionaire Paul Getty: "I would like a little more."

Moneybag carry a Judas, and for thirty pieces of silver he sold Christ. What is my strength from this money that you can sell it for God? What is the power of this money has, for the sake of it, you can create a new religion?

Remember Hubbard: "If you want to make a million, you have to think of religion." What kind of black magic that is subordinated notes, which directs people to commit a crime and betrayal? What's the demon commanded these characters that irresistibly pushes you to the insatiable desire to increase their number?

I accidentally remembered Judas, I intentionally said about religion. I want to make your idea into another room, where the dark when you will step back from it, the light will blind you. Or nothing will happen, and you will think the same as you thought before. But in any case, I suggest you the wrong move, fraudulent acts in the spirit of Agatha Christie: Aida false way, here's a theistic background influence money supply.

If there is something which everyone worships, who is God? Maybe he's drawn on the banknotes? In the end, when and who looked at the wandering apostles of the Gospel, and who knows, maybe one of his disciples thought that he might have a lot more than he had then? And the demons were expelled by Judas is not worse than the other eleven.

And it may be that some of you faced with similar in a very banal and not the religious circumstances where the person that you learn everything you have given a lot, quit you left you, betrayed you to have more than he has now.

But this is a trap, a false move.

And I have to admit at once: money does not have nothing to do with religion, nor to the pagan dohristianstvu. Do not have the least because religion - a private in relation to money. This creates a religion of dogma and writes stories about how to properly treat the money as they should be, and how they can and can not aspire.

Money explain everything in silence without saying a word to you, do not build the temple, and without requiring them to worship. So if you have the money there is some secret meaning, if they have some surprising metaphor, which is clear in all languages, the value is clearly beyond the scope of religious explanations.

Money is often compared with the blood, and it is very beautiful metaphor, it seems to be very much can be explained. But in fact, this definition is false. Money can not be blood, because the blood is neutral, and the money is very aggressive. Moreover, the metaphor might offend Christians, whose blood is sacred and that it is filled with an entirely different meaning: If you are close to the church, then you understand what I'm saying. You can be perfectly calm: the religious feelings will not be affected.

Blood - a metaphor money. Money - not the blood of society. Money - is the social function of fertilization and procreation. Money - it is a social substitute for the natural instinct of reproduction.

And the more a person walks the path of controlled fertility, contraception and abortion, the less meaningful and less valuable it becomes for procreation in the biological sense of the word, the more and more powerful it becomes a substitute for the social instinct of reproduction - money.

At different times in a person especially valued different things. For females the ideal male is the one who can give the most powerful impulse for procreation, to give a new and strong offspring. At one time, it could be the one who is the strongest and able to conquer the female. This is true in terms of the nature of each of us have seen movies where males are desperately fighting for the female, and of course, the strongest wins.

Then it could be a handy man, who at the same time be able to provide their offspring to survive. Then, the male could well be far from the strongest male, but one that belongs to a particular race, clan elected. Later still the best choice for females could be a male, who can be called smart: the mind is like an ideal basis for survival.

Today, when money can get all of the above, the ideal male is one that is rich. He may be weak, sick or not the most intelligent. It can be anything and be anything: but if he has money, he is the one who can create the best conditions for the existence of their future offspring.

Money has three universal values.

The first is reflected in the fact that money is able to create. They are able to give life to something new. I have often talked about man as a biological form, which always seeks to compensate for his inability to give birth. At first, he could create. Tools, for example.

Then he could invent the Pythagorean theorem or give rise to light works of art. Today, all he can just buy. It is enough to have money. And even if you create the money to the atomic bomb, you create, not destroy, as a mother who raises her son, it builds even if he grew up to become a soldier.

Money does not know how to break down, even if you put them into production mines or tanks. And even if some evildoer pays to the world destroyed, while it aims to achieve a purpose. Sperm never seeks to destroy, it is absurd on its nature. His goal - to give new life to the light continued to generate itself.

But this goal is very often leads to rivalry and confrontation. And as in the animal world, which often kills the new male offspring from the previous male to breed new, their progeny, and the life of our world something new is often given at the expense of destroying other people's achievements.

The second value of money - it is the socio-genetic baggage that completely replaced the native genetic. Possession of some amount of money - it is a set of genes, a set of guaranteed programs that will ensure the future of certain offspring characteristics and properties. Geneticists now transcribe the gene pool, but its time has passed, it's time to have a new science - genetic sociology or social genetics.

That money will determine who will be your child, it will grow, what are the chances of an effective survival. Money determine its success, education, career, and even a future marriage.

Prev. - Next. "

About the money and financial literacy


A huge ball of inadequate facilities humanity related to the topic of money. Not all of them are directly related to psychology - to understand them would have to explain the basics of financial management, but that's another topic. However, about one of inadequate facilities associated with money, today we talk here and now.

Its aphoristic expression, though belongs to Karl Marx, but our people more aware thanks to Ostap Bender, otcherknuvshego her blue pencil in the book "Sharks of world imperialism", sent by post to Alexander Koreiko.


"All of the major modern state amassed the most dishonest way"

Koreiko was an exceptional man. Instantly he multiplied and divided in the mind of the big three-digit and four-digit numbers. He looked like a boxer, prudently prepares his triumph. He submitted a special regime, and did not drink or smoke, keep in shape, doing heavy weights.

Alexander wanted to be young and fresh that day, when all return to the old, and he will come out of hiding fearlessly reveal their ordinary suitcase. The fact that the old will return Koreiko never doubted. He's saving himself for capitalism.

Judging by the fact that in those early years Alexander Ivanovich was already thirty-eight, capitalism, he is not likely to wait. They waited for us.

Settings people are replaced more slowly than economic formations.

According to the surveys of sociologists, 80% of respondents in Russia believe that wealth and honesty are incompatible. On the question of the capitalist world "If you're so smart, why are so poor," our people have come up with Throws capitalists surprise answer: "It's because honest!"

Ask people why they think so, and they are unlikely to be able to answer you anything other than, "Well, that's all we know."

And even the most advanced lead in response to a quote from Karl Marx, which forced Alexander Ivanovich grimaced in horror.

Why Ilf and Petrov moved Marx in the mass installation - understandable. The time is there. And you now what it is?

I am sure that if social scientists ask the question "Would you like to be rich?", The majority of respondents answered "yes." By the way, you also want? At the same time, over 80% of people believe that wealth and honesty are incompatible. By the way, you also believe?

If you both questions answered "yes", then obviously you're going to achieve wealth through dishonest?

If not, then you are not yet obvious that the installation of "wealth and honesty are incompatible" and the desire to be honest it is impossible to become rich?

In general, what is money?

Man seriously exist apart from the others, not taking advantage of the fruits of their labor. Ie There, he can. (See, eg, R. Kipling "Mowgli" or V.Megre "Anastasia"), but it was too (in my subjective opinion) is not comfortable.

To make life more comfortable, people began to use the division of labor - one does one thing and another - another. Then share the results. You told me the goat - I told you the boat.

But barter is not too convenient, and people have come up with the money.

Money - is the equivalent of the value of goods and services. Let me remind you - goods and services - is the fruit of the labor of people is the benefit that they can bring to other members of society.

Money - a measure of the benefits that you bring to others.

Like this.

The money you receive for their work for the benefit of others, reflect two things:

As far as what you do really need other people (there are a lot of different components - for example, how your work is unique and irreplaceable, etc.)

How much do you know how to present and sell the results of their work to others.

However, the benefit to society can not only bring you personally by their own labor, but before you earn the money themselves. I'm talking about investing. Investing free savings you time on your money transfer business, which uses them to make a profit by producing the right products or providing useful services.

The benefit of all this:

and a business that is able to scale up and make additional profits

and society are gaining new products and services

and you, as an additional passive income, for which it is not necessary to work - interest, dividends, etc.

It is interesting that your money is being properly and wisely invested, can eventually start bringing you a lot more revenue than a private employment.

However, in order to invest correctly and wisely, and really get the passive income (instead of losing them in the next financial gamble) need financial literacy.

The problem with most of our fellow citizens is that they do not have the financial literacy. It is not taught in schools and colleges. Despite the abundance of books in bookstores, I can not recommend any of them as a good tutorial on what actually represent a investment, and how to actually work the financial markets.

The same book by Robert Kiyosaki in a series of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", which prompted many interested in investing (and which I recommend be sure to read if you have still not done), are more motivating character than an explanation " rules of the game. "

Success to you!
