Take care of the future


Think in advance! Take care of the future, and it will take care of you.

Robert Kiyosaki - author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" - famous thanks to a simple idea. He noticed that some of our transactions in the future help to increase our prosperity, and some - do the opposite.

Assets and liabilities

For example, if you're "lucky" to buy a very used car, then you will understand very soon that it takes longer than giving. Repair, extra gasoline, the accident caused by the failure, the more expensive the insurance ... This is called passive.

On the other hand, the acquisition of the "extra" apartments can be very lucrative. It not only can be taken for good money, it is more expensive and time. And all the costs are absorbed tenant. And it will be an asset.

The business, which requires all your forces and all the resources of your time, balancing on the verge of recovery - passive.

But if you managed to arrange things so that the profits are rising and your direct participation is required less and less, then you get an asset.

As noted by Kiyosaki, most people are starting to earn more, immediately embark on the next cargo liabilities: buying on credit, investment in half-dead business, a growing number of "freeloaders" ...

Therefore, he suggested to the simple idea of ​​genius - build assets and dispose of liabilities. And I agree with him.


On display is easy money. Indeed, if you earn 45,000 rubles a month, but you give 15,000 rubles, renting a flat, 10000 rubles on the mortgage loan for the unfinished his 5,000 rubles loan for a plasma TV, 12,000 rubles to the nurse, then all the rest of you remains 3000 rubles. Wow, really!

The funny thing is that to start earning 90,000 rubles, you will want to invest 30,000 rubles in the promotion of their own business, 15,000 rubles loan for a new car, and you again you remain with the same 3000 rubles.

Yes, I almost forgot! If for any reason you find yourself temporarily unable to work is now, then 87,000 rubles you still deduct. And next month, and the next - too.

According to Kiyosaki, very typical for America: lost job - machine loses most of the benefits acquired for life, because you can not pay taxes, rent, credit commitments, etc. We are rapidly approaching this.

On the other hand, if in addition to the payment of your vigorous activity that requires your direct participation, you regularly receive at least 5,000 rubles for advertising on your web site, 2,000 rubles for the use of your invention, 3,000 rubles for the involved you a regular customer, then now you have 10,000 rubles in the black even if a month spent on the stove.

And the best part is that a taste for assets, you will be more and more of their build up. And a couple of years only on the assets you'll be prepared, for example, 20,000 rubles. Without their direct involvement. Therefore, I agree that assets need to do more, and from liabilities - to get rid of as soon as possible.

Not just the money

Money is easy to calculate. But they are not the only available resource to us. So, the idea of ​​assets and liabilities may be extended to other types of resources. What kind? Health, energy, contacts, knowledge, skills, time, reputation ...

Every action leads either to an increase in our resources or to decrease. Each of our solution creates an asset or liability. Which will inevitably impact on our future.

Here are just a few examples.

* Create well-wishers! Let more and more people will want to do you good. Let there be light on those who wish you harm. Look for the opportunity to make sure that people benefit from the cooperation with you, but also about his win, do not forget.

* Do not fight against - the fight for .   Do not ruin - operation. Any war is unprofitable. Especially - prolonged. Cooperation is always useful. Do not invest their resources in other people's defeat - Get the business. Create!

Always implement the Agreement .   Or disagree. Agreed - do. Then you will want to deal with in the future. Yes, and you get everything on that agreement.

* Choosing a job, think not only about money but also about all other purchased there opportunities: information, communication, experience, skills, reputation, atmosphere ... Sometimes the job is not as profitable as promising, and sometimes you for the work you receive only money. The prospect is more important!

* Take care of your own health, I think that you put and fill his mouth. How to cope with all of this body? What's the price? What this will lead in ten years? Stop eating poisons - Eat right! The juice is better cola, fruit is better than chocolate, vegetables, meat easier. Obviously!

* Learn from the mistakes. Ignore them. Ask feedback. Then, the error will be smaller, and the results - more. Old age - is when self-confidence is more important than the result. Be young! Change for the better!

* Produced right first impression. Create a reputation. All of this will work for you for years, because the view is so human inertia.

* Surround yourself with successful people. Surround yourself with loving people. Talk with those who you like and who you want to be like. Make yourself an environment that will help you. Support. To the right. Show a true example. Not vodis with those who will disturb you to develop and not pull back.

* Do not lie. Otherwise you'll have to memorize everything and who said - to spend extra resources. Plus a lie - a time bomb under the relationship with that person. Or organization. Honesty promising.

* To finish the job. Only after achieving the result you can get back what you put into it. Otherwise ... And hang investments, and regret rises, and faith in himself is reduced ... better finish. At least to the negative, but the final result.

* Do not procrastinate problems without scuffle old wounds - think constructively. Of future results, the necessary, on how to achieve, on the opportunities. Positive thoughts create the desired mood. Negative - slowly killing. Think constructively!

* Expand your comfort zone. Learn new. Learn. Accumulating skills. Explore the unknown. Then you can feel confident in a variety of circumstances. Choose your expansion strategy! Because otherwise you'll have to sacrifice even what is already there, and skill development will be lost.

Think in advance!

By calculating the ratio of assets and liabilities, can you predict the future. By changing this ratio, you can change the future.

Each liability - an approximation to the crash.

Each asset - the foundation for future prosperity.

Yes momentary benefit seems so attractive that it is tempting to pay for her creation of a liability. It is necessary to quickly calm down - hi cigarette. I would like to snatch the jackpot more - appeared offended. Scary risk - worked until retirement at the same place. Too lazy to do sports - body reciprocate.

Stop! Think what this will lead! Enough to create liabilities!

Think in advance - create assets! Learn to build relationships, to create additional sources of income, seek ways how to earn more by investing less, take care of the reputation, think constructively - it is something that will work for you for years to come. This is something that will work for you for years to come.

In short, take care of the future, and it will take care of you.

The cure for lack of money

Table of contents
The cure for lack of money
Page 2


The fact that the need to save their own money, now knows almost everyone. And this concern is not only about the present, to have enough money for current expenses, but also about the future, when the money will be even more necessary than it is now. And today opened opportunities for investment

savings allow an ordinary person to create such capital, which can survive even when it would be difficult to make a living because of their age, or any other reasons.

In order to remain in a purse on a daily basis 50-250 rubles, or even more, depending on the size of the daily expenses and your income level, it is necessary to know the saving recipes that help to make the right purchasing decision and not to overpay.

According to one of the American guru to achieve financial freedom, Brian Tracy, "we are too early to begin to associate pain and discomfort with the economy, and pleasure - shopping." And if the economy is perceived as pain you, you have to restructure your thinking process and turn the economy into a pleasure.

If you react to daily shopping in the store and in general the process of saving as a game, a victory which will be prize money from a few dozen to several hundred rubles a day, depending on the standard of living that you now lead, I think the game worth it - especially when you consider that every hundred rubles, you can save the day (for a month will be typed about 3,000 rubles.), embedded, for example, by 25% in ten years will bring 27940 rubles.

And if you turn your savings into the system, and will fill up your investment account at least every quarter, your amount will turn into 496 493 rubles. Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world, began his career as a newsboy - and economy.

He set aside every dollar that he could save. He did not buy a car. Not because of the fact that this car was worth $ 10 thousand., But for the amount, which will become in 20 years the $ 10 thousand.

The problem of lack of money for the average person is rooted in the financial decisions that he takes daily. Emotions and fatigue, frantic pace of life do their dirty work - a person is constantly making the same mistakes that have catastrophic consequences for the family budget. Money goes forever and not come back.

But there is a cost, the size of which you can not influence, but there are costs that affect you are able. With costs, the size of which depends on your daily decisions, we must find a way to understand and correctly use the available funds, and loose money directed to the formation of capital needed for your future.

Says Barry Schwartz in his book "The Paradox of Choice", modern man is very difficult to be happy because of the abundance of goods, among which he must choose. And if a person chooses from an infinite number of goods and services, he becomes unhappy because there is always a thing or object, which will result in better and more human disheartened by a poor selection.

If a person is able to limit the choice of, say, five or six kinds of products, among these, he will be able to choose the best option for yourself and get all of the purchase: the joy of owning a thing of joy, that this thing is fully consistent with his requirements, and joy the fact that this approach allowed him to save some money.

Therefore, a reasonable approach to the use of the funds is to create a certain "framework" that would act in many cases automatically.

Each waste you will be analyzed and work to change it until then, until you achieve substantial savings and develop the habit that helps to operate automatically even the most extreme conditions.


Expenditure on food for the middle class in Russia is about 25% of the income, and for the majority of citizens - 50%, and even more. And it is in these costs have to look for reserves to save. The reasons for cost overruns can be several:

Incorrect menu

Ingestion of a beautiful ritual that unites the family, has become a mere getting your stomach with anything. Proof can serve as an increase in the number of books about diets. At the root of many chronic diseases is poor diet and overeating.

If you start to have the principle of "less is better", it will bring significant savings. And then go eat better than the super expensive delicacies and sausage, and a healthy and fresh food.

Wrong power mode (constant snacking).

On buns, burgers, chips and soda or a cup of coffee among the working day is spent considerable funds of the family budget. This is what David Bach, author of the book "The Millionaire - automatically" called "latte factor." $ 5 (average cost of a cup of coffee latte with a cupcake) X 7 days = $ 35 per week.

If people put the money even under 10% in a year it would be equal to the sum of $ 1885

2 years - $ 3967

5 years - $ 11616

10 years - $ 30727

15 years - $ 62,171

30 years - $ 339,073

40 years - $ 948,611.

The solution is to simply drawing up menus for every day. That's correct and timely food will keep you from having something to catch and will not let you in between meals to feel hunger.

Semi-finished products.

The pace of life makes us all move and act faster. And to save time, a person buys semi-finished products. But forget a simple rule: that in which invested more labor is more expensive. The most important thing, overpaying, you buy less healthy products.

Instead of freshly prepared dishes with the required amount of vitamins you choose a set of preservatives, because without them none of cake mix is ​​not possible. Saving money will be in the rejection of intermediates and surrogates. A saving of time - in the planning and organization of activities so as to prepare the main dish to several days at a convenient time for you.

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