Terms daily financial management. As you know, the book market is sufficient literature which provides tips fast, easy and secure enrichment. "Astrology money", "How to attract money into your life," "10 tips on how to get rich" and others with no less promising titles.
Recipes given by most of these "books", simple and accessible to everyone and are surprisingly similar. It reduces, mainly, to the next. It must be early in the morning three times (or ten times a day, or three thousand times during the year) to say out loud:
"Money flows to me a river! I earn a lot of money, I make them easily! "And then for some time you will become fabulously rich.
If you suddenly could not get rich quick, then, after reading the same book to the end, you will find an explanation for this - it turns out, it is necessary not merely to utter the magic phrase, and saying, believe in them, as in the "Our Father." Because the phrase, uttered without faith - it's just a fluctuation of material substance, and not an appeal to the material on "egregor wealth" or even some mystical thing, whose task is to get rich, and you.
We will not argue with the authors of such literature. Only agree with the statement made at a subtitle -
the money goes to those who love them. The statement, in our view, it is absolutely true, provided that all properly understand what "love" in relation to money. We must say at once that it's a special feeling.
The love of money - it's not moaning about lost every penny and huge locks on the treasure chests, which can be like Miserly Knight, immerse hands. The love of money, and such a love for which money reciprocate - is something else. In our opinion, the money you need to love as well as a good parent loves children. Do not lisp with them, do not do them the slightest whim, do not load with presents gorgeous gifts, and just every day to give them time and attention.
The measure of love towards children is the time that children are completely owned by their parents during the day (month, year, lifetime). You can even, perhaps, to say that if your neighbor spends with his daughter in the five-year average of two hours a day, and you - only one and a half, he loves his child is 33% stronger than you. With this statement, you can argue, but you can accept. At the very least, another objective measure of love, in our opinion, does not exist. Similarly, in the case of money.
Money should be given time and attention on a daily basis. To begin at least to consider them. Then, when the count of the daily cost will be the integral part of nature, thinking where to invest, assess the risks, scroll through the options and, best of all, take profits!
The money goes to the one who loves them. And he loves them, who every day gives them the time and attention. You are already aware of how important it is to treat money and are ready to take control of them?
Let's start: The first thing you need to do to take control of your personal finances, it is - to learn to take into account the amount of coming and going. Accountants do it in the enterprises, and ordinary citizens are not able to do in everyday life. So we have to start from the very beginning.
Currently, there are many computer programs that automate personal finance, and some of these programs will have to be used. However, the basic principles should be discussed without reference to any software, and, as one would say in the nineteenth century, in situ, that is, "in effect", "by themselves."
Accounting rules a little bit, they are intelligent, worldly in a simple and effective.
• Rule 1. Consider all you need, and to the penny!
• Rule 2: Consider the need every day!
• Rule 3: The results of accounting to analyze.
• Rule 4. The analysis is necessary to draw conclusions and to change something in my life.
The most difficult thing - to do it every day. Think of the day when you put off for tomorrow accounting operations, canceling all of your past efforts. For one day this will come a second, then a third, and - start all over again.
We recommend using the "Financial glider." Working with him, you will achieve all of these goals.
Homework: These rules, record and hang in a prominent place in his apartment. To begin, start at least they just look, let your conscious and subconscious will start with these rules, will pave the way for your actions.
Oksana Barkov