How to attract more money into your life

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How to attract more money into your life
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Is it not better to think about how you can earn more.

Invent and create their business, improve their skills, to find a better paying job, ask the chief of the salary increase, to find additional income. Variants of thousands, most importantly want to see them.

In most cases, to increase salaries simply to stop being afraid and do at least a small step forward.

Why is one person of the subjects still managed to save some money? Most likely, this person could do it mechanically, not investing in this process no emotion. He did not want to save, but just responsibly complied with my request.

Other participants in this process invested their emotions, really wanted to save money and carefully restrict themselves in many things, as if to say thus the universe that can not afford to buy this. And she, in turn, reflected their thoughts. So how to relate to money, you ask? Did they need to mindlessly squander? It's so close to bankruptcy and! My answer to this question.

Do not tremble over money, not save every penny, do not deny yourself the nice shopping, do not go every night with the thought that tomorrow you will not have the money. Money - is energy. And the energy needed constant movement.

Imagine that you have a certain reserve of love. You are very afraid of losing him and decides to take his savings. Do you think that if you give away Love left and right, then very quickly this supply is exhausted and you are left with nothing.

Now imagine that you do not give the love of your family, your friends, just familiar to people. Do not rejoice and enjoy life. Presented? Do you think someone would want to love this person? After a while, every one of them will run away from him.

The same thing happens with the money, if you're sitting on the chest with your wealth and are afraid to open it, to make sure we do not lose a single coin, then you certainly will save up their capital, but because the chest is constantly closed, and get into it none of the coin can not. Therefore, buying a thing, give your money to the joy and pleasure. Do not hold on to them.

Believe that you are always enough money and soon you will get much more than just spent.

And if you lose a certain amount, do not worry and do not grieve about it, certainly in the near future you will get from the universe worthy of compensation. But what about the proverb "Kopeechka ruble saves", you ask?

Yes, of course, people who adhere to such a principle, actually knocking together yourself a small fortune, constantly recalculate all their savings and are very afraid of losing him. But no one has conducted experiments, how much richer would these people if the money belonged to at least a little quieter.

In turn, it is not necessary to refer to money and careless disregard.

With such an attitude to them are also unlikely to wish to come to you. Ideal - take the money calmly and neutrally. As one of the ways to achieve your goals.

The universe is abundant. For her, anyway, give you a $ 1 or $ 1 billion. It you are representing that $ 1 billion to make unrealistic, but $ 500-600 is a very real to you. But for the Universe and $ 1 and $ 1 billion mean no more than the leaves on the trees. Only people attach such importance to these pieces of paper, thereby restricting the natural flow of money into their lives.

The best way - is to go through life his own way, to have a decent and sincere purpose, then the money you will certainly appear in the right amount for you.

Do not worry about exactly how they will come into your life. This is not your problem.

Universe make sure that all your goals you have enough money. But in any case, think only of his head. If you are running a principle of economy, do not give up on him, you can safely continue to use it.

Maybe for some people it is the best way to achieve financial independence. But in any case, do not be afraid to change something in your life, go ahead and experiment.

Just what is taking action and getting your personal and irreplaceable experience, you can become really rich and wealthy person.

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How to get a pay rise

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How to get a pay rise
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And the salary is more competition

The strategy is linked to the market trend of leveling of wages for identical work in different companies. It turns out that wage growth in the competing company puts the leadership of your company is also going to have to raise wages to avoid care professionals.

If the boss does not show initiative, employees are free to notify him of the change in prices in the labor market. Temporarily silencing the problem will only lead to a later address it. Well if you have a trusted person who can raise sensitive issues before the authorities wage increase and justify the claim group.

Usually, the request to raise wages motivating increase in the volume of work, impeccable discipline, rising prices of essential commodities. It should be noted that the refusal of the chief subordinates motivated request is not easy, as it undermines the image of a just leader. The more reasoned claim will sound, the more likely their satisfaction.

We demand higher wages

The offensive strategy in private firms rarely leads to the goal. Its use is usually low-paid employees and workers. However, their victory is short-lived. At the first opportunity culling is fired, and the fruits of their struggle for higher wages are others.

The success of the behavioral strategies is largely dependent on the ability to choose the right time and place for the question of the salary increase. What times are favorable? Firstly, while changing chiefs. The new leaders are trying to acquire the location of subordinates, to show their best qualities.

The most effective and proven way to winning the sympathy of the collective - wage increases. However, employees should also take active steps: to express approval of the personnel policy of the owner of the enterprise, to express a willingness to work with the new superiors with renewed vigor, but at the same time criticize the level of their cash income.

The question of salary can be unobtrusive, half-joking lift in the form of an informal, festive atmosphere at the banquet. In an atmosphere of mutual congratulations harder to deny, rather than in the workplace everyday day. At least, you can get a promise to address the problem immediately after the holidays.

A good reason to think about the salary increase - quite high and stable profit received by the company. In this period, authorities received solid interest and premium, builds make plans to expand the business, and are unlikely to disregard the request of employees, whose work contributed to the success of the company.

At the same time it is necessary to know the times are not favorable to hikes for higher wages: After any failure, when the profit decreases when found shortcomings in the work of staff. Psychologists say that one of the worst days for the claims - the day of payment of wages.

In summary of the possible ways to increase the wages, we can give the following advice:

Increase the professional level, to make a career - and will achieve the desired result.

Use depending on the situation, a different strategy to put pressure on the leaders of the firm. Remember the folk wisdom: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Without the initiative from your side you hardly pay raise. Choose a time most suitable for treatment with the leadership of reasoned requests and demands.

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Money, money, money ...

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Money, money, money ...
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Spend the "inventory" of the advantages, opportunities and resources.

In the old Danish parable:

"Master the game with a bet on the tiles will be excited when you play on a silver clasp and lost his mind in the game for gold." Excessive excitement at a meeting with the employer or client can give your vulnerability. Fear of failure can be so strong that it will not allow even try. Excessive interest in the result often produces the opposite result. Therefore, in the pursuit of money never forget that happiness is still not in them.

Money is certainly important as a means of ensuring the material side of life, and even more as a confirmation that your work is really needed. But only a fool can count the money the most important thing in life. Unfortunately, these madmen has recently become too much, but the more it is not necessary to replenish their ranks.

As a rule, to seek money to compensate for their disadvantages. But the radical treatment is to get rid of the drawbacks, not the "gold" of them. Spiritually healthy person is a "sovereign individual", which remains the same in velvet and in rags. He does not need the support of their merits as well and evaluate their confidence in this assessment.

Perhaps, in general, your problem is not a lack of finance, but the fact that you give them too much importance. In addition, the knowledge that there are things much more important, helps firstly to preserve the peace and self-respect in the failure (a failure happen at all), and the second will not cross the line beyond which begins the destruction of personality.

So worrying about the earnings, however, often repeat the words of one of Green's character: "Money does not make even a live flea", that is:

Do not forget that money can not buy happiness.

If you have taken the first step on the way to increase their income, that is, decided to do it, then you have no experience in how to become rich. It would be naive to expect that in a new and difficult task that you immediately succeed.

Be prepared for hard work and a lot of failures. The inventor of the zipper certainly rich, but it took ten years for the idea to bring to the industrial belt. Be prepared for zero result of their efforts, and getting immediate results, do not relax - this is the case, and the case is changeable.

When filling cones, exhausting options for spending the time and effort, you begin to get a way out of its cost, you'll get the main thing - now you know in which direction to move, but in some - not. But even finding a gold mine, keep experimenting, because tomorrow can dry live. The main thing is that you get on this path, it is not money, but the experience in their earnings.

So our last advice is:

Be prepared for a long, calm and persistent efforts.

Very briefly all of the above can be summarized as follows: If you are not satisfied with their financial situation, then embark on this occasion something - either increase revenues or reduce costs or get rid of discontent.

Vladimir Yefimov

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