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Count your money!
Page 2
The third conclusion - we can identify their sources of income. Where and how much money they bring us.
How much money will I get the main job as part brings me how I get as gifts, how much money I bring odd jobs or gifts.
Let's look at a simple task. Imagine that you are a financial expert. Comes to you friend and said: "I earn in sanepidemstantsii 700 hryvnia per month (equivalent to $ 140), and worked in a direct sales business, earning 200 hryvnia (the equivalent of $ 40). Advise me what to do? What do I do? Stay sanepidemstantsii or work in the business of direct sales? "
On the one hand your friend has a serious income of $ 140, which brings the main work, and $ 40 additional income, which is, in fact, revenue can not be called. I had exactly the same attitude to these numbers.
But let's ask your friend: "dear, but how much time do you spend direct sales business? "
- "Not a lot. Well, maybe half an hour a day. So after work to a neighbor I Come, show directory, on a break at work tell you about our products. Half an hour a day. "
- "Great. And how long do you do your main job? "-" Like all normal people - 9 hours a day, but even if I leave on objects, my time is increased to 12 - 14 hours. Sometimes even have to work on Saturdays. "
Now let's count. 9:00 multiplied by 5 days. It turns out 45 hours a week. Multiply 45 hours for 4 weeks, obtained 180 hours per month. Plus add time to travel to the facilities and the work on Saturdays - 40 hours. So he makes his main job 3, 5 hryvnia (equivalent to $ 0, 7) per hour.
In the business of direct sales, he pays for half an hour a day. Half an hour a day give 10 hours per month. $ 40 Divide by 10 hours. We find that in the direct sales business, he earns $ 4 per hour, almost six times more than in the main job. So where should be the main job? ..
But as long as we do not find the money, we do not have this remarkable statistics about where our money lie, in what sphere you need to put the main effort. So, the money you need to take it every day to record your income and expenses. And then, quite possibly at the end of the month we will open our eyes to where should be the main job.
How can you train yourself to keep a record of their own cash flow?
In its organizer do page accounting of funds, and every day it is filled. By the end of the first month you will be able to draw the first conclusions about how you handle your cash flow. Obviously, this takes patience and persistence in action. And if that is not?
There is another option - to develop the habit of keeping daily records of money. Any teacher will tell you that the best way to raise a some new qualities, abilities or skills - to involve themselves in the process through the game.
Remember, when parents have a child forced to do exercises, we do not understand why we need this. But if we parents are invited to play either football, or basketball, or tennis, we are happy to agree. Is that right? Similarly, we can themselves be involved in the process of use skills to keep records of the money through the game. The game "The key to wealth."
To do this, just need to start playing more often with her, in which throughout the game need to constantly keep a record of funds: where the money came to you, where and how much depleted. In a playful way people in a few hours it becomes a habit to keep records of money transfers it in real life and self-aware of the need for record-keeping. Sometimes it comes to the ridiculous. I spend the game "The key to wealth."
The day after the game comes up to me and one participant said, "Victor, it works! "I specify that it works? You know, I sponsor 3 years talking about the need to keep records of money, and I nodded and that was ended. But after yesterday's game I am personally convinced of how important it is to keep records of cash.
I came home in the evening and tried to paint the memory of your expenses and income over the past month. In the morning I get a call clients who a month ago took my products, and pay not yet paid. And they say: "When you come to us, we will have prepared the money." Obviously, beginners luck.
Once a person is changing for the better the lives of its rewards. A friend of mine works at a large publishing house. She has always been a problem such as a lack of money. And I recommend it to it during the month took account of their expenditure and revenue. At the end of the month, she calls me and says happily: "Vit, imagine, and my salary at work have increased! ". And her alone.
Life is very favorable to those who are accumulating in themselves new qualities and skills.
And about money, this law works the same way.
It's a patience you need to record their daily income and expenses.
Dear friends, if you really want to do to manage their cash flow, and not to you, he ruled, start to keep records of cash.
No wonder they say: "Money is like the expense! ". And remember that the Ukrainian tradition - it count! Count your money!