How to attract more money into your life

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How to attract more money into your life
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To answer this question, I conducted an experiment, which was attended by 10 people. Within 3 months, these people kept diaries, which recorded all of their daily expenses. There are many different theories as to how to achieve wealth and prosperity.

Today, the shelves of most bookstores inundated with books that focus on wealth, success and prosperity.

Surely almost every one of you once read or even holding a book with similar content. And because of this, you ask? And the fact that many of these books contain not only useful, but sometimes very harmful and not the truthful information.

And how to understand the common man who picks up a book the next guru, where the book useful and interesting information, and where the dangerous virus, which is picked up, it is possible not only to achieve wealth and prosperity, but also to lose what you have. The fact that most of these books were written in the last century. Some 20-30 years ago.

The information that is set out in them, it is quite possible for the working of the twentieth century, but today most of it has lost its relevance.

Let's look at one of the principles to achieve wealth, which is fairly common in well-known and popular writers, but for most people is not working. This principle states that the need to rigidly control your spending every day carefully record them and try to set aside each month for at least 10% of their income.

And if you refuse to optional and unnecessary spending and will save each day, then theoretically you have each month will become more and more money. As a result, you will be provided, and a rich man. But let's think about whether this really is.

To answer this question, I conducted an experiment, which was attended by 10 people. Within 3 months, these people kept diaries, which recorded all of their daily expenses. They limit the consumption of certain foods, we try to spend less money on unnecessary, in their view of things.

At the beginning of each month set aside 10 percent of their income. That is followed all the recommendations of the authors of popular books on enrichment. And here the past 3 months. What do you think, what was the result? In 8 out of 10 people monthly expenses during the test period exceeded the usual 10-30%! One person costs remained at the same level.

And only one person could do something to save. Why did this happen, you ask? After all, logically, they spend less than before and had to save some money. But in fact, everything is explained very simply. The universe always gives us what we expect to get from it.

And when we say to ourselves: "All this month begin to limit their spending. I'm not going to buy this and that. And this can be dispensed with. And if you sit on a diet, then little more can be saved, "it seems obvious to us that such actions will inevitably lead us to increase our financial independence. But it was not there.

The universe takes this information on the. When you say the universe that are going to start saving, it takes so that you do not have enough money, you can not make more money that you can not provide for themselves. That's why you're going to start saving.

And then you begin to prove your case. You appear contingencies at work suddenly cancel bonuses or thirteenth salary, you steal money and even thousands of different options of how the universe will reflect your same beliefs about money.

That is what happened during the test period. 8 out of 10 people spent far less money on seemingly unnecessary things, and when the month came to an end, it seemed that here they are - the money saved. But almost always happened some unforeseen event that forced them to spend not only delayed 10%, but even 10-30% more.

The universe seemed to say to us: "You are afraid that you will not have enough money? I will do everything possible so that you were not disappointed in their beliefs. " And the universe certainly appeared reasonable question: "And what do you save money? For a rainy day? Well, you will be a rainy day. And not even one. "

It is important to realize that saving money, you will never become of the rich man. If you set aside each month of $ 100, how many years you will need to buy a house, car, visit all interesting to you country? Counted? So you can live?

When you start saving, you agree to let an information that is not enough money, they are not enough at all, so they need to save. And all your thought process to direct the thinking of different options to save. This path does not lead you to riches.

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How to get a pay rise

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How to get a pay rise
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Good to profit from real estate, interest from bank deposits, dividends from shares and government securities, to marry the president of a major campaign to win a few million in a lottery. But what if you have only their own operational capacity,

intellect and an enormous desire to achieve in life for something more?

The answer is simple: it is necessary to get a job, move up the career ladder and aspire to the highest possible salary, the amount of which, in accordance with Article 132 of the Labor Code, is not limited.

For information on how to get the management to increase wages, and we'll talk.

For enterprises and institutions of the public sector wage bill and limit the form in advance, wage rates are set by a single tariff scale, therefore, if they wanted to get rich heads of staff options are limited.

Indexation of wages, depending on the level of inflation is automatic. The increase follows the increase in salaries of professional skills and promotion, so career - the real way to improve the financial situation.

If the company strong trade union organization, she signed with the administration of the collective agreement, which stipulated the possibility of increasing financial reward employees. The Russian experience shows that large industries good results can be achieved only one legal strike threat.

If there is no hope of any assistance to a trade union or a promotion, you can look for a second job, which is quite acceptable for employees with flexible hours: for university teachers, health workers and so on. D.

Virtually all state-owned enterprises can find a way to earn some money. For example, drivers of public transport travel tickets sold, the teacher checks the work time students, doctors, and so spread the medication. D.

Incomparably more opportunities to increase the income of the workers in the private sector, where permissible participation in profits from the production and trade, there is no limitation fund salaries and incentives.

Trade union organizations are few and do not play a significant role. The explanation is simple: the level of salaries in the private company is much higher than in the public sector, employees cling to their seats, not thinking about strikes. However, they are also thinking about the salary increase.

Gaining experience, training, assimilation of related professions, increased productivity - all good reasons to transfer the employee to a high-paying job.

Managers are senior managers and department heads, secretaries and translators - assistants and assistant general manager, porters - storekeepers, workers - foremen, guards - the heads of the security services; ordinary accountants grow to the coveted post of chief accountant.

Career prospects in the private sector depend on the abilities of the employee and company policy. This path is correct, but slow, and pay raises would like to receive today. How to convince the head of what you are worth more? In effect a mechanism of behavioral strategies that can be called a game on the rise.

Let us work for a percentage of the transaction

This is one of the most popular strategies in organizations where income depends on the number and monetary value of the services rendered. Of course, if an ordinary employee would require the authorities entering the share, it may be replaced by a less ambitious worker.

But if the company spent money on your training, you possess important information about the functioning of the company, your care will rival organization to direct losses and the loss of customers - boldly ask for a pay raise. Positioning your abilities as a "professional production piece" will make the leadership to think seriously about satisfying material claims.

Entrepreneurs interested in retaining highly skilled professionals, are usually willing to pay him a greater percentage of the transaction. In a special account at the direction of the engineer, signing expensive contracts for the construction and modernization of technical installations; Managers work with customs, which are guided by the law, have personal ties to the customs terminals.

We are the best and expensive stand

Such a strategy is often used when providing mediation services and implementation of temporary piecework. Position the company and its specialists as the most qualified in any area, the customer offer to pay more than the real value of the order.

This strategy, providing high wages, is based essentially on the sale of the advertised brand. For example, the firm, repairs and services imported household appliances and automobiles, clearly overstate the cost of services rendered and the salaries of their employees are constantly growing.

The difficulty of assessing the work of specialists, offering psychological trainings growth diagnostics personnel and other types of virtual services, allowing them to sell their skills to the highest bidder.

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