Money, money, money ...

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Money, money, money ...
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It wants to help people in anything, what really are the problems that need to all and that most often complain about. And what all the complaining in our time? What our fellow citizens are saying as actively as the English - about the weather? A favorite subject of conversation in recent years is, of course, price.

Moreover, they differ in the same variety and variability, as well as the English weather.

So today we will talk about money matters, the difficulties of the family budget, earnings and savings opportunities. Here we try to give some fairly universal tips to help those who have financial difficulties delivering really serious concern.

We really are living through difficult times, and many barely make ends meet, so that the constant complaints of poverty can be understood. Understand, but do not justify it. Unfortunately, often the idea of ​​lack of money captures the man so that it becomes almost the main content of his life.

He fixed on her, and she is circulating in his mind, not allowing to concentrate on productive activities. Such people are so accustomed to being poor, even if it happens suddenly rich, he quickly gets rid of any wealth, or (more commonly) just continues to consider themselves poor, and complain of poverty - pearl chalk. But he does not just complain, but continues to suffer!

To some extent, this phenomenon is caused by the practice of soviet life, when we were in the position of asylum and each had the greater chance of success than the more miserable, orphaned, and he looked miserable. Needless to say that the masks have a tendency to grow to face? But now conditions have changed fundamentally.

Now, everyday people's economy is not the petitioner and the seller - a commodity, labor skills. But if the seller looks unhappy, then his deeds are bad, then goods - rubbish! So that by fixing on the failures you close its way to the top. We can say that the usual talk about the exorbitant prices have become a convenient distraction.

People spend time raising their self-esteem. But if you're looking to change your position if you want to look reality in the eye, you have to admit that it's fun senseless and harmful. If it is too expensive to you - keep them engaged, and if not:

It is appropriate to recall Reinhold Niebuhr's famous prayer: "Give me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage - to change the things I can and the wisdom to distinguish them from one another."

These words expressed the idea brilliantly constructive position. You assess the situation and calling all his wisdom, decide that it is up to you, and that - no. The fact that you are not independent, you take for granted, as a condition of the game. That is something you can work, you do your goal, and evaluate the results of their efforts.

You may not like the location of the spots on the moon, or the fact that men are mortal, but wasting time on condemnation of these events, at least not reasonably. If you do not like that in the winter in Moscow is too cold, it must either accept this fact, or to move to Yalta.

If you do not like the political situation around you - you must either do political activity or to take the situation for granted and act within it.

In other words, does not present itself helpless victim of poverty.

Your poverty is the most you have created yourself, not someone else, and as long as you'll see yourself not to those who do, and those with whom do you continue to play their poverty and suffer from it. Therefore:

Take a proactive stance!

To take action, well-evaluate their resources. Spend the "inventory" of the advantages and opportunities. It can be:

1. Education, skills - languages, driving, etc. Do not lose sight of what seems to be an afterthought, do not be afraid to throw a specialty, which was considered the main, because it has invested too much effort. Remember that people change their profession in mid-life, are more resistant to stress in the elderly. Pay attention to the diplomas and certificates that you may have accumulated for life. Even the identity of the young projectionist ten years ago in your favor - a sign of initiative.

2. Personality characteristics. It is difficult to evaluate yourself, but if you know you are endowed with charm, then try and use it. Communication skills, reliability, self-confidence, tolerance of others - all of this is your capital, which can help you. Pay attention to the weakness. No wonder Balzac said: "Recognizing our weakness, man becomes stronger."

3. Material resources - an apartment or room, garage, car, garden, telephone - all could be the means of production, tool earnings. We're not talking about the actual instrument - whether it is a sewing machine or a set of wrenches. Very valuable information because, once you have, for example, a typewriter, it probably is and typing skills and some interest in this case.

4. Contacts. Last, but not least. This is one of the most valuable resources. Gainful employment is almost always possible to receive only personal contacts. Community enriches you with information and can present unexpected design ideas. And you never know in advance what kind of help in dating life. Maintain old friendships and make new.

5. Among the familiar special note respected people, representatives of reputable organizations that may confirm your professional qualities and integrity. If you only knew what tricks are resourceful adventurers to get good advice, or at least their visibility! So if you have for someone to vouch - it is the capital. Evaluation of the resources is good by the fact that they know it's easier to do something for their replenishment - to learn something, to work on the character, to clean up the instruments.

So, to know what you have, coming into the fight:

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  Think about the money

Table of contents
Think about the money
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Focus on money. Think about the money, and involve them in your life!

The law states that a concentration: "All that we think and say is multiplied, and growing, and that we deprive our attention - shrinks, fades and disappears! "Or in other words: something on which we focus, and we have multiplied.

If a woman is directing its efforts at losing weight, it becomes slim, almost slender or "too" slim shape. If a woman is concentrating its efforts on the development of the abdominal muscles, it strengthens abdominal muscles.

If a woman collects recipes, her growing collection of recipes. If a person is interested in growing houseplants, it is increasing every year the number of pots with flowers.

So, on what a person focuses, he develops.

In the book S. Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon" is an entertaining dialogue between two people who want to get rich: Bansira, masters for the production of the chariots, and Cobb, a talented musician. Their dialogue is reduced to finding the answer to one important question: "Why, we have not found any wealth?

Just you and I have never searched for it and did not. You worked hard and master the most durable chariots in Babylon. It is for this purpose were sent to all of your efforts. Therefore, it is in this, and you succeeded.

I aspired to become a skilled musician - performer of the lyre. And in this I succeeded. In those activities, which were sent to all of our best efforts, we have succeeded. "

If you want to attract money into your life, you need to start thinking about the money to invest in them of their energy, effort, time.

If one focuses on the sales, then over time it becomes a master sales if one focuses on the art of presentation, then after a while it becomes an excellent orator.

If you pay more attention to positive thinking, then you disappear after a time of negative life. Something on which we focus, developing, and what we forget what we consider minor, fades, fades out and eventually disappear altogether. This statement is confirmed in the field of finance.

To attract money into your life, you need to focus, their efforts on what the topic of money. Without even noticing it, many times you faced with the manifestation of the cosmic law "like attracts like."

Think of how to set up a musical instrument. Take a tuning fork, begin using it to make sounds, and if the instrument is tuned to the same wave, stop the setup process - this tool is in working condition. Man also produces waves: his emotions, thoughts, statements about money. And if his thoughts, words, emotions are tuned to a wave of money, crispy bills are not forced to wait. Like attracts like.

Remember, listen to some radio frequency must be found that the radio and tune your receiver to a certain wave. In the case of money operating the same mechanisms. The main thing we tune in money, so they began to come into our lives, so we walked the same roads where the money go.

Once at a seminar on money one woman asked my supervisor:

- Why this injustice? We have a ground floor living man. He's on the market for 2 store, he begins to build a third. A dishonest man, but the money he has. And on the 5th floor of our lives a professor of mathematics. Honest-hearted man. Almost Nobel laureate. If mathematicians given this award, he would be exactly it was. Why he has no money? He can not make ends meet?

- Tell us, please, from your rogue from the ground floor there are bars on the windows? - I asked my supervisor

- Of course I have.

- A door in his book?

- Of course

- And at night he puts a gun under your pillow?

- Likely

- And what he waiting for?

- Retribution?

- And rightly so. As you work, and to wait. Another question: why your professor, honest-hearted man has no money. In order to become almost a Nobel laureate, how many hours a day to think about math?

- 24 hours?!

- And about 24 hours a day thinking dishonest people from the first floor !?

So, one has the money and the other mathematics. If our math professor 3 hours a day thinking about money, perhaps he would have more money, so that at the rogue.

Remember, Academician Fedorov, who has managed to engage in science and business, and at the same time (even in those difficult times). If the professor does not emit a minute to think about the money, it will not be the money of course. He directs all his energies to mathematics. But we need at least part of the energy to send money.

How can you focus on money?

The most simple - a daily cash accounting, where we write, where and how much money we spent and how and where the money has come to us. When we conduct a daily accounting of the money, at this time we think about money.

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