Money Law


Indeed, like money bill.

  But, in addition, they want to be ruled by intelligent people who know how to properly make, store, save, spend. Especially if the money - family ... Edit finances need to learn from the first days of family life.

And how? It would otherwise be extremely difficult to coordinate the upcoming expenses, future accumulation. Sometimes it happens that the money is running out of the hands and begin to control us. To this did not happen to them in the saddle, it should be thoroughly explored.


To work with the money needed cash plan, which will set long-term financial goals. It must be very accurately determine their own promotion at par with cash. Would you and your partner to actually be rich and successful? How much money you want to earn, and for how long? How do you plan to make these same finances? And many other questions relating directly to cash.

Over each point is worth thinking carefully and answer it (the same place - in the plan) in writing. Remember? Written pen - not cut down with an ax. So in this case. Gradually implement the plan, it will be easier to navigate in the world of money, following the objectives chosen. However, when planning your own financial future, you need to give yourself a report, focusing on their own capabilities. Of course, not yet having your own car, plan turpolet into space, at least, hastily.


To ever did implement his plan, you need to deal with what you have today. In other words, calculate the family daily, monthly expenses (housing, food, transportation, spending on children, etc.). Experts advise to divide the costs into good and bad.

Different from the first second that it does not bring any income. For example, a business (which invested money) - a good investment (because it generates income), and, say, a car - bad (since no cash income from it is not). The idea is to identify the attachment ratio and produce more good. For example, investing in securities (but that - after).


To prosper in the future, it is necessary to act with time and money. However, finance - is not manna from heaven and is not born out of nothing. Only - such as finance. Therefore, soon to earn decent money, and to realize all our plans (see. Financial plan), requires an initial capital. If the initial capital is not got a legacy or another (preferably legal) way, then you should create it. That is, you will have to save. The process, it must be said, quite time-consuming and psychologically painful.

Not everyone can easily and easy to hide in the so-called "money-box" most earned. Specialists Financial Management argued that the impact of the accumulation can take place only when delayed about 80 percent of the income. Subsequently deferrable amount will decrease, but "money-box" will grow. In the end, necessarily long-awaited moment to delay will not have to. Then will come the turn of the next step, the components of the monetary law.


When the accumulation appear as a decent amount of money, it would be good to determine the order are ready to invest any money in it whatsoever (ie, invest). Experts are sure that such a move is sure to bring a speedy implementation of the revenue and bring conceived ideas. They also believe that the right thing to invest a regular amount equal to not less than ten percent of any earnings.

In itself, favorite

According to the professional financiers there is the most profitable and at the same time profitable kind of investments. This is an investment in herself. Experts are convinced that investing in their own education, in getting promising new knowledge - is, perhaps, and long-term, but certainly profitable investments. After all, investment in the spiritual, mental and health content, including, in the near future will be the indispensable key to the success of any individual.

From the bank - in banks

Especially popular among our fellow countrymen to you by saving money and there were bank deposits. Given that operates insurance law, the risk of losing the savings minimized. For example, in the West bank trusts much smaller number of people than in Russia. People in developed countries prefer to divide their savings and force them to work in several directions. This approach allows us to minimize risks and, at the same time, receive a significant addition to the salary.

Get used to the money


Today we talk about the mental and practical attitude to money. We all, regardless of gender and age, in order to achieve financial freedom and wealth, in addition to only invest, we must also get used to the mental and that the money they are used to you. In this case, the discipline is more than necessary.

What are we doing. No action shamanic rituals and Voodoo :) - simply everything to banality.

First: look and remember, how much money we have, on average carry with them in a purse. Someone is 100, someone has 1,000 or 5,000 rubles or dollars :)

Second, we multiply this sum by 5, and preferably 10 to receive the result and we will continue to work.

So take for example a person who has the wallet or purse is usually somewhere in 1000 rubles. According to our calculations, we get 10,000 rubles. Next, we open in your purse zipped and to put this sum.

To quote a speech Bodo Schaeffer from his audio lectures regarding this exercise. Immediately say, that quote from speaking, so there may be to understand the absurdity of the text in the printed form. In general, with the words written directly as it is:

"Money - it's not the most important thing, but they become so when they are you do not.

... I want you to decide to carry some cash. The biggest bill, which I heard in Russia - it is 1000 rubles (now 5000). I think that you do this exercise standing, you need to have at least twenty such bills.

I think if you say that it is too much paper :), then you can take $ 100. And I think if you say that this small amount of money, you can change and have a bill of 500 euros. Take something from which you get a good feeling, I think, better than 500 euros. So what is the exercise: Always wear 500 euros in his wallet at the cash, wherever you went.

Maybe even top $ 100 and 20,000 rubles :) and put it in your wallet, do not spend them carry. What could be dangerous about it? You can say, "Hey, Mr. Schaeffer, but it is stupid." And why not do it? What's so dangerous? Of course, you can spend it! Good. They can steal. Who stole the money ever? Yes, it happens. Those who twice stole the money? Oh, you're lucky - you get into a good statistics. It is said that more than two times do not steal :)

What else can happen? They can be spent, they can steal. You can lose them. You can keep the pants, they can be washed :) This is a very important thing, it is very important. If you think about this relatively small amount of money - 500 (euros), hundred (dollars) and 20,000 rubles. If you are afraid to spend it if you're afraid of losing it and if you are afraid that someone will steal it, what can we say about large sums of money.

It is the fear that causes people to be poor.

You need to get rid of this fear. Take the money, put them in your wallet, do not spend it, learn to trust yourself, learn to trust others, and learn to trust your luck that you do not lose them. And start to feel good with the money, go with them, imagine that your atityud (your understanding, awareness) about money - it is like a muscle. You need to train it.

Every time you wear these money with you, you train your muscles atityuda money, you begin to feel rich. And there are people who ask, and you say: "I train my money muscle." They will say: "What ???" :) And you say, "I'll explain to you. It is such a business opportunity." And you say, who will do it? (Pause) Waw, that's good. My congratulations. I'll come back and check it back in your purse :) "

I think the general and the specific meaning of the exercise is clear. Changing it in our case - the amount of money. We - tenfold fullness in our purse serednem :) From my own experience I can say that it is not easy. There is a great desire to buy something. When money is in your wallet is not enough to purchase the hand itself stretches in a secret pocket. Yes, there were times when the pocket all emptied (which is not good), it was often only half full.

I do throughout the year should be the rule, and with the experience of using it :) were added and approved the rules or points (as you wish).

Enumerate all in order.

1. Carry in cash form (that is not on a plastic card) worth ten times that which is usually in your purse.

2. Do not spend the money and do not use them as a reserve in case of unexpected termination of money in your wallet.

3. Carry a much money that they do not suddenly run out (see para. 2) Good help plan your expenses and purchases.

4. As an NC can put some money on the card. (see para. 1 and 2).

5. It is best to change the bill to larger. (For example, if we assume in our example - it will be 5000 rubles, 100 euros and one hundred dollars) will be less willingness to spend for a nice trinket.

6. Cross out this money from your personal, home or family budget - the money is not for spending, and for the development of you as a rich man.

What is the effect of the combined implementation of the rules described in previous issues of today and exercise? What gives? If you have accumulated by collecting and better invest its financial cushion that is achieved the financial security plus the steel to carry out today's exercise is: You do not just think and realize that at the moment you are not afraid of any financial shocks (sudden loss source of income), are subject to the money to you and you are not their slave, and they your employees.

Every penny, every ruble cents, the dollar and the euro. Accordingly, your thinking to a new level. It goes from a closed area in which he held the same fear and fear for their tomorrow, because you have a financial cushion, do not hang over you whip debt on loans and you are a beginner or a millionaire billionaire :)

Thoughts become more positive and begin to work in a different way.

Psychology thinking rich man - this is a very important step on the path to a free future.

Start now and you will have a huge advantage over those who are still thinking and looks, as you build your future the way you want it to be.

