Detox - cleansing the body

 Detox - cleansing the body

Our body is like a home where we live, in need of care. And just as you do chores around the house, you must purify the body.

Nature has provided us with self-cleaning function, but nevertheless the body needs help from the outside.

Today's century - a century of environmental pollution, poor quality food with preservatives and genetically engineered substances. It's hard to find quality food and that there is only one fast - food.

A little time before work? Then take care of your diet in the morning in advance, rather than intercept overcooked greasy hamburger or potato near the cafeteria.

All this negatively affects the internal state of your body. And all the internal sooner or later affects the appearance.

Therefore, we offer you some tips on how to properly clean the body, how to detox.

The food detox. Its main rule is that you can not eat at fast food restaurants and pizzerias. We eat only at home.

The person conducting the detox menus have to be cabbage, very different, all grades.

Besides cabbage should eat potatoes, boiled or jacket. But you should not get carried away, 1-2 potatoes per day will be sufficient.

In addition, you need to eat apples, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, cereal sprouts, besides carrots and beets. Fresh herbs also needed.

Should drink fresh juice of lemon, grapefruit. These citrus fruits can be eaten in the usual way. But juices are useful in that they satisfy hunger, remove toxins, detoxify the body and eliminate sugar cravings.

Eating should be several times a day, about once every three hours. Portions should be small. Such ingestion contributes to the removal of bile from the body.

Salt, sugar and spices should be reduced to a minimum, and the water and other liquids - drink as much as possible.

In the evening, before going to bed is good to drink a glass of kefir or milk. Sticking to this type of power can not last longer than a week, since otherwise the body can lose a lot of useful features.

Also, the body can lose muscle mass, and this may adversely affect the beauty.

Detox procedure can be quite different, and it is beauty detox, which is cleansing the skin and its nourishment. If combining internal cleansing with the outside - the effect is truly spectacular.

Detox - this is not a diet. It is a lifestyle and diet. To adhere to this regime must change its attitude to food and, above all, to itself.

Love yourself and your body, and then he will answer you health, longevity and beauty!

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Detox - cleansing the body

 Detox - cleansing the body

Our body is like a home where we live, in need of care. And just as you do chores around the house, you must purify the body.

Nature has provided us with self-cleaning function, but nevertheless the body needs help from the outside.

Today's century - a century of environmental pollution, poor quality food with preservatives and genetically engineered substances. It's hard to find quality food and that there is only one fast - food.

A little time before work? Then take care of your diet in the morning in advance, rather than intercept overcooked greasy hamburger or potato near the cafeteria.

All this negatively affects the internal state of your body. And all the internal sooner or later affects the appearance.

Therefore, we offer you some tips on how to properly clean the body, how to detox.

The food detox. Its main rule is that you can not eat at fast food restaurants and pizzerias. We eat only at home.

The person conducting the detox menus have to be cabbage, very different, all grades.

Besides cabbage should eat potatoes, boiled or jacket. But you should not get carried away, 1-2 potatoes per day will be sufficient.

In addition, you need to eat apples, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, cereal sprouts, besides carrots and beets. Fresh herbs also needed.

Should drink fresh juice of lemon, grapefruit. These citrus fruits can be eaten in the usual way. But juices are useful in that they satisfy hunger, remove toxins, detoxify the body and eliminate sugar cravings.

Eating should be several times a day, about once every three hours. Portions should be small. Such ingestion contributes to the removal of bile from the body.

Salt, sugar and spices should be reduced to a minimum, and the water and other liquids - drink as much as possible.

In the evening, before going to bed is good to drink a glass of kefir or milk. Sticking to this type of power can not last longer than a week, since otherwise the body can lose a lot of useful features.

Also, the body can lose muscle mass, and this may adversely affect the beauty.

Detox procedure can be quite different, and it is beauty detox, which is cleansing the skin and its nourishment. If combining internal cleansing with the outside - the effect is truly spectacular.

Detox - this is not a diet. It is a lifestyle and diet. To adhere to this regime must change its attitude to food and, above all, to itself.

Love yourself and your body, and then he will answer you health, longevity and beauty!

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Cleansing the blood vessels folk remedies


Purification of the blood vessels can be enjoyed at any time, regardless of the season and purification of other systems and organs of the people's means. Blood vessels begin to age earlier than other systems. And the hectic life of a person, especially food, the faster they grow old, accumulating layer on the inner walls of the biological waste - slag.

Intoxicated vessels made worse circulation, and therefore supply all tissues and organ systems of nutrients, oxygen. Slows down and removal of metabolic products from the tissues. As a result of reduced working capacity of individual organs and body as a whole.

Slagging vessels - is nothing but as they age. And the result of the process - cardiovascular diseases, providing a lot of trouble to people of any age. As early as 30 years old can have vessels 70 years old and in 70 years the same vessels 30-year-old man.

Therefore it is very important to protect vessels from the slag.

This means that you should avoid fatty meats, rich broth, do not abuse baking, cream, fat sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, give preference to vegetable fats, avoid refractory fats (lamb, beef). Do not despair if you have a shortness of breath, fatigue, pain in the heart.

All is not lost, you get up in the system and will enjoy life. Run away laziness and patience. Do not forget that too much time you zashlakovyvali their vessels. Now it will take time to rejuvenate them.

Discard the old way of life and you feel that you came to the right path. Old age retreat. And over time, despite their impressive age, you will have good health and an enviable capacity for work. And then there is no power on earth will take you back to the old way of life.

Methods for purification of the blood vessels:

An excellent tool, cleaning (hence anti-aging) blood vessels, is a mixture prepared by the following recipe:

Take in the same weight ratios of raisins, dried apricots, honey, corn walnuts, lemons. Remember that even a slight change in this condition will dramatically reduce the efficiency of the mixture. When the weight ratio is met, lemons cut into several pieces, mix everything in a bowl or enamel saucepan and 2-3 mince.

The resulting minced store in an enamel pot in a cool place. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal, the last time just before bedtime.

For people whose blood vessels are already intoxicated, but before the disease has not yet reached the case, the proposed mixture is very useful.

An effective means of suspension of the aging vessel is structured water. But remember that, standing for 12 hours or more after thawing, it loses its activity and its effects on the blood vessels have no different than tap.

Pumpkin in any form helps to cleanse the blood vessels . Use pumpkin. It is better fresh juice. If this is not possible, then cook any dish pumpkin.

A good effect in the suspension of slagging vessels gives the consumption of sprouted seeds of soybean.

To strengthen and purify the blood vessels, lower blood pressure in hypertension, atherosclerosis, and also to avoid, try to undergo treatment in this way.

Grate 0, 5 kg of lemons, mix them with 0, 5 kg of honey and 20 pounded nucleoli apricot kernel and take 1 tbsp the mixture in the morning and evening.

You can squeeze the juice of three lemons, add 5 tablespoons fresh juice of carrots and horseradish, 2 cups of honey and mix well. Take 1 tsp 3 times a day for an hour before meals for two months. The mixture is kept in a dark place in a tightly sealed container.

Clean the blood vessels and lower blood pressure in hypertension a mixture of 2 lemons and 2 oranges.

Fruits are cut into pieces, remove seeds and mince. The mass mix with 2 tablespoons honey, soak a day in a glass container at room temperature and then refrigerate. Take 2-3 tsp daily with tea or before meals.

There are other ways to strengthen the blood vessels.

For example, you can chop the peel of one lemon, pour 100 grams of 96% alcohol and insist 7 days in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meals. The daily dose - 30-40, the

And you can mix in a glass jar fresh juice of two lemons, 0, 5 liters of olive oil, 0, 5 kg of honey and take 1 tbsp mixture 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The mixture was stored in a refrigerator.

Strengthen blood vessels and capillaries can be and with the help of such alcohol tincture.

Chop one large lemon peel, fill it with 150 grams of 96% alcohol and let it brew for 3 days.

Take 1 tablespoon, diluted at 0, 5 cups of thawed water, 2-3 times a day before meals.

Prevention of atherosclerosis, the purification of the blood vessels and strengthening the body.

A glass of raisins and a cup of walnut kernels pour a glass of honey, add the juice of one lemon and mix thoroughly.

Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day.

Cleaning the blood vessels folk remedies

We need to take 2 tablespoons of valerian root, 1 cup of crushed fennel seeds, and 2 cups of natural honey. Mix and place the mixture in a large thermos.

Pour boiling water to volume amounted to 2 liters. Insist 24 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day until the end of the mix. Repeat once a year -1.

Cleansing the blood vessels and the release of the body of toxins will give you a great result, you will feel a surge of strength, the desire to live and work.

Phased cleansing of the body over time will allow you to forget about the illness.
