A good way to cleanse the bowel herbs without enemas, for those who have no opportunity to conduct cleansing enemas, herbs to cleanse the body
It is recommended as a preparatory stage before cleaning the liver, tips and tricks for cleansing the liver.
Herbs to cleanse the intestines, the body
The first day-the eve of treatment: to 21 hours to prepare the powder from the seeds of the following components in equal parts 1 teaspoon: Dill (seeds), fennel, coriander, cumin, anise. These seeds fall asleep in a coffee grinder and grind into flour. If you can not find fennel seeds, then instead take 2 doses of fennel. (more fennel dill).
Dill, fennel, coriander, cumin and anise - the plants have a pronounced "windy" properties. This means that they are added in the body excite vibrational-rotational energy.
That it is necessary to make the bile more fluid, and cause liver and gallbladder greatly reduced - to throw out the bile and with it the toxins out.
There is a great purgation herbs without enemas.
These seeds have pronounced phytoncide properties and powerful effect on pathogenic microorganisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder and bile itself.
Take 5 teaspoons of senna leaves, grind in a coffee grinder.
Take 8 teaspoons of rhubarb, grind in a coffee grinder. If there is no rhubarb, you can replace it with 8 teaspoons of buckthorn.
The secret to a successful liver cleanse and intestinal cleansing is a powerful relief. Some people, for various reasons, lacks the necessary energy for a powerful relief, while in others it can not find the right direction - down.
Applying senna and rhubarb - herbal laxative means, not only do we activate the energy and direct it down correctly - the output.
As a result of the joint use of these herbal remedies, we will activate the necessary energy in the body, thins the bile, kill colonies of microbes disrupting this powerful excreted from the body out.
These herbs - a great help for liver cleansing.
Colon Cleansing herbs without enemas
All herbs mix well with each other and re-grind on a coffee grinder and put in a glass and cover.
In 21 hours take 1 teaspoon of the powder, dilute it to 50 mg of the raw water and drink immediately. Wash down with 50 mg of raw water.
Threshed powder is enough for 3 people. If the net 1 person, the powder to keep and to give suffering from constipation 1 teaspoon in the evening.
These herbs treat stomach, intestines and help without enemas to clear the bowel and
quickly remove belly
Treats stomach and intestines due to the fact that expels the harmful colonies of microorganisms. It helps cleanse the intestines due to the fact that activates and directs the energy in the right direction - increases peristalsis emptying.
The second day of treatment. Despite the fact that this day is not recommended there, I advise you to eat a little easily digestible food, it will support you in strength and good humor that is so necessary for a successful liver cleanse.
Fasting can only be very strong people. Everyone else, a light breakfast and lunch will not interfere, and vice versa - to successfully help cleanse the liver. This provision is tested practice.
In the morning after a chair to do a cleansing enema 1-1, 5 liters of warm water.
Next, drink powder of herbs to thoroughly cleanse the bowel to 1 tsp. Of 50 mg of raw water according to the following scheme: at 8 o'clock, 10.30, 13, 15.30.
At 17 o'clock drink warm decoction of the seeds of herbs that we have to prepare in the morning. Bark of buckthorn - 1 tsp., Eucalyptus leaves - 1 tsp., Chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon, everlasting - 1 tbsp. spoon.
This mixture of herbs, upon receipt of the powder, i.e. at 8 o'clock, pour boiling water 400 mg. Boil 5 minutes over low heat. Then remove, wrapped in a thick towel and put on the sludge to 17 hours. After strain and drink (17 hours).
Flowers daisies, everlasting - a special herb has beneficial effects on the liver, supporting her.
Buckthorn bark - activates relief, peristalsis.
Eucalyptus leaves, thanks to its special properties of mint - liquefies the bile, opens the bile ducts, accelerates the flow of the fluid.
In 18 hours drink 120-150 mg of warm olive oil and drink grapefruit juice or lemon (as you wish). Next, bind to the liver warm water bottle (hot is not recommended) and lie on your right side or just relax.
Although the reception of herbs to cleanse the bowel, I strongly advise you to pre-preparations for cleaning the liver - good her warm, warmer, and taking warm baths.
In the 23 hours to repeat everything that was carried out in 18 hours (120-150 mg of olive oil, juice and water bottle). At that all the procedures are completed in this day - sleep.
Third Day - recovery. In the morning, after stool. Make enema and repeat it 2-3 times every hour. If the chair is an independent, after each stool. This will contribute to better cleanse the intestines
and less toxicity due to re-absorption of bile toxins.
After the first enema drink 150-200 mg of potato juice (preferably from the raw pink potato) and 30 minutes to lie in peace. (Potato juice to continue to drink in the morning even 6-7 days.) Further, if desired, you can drink carrot juice or mix with apple red beets in the ratio of 5: 1.
These juices are beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the body and the beneficial effect on the liver. In 14 hours you can start to eat, following a 7-day sparing diet: cereal, juice, mashed potatoes, sour-milk products, vegetable soups, vegetable oil. On the first day of recovery can drink herbal tea with honey.
Within a week after liver cleansing the body rest be granted. All procedures are terminated. It should get better on their own digestion.
And what if the necessary components of herbs is not there? Use the ones that will find - fennel, coriander, cumin, senna and rhubarb.
The main thing you have understood the principle of the use of herbs to cleanse the bowel
- Dilute to intensify the movement and cause relaxation.
Now you necessarily succeed with cleansing the liver.