Methods of blood purification


General recommendations: the blood - liquid tissue with lymph component of the internal environment. Thanks to a well-developed network of blood capillaries (tiny blood vessels), the blood comes in contact with all of the tissues of the human body, thus providing

the possibility of metabolism in the body. Blood is 1 / 14-1 / 13 of the person's weight (about 5 liters in an adult) and consists of the liquid portion - plasma (55% of the mass of blood) and suspended in so-called cell it enzymatic components (45%) - the red blood cells ( erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets.

In addition, blood contains gases - nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide. Organic substances in the blood are presented primarily proteins, among which the most important respiratory pigment hemoglobin contained in red blood cells and provides the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.

A number of human diseases accompanied by changes in the blood - leukocytosis, anemia. There are also so-called own blood disease - leukemia (leukemia), hemorrhagic diathesis, and others.

Total circulatory disorders can be caused by disorders of heart function (heart failure), or blood vessels (vascular insufficiency).

Cleansing blood   by B. Vostokov

VF East offers a method similar to the Tibetan way of cleansing the vessels. Mix 100 grams. chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle and birch buds, add 100g. strawberry leaves. Two tablespoons of mixture pour 400 ml of boiling water and infuse overnight in a thermos. Eat 2 times a day for 200 ml before meals.

An effective means of cleansing the blood VF Vostokov calls nettle juice, thanks to which even successfully treated leukemia. To 100 ml of nettle juice, 100 ml apple juice and rennet of Antonovka and take the entire dose of 1 times a day for 30 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment - 20 days after a 10 day interval it can be repeated.

Tibetan way of blood purification

Tibetan medicine for blood purification and treatment of diseases it offers within a month to eat 100 grams daily. neprozharennoe young calf liver.

The mixture of milk and tea

In the cup one-fifth of the milk is poured and topped up to the top a thick brew tea; You can also add dried and pounded root of a dandelion. This mixture is drunk a few days (less than six days); more power at the same time can be eliminated, as milk tea enough calories.

In the morning, 15 hours in liquid does not add anything except a pinch of salt, but after 15 hours it is possible to put sugar or honey taste. After a day doing an enema to clean up quickly leaving toxins.

With igloipplikatora Kuznetsova

According to some experts, the best blood purifier is igloipplikator I. Kuznetsov. When long-term wear and good pressed against the skin it restores to the state standards are not only blood, but also muscular, circulatory system, stimulates lymph and blood circulation, rejuvenates the skin.

I. Kuznetsov, ipplikator inventor, says that with the help of people cured of severe diseases - diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, cancer. As a result, produced needles ipplikator irritation sick and cancerous cells die, and in their place the body builds new, healthy ones.

But effectively irritation to feeling significant pain, possible only when you are in during the day in dense ipplikatornom suit sew you want to buy two dozen ipplikator, and most importantly - have a stoic patience and great faith in success.

Dandelion root

In the early spring or late autumn to collect dandelion roots and dry them well. Then take a porcelain or glass dish, crush it into powder roots of dandelion. One tablespoon of the powder, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let infuse well.

The infusion is prepared immediately before use and drink it in the morning for seven days. Stinging pain in the breast for X days to cleanse the skin and the blood: it is recommended to do this spring: it is necessary to drink a decoction of nettles from the date of the full moon to new moon, (strongly!) In the waning moon in 14 days.

Two tablespoons of dried nettle pour 0, 5 boiling water. Infuse. These pint drink during the day, most between 15 and 19 hours.

Make 3 of these courses, with breaks to the growing moon.

Very good to clean the blood, the skin is cleaned and regulated by hormones.

Cleansing the lymph


General recommendations:

Lymph - a clear, slightly opalescent fluid in the human lymphatic system. Also called lymph tissue fluid, tissue fills the gap and intercellular spaces. The lymphatic system is very important for

functioning of the body, because the clock is the guardian of the purity of the body. Small lymphatic vessels passing near the arteries and veins, collect excess fluid (lymph) from tissue.

The walls of lymph capillaries are very thin and highly permeable so that lymph makes large molecules and particles, including bacteria, which can not penetrate the blood capillaries.

The joints are formed lymphatic vessels lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are neutralized all bacteria and toxic products before they enter the bloodstream. Limfosistemy is on its way valves that provide the lymph in only one direction.

Lymphatic system is part of the immune system to protect the body from microbes, bacteria, viruses. Contamination of the lymphatic system can lead to big problems. It is clear that the majority of organs and blood contamination affect the lymph.

Therefore, before starting to clean the lymph, it is necessary to at least clean the colon and liver.

Recipe N 1. Purification of N. Walker

Indications - diseases of lymph glands; chronic obstructive airways disease and paranasal sinuses; ear infections (otitis), eye; coronary artery disease; chronic thrombophlebitis; chronic diseases of the genitourinary system; osteoarthritis, arthritis with swelling of the joints, osteochondrosis.

Contraindications: allergy to citrus and diabetes.

Method one:

For 1-2 days prior to cleansing the lymph poured into plastic dishes raw water (preferably spring or passed through a purifier), close tightly and put in the freezer or frost (near the meat should not lie). When the water freezes, bring to heat, melt water drain carefully, so as not to hit the sediment. Meltwater need 2 liters (it can be prepared in several stages). 1st day.

Prepare 900 ml of juice from a fresh grapefruit juice with 900 ml of fresh oranges, 200 ml lemon juice. All the mix, dilute with 2 liters of melt water. In the morning on an empty stomach to do an enema of 2 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Then 100 ml of drinking water with dissolved therein Glauber's salt.

Immediately stand under a hot shower and a good warm up. Drink 200 ml of the prepared mixture. You will immediately start to sweat, will urge to empty the bowel, stool may be liquid. Further, taking 100 ml of the mixture every 30 minutes until all drunk 4 L mixture. 2nd day. In the morning - an enema. Then repeat all that in the first day. 3rd day. Enema all the same as in the 1st and 2nd day. The procedure can be done 1 time per year.

Method two:

1st day. In the morning enema. A day to eat grated lemon zest with a well-steamed (not heat the juice) in a mixture of fruit sugar or honey.

2nd day. The same, but 2 lemons.

3rd day. 3 lemons, Day 4 - 4 lemon, Day 5 - 5 lemons and so on. D. 15 lemons a day.

Then in reverse order, that is, every day at least 1 lemon.

For a month dissolves all deposits, cleans, clears lymph, blood is saturated with vitamins.

Method three:

It requires 2 kg of lemon (with peel, but without seeds); 2 kg of beet red (burgundy) to be prepared first, and put tightly closed dishes in a refrigerator for 3-4 hours; 2 kg of carrots; 2 kg of pomegranates (to cook the juice); honey (not heated); 2 kg of cranberries. Squeeze juice (individually) and then mix everything.

Keep in the refrigerator or freezer. The mixture was drink 50 ml by diluting it with 50 ml of warm water. Drinking on an empty stomach 10 consecutive days, followed by 5 days off; after a break to drink again 10 days with a 5-day break, so to the end.

Repeat 2 times a year (fall and spring). Store in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid. After 3 days of this juice diet should not be an abrupt transition to a normal diet.

It is necessary, continuing to eat juices, fresh fruits and vegetables, to gradually introduce into the diet of boiled vegetables, porridge, and then your normal meal.

The cost of funds for the treatment of citrus to make up an incomparable feeling of lightness, freshness and youth of your body.

Recipe N 2. Purification of O. Eliseevoj

If you have done this before purification other embodiments, it may be carried out for at limfoochischenie 2-3 days, and one day.

That is, you have already started a mechanism of cleansing lymph and spleen, and if the 2nd day spend in the carrot and beet-cucumber juice (in a ratio of 6 parts of carrot, 1 part of beet, 3 pieces of cucumber juice) in the amount of 2 liters, you get very good prevention of venous stasis, improving the quality of blood and power of all cells. Out of purification see. Walker.

Those who do not have time to cook citrus juices and no one to help them prepare, you can use ready-made juices, but remember, do not get 100% result, but just 70%. Correlation: 200 ml of lemon juice, grapefruit juice 400 ml, and 400 mL orange juice, plus 1 liter of distilled, purified water or spring (not using mineral water). Then - like Walker.

If at the end of the 1st or 2nd day feel a headache or simply uncomfortable, take a night two cleansing enemas to 2 liters of water with lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water).

Recipe N 4. Tibetan purification techniques

They also include drinking juice freshly - carrot or apple in mixture with beet (4: 1) at 150-200 ml before meals. In addition, it provides the simultaneous use of alcohol tincture of herbs celandine as follows: before breakfast - 1 drop, before dinner - 2 drops, before dinner - 3 drops.

The dose was adjusted to 15 drops per once, and then gradually decreased to one drop. To prepare the tincture of Celandine ground and squeeze the juice, filter it through 2-3 layers of cheesecloth, and 450 ml of juice, 70 ml of rubbing alcohol. Store in the cold.

In addition to cleansing the lymph, this procedure has a beneficial effect in hypertension, gastrointestinal disease, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis.
