Methods for bowel cleansing. Part 5


Purification by K. Nishi:

Purification by intestinal and serum soda. Instead of water enema to prepare 2 liters of serum, add 1 liter of whey 1 tablespoon of baking soda, stir. This enema cleanses perfectly.

You can add the garlic water. This enema is performed by at least 1 time per week, it will bring great benefit to the skin.

If you can not clean the bowels with enemas on a weekly basis can be 2-3 days to carry out the unloading of the intestine as follows.

1st day. Fasting - enema; 5 c. infusion of lemon and garlic to drink one hour before meals. During the day, there is nothing, except for a one-day kefir (other dairy products are not suitable) and fresh tomatoes (no more than 200 gr.) In the form of freshly prepared tomato juice. Kefir to drink up to 2 liters (can be limited to 1, 5 liters). Drinking well water.

2nd day. Fasting - enema. Drink 50 grams. infusion of lemon and garlic. During the day, drink freshly made apple juice (or a mixture of vegetable juices - cabbage, carrot, potato, cucumber, tomato).

Beet juice should stand for about an hour before serving in the fridge to get rid of essential substances.

3rd day. Fasting drink the infusion of lemon and garlic (50 g.). An hour later - a light breakfast. Power separation - or fruit or vegetables. Nothing else. Drink 3 liters of water.

This cleaning can be done 2 times a month.

Purification of M. Gogulan:

Many practitioners are advised along with enemas daily for 1-2 weeks if there are no contraindications to garlic (abnormality of the heart, ulcers, etc.), eat in the morning (without anything) small clove of garlic on an empty stomach.

Chew it or how much longer you can suck it to mix with saliva. Then swallow. Who can not chew, he should pound the garlic and grate it on a small grater and hold in the mouth, accumulating as much saliva.

Breakfast after taking garlic should only be an hour - not before!

In the evening: eat garlic in 2 hours after the last evening meal and nothing else to drink or eat.

This measure is proposed for destruction in the body putrefying bacteria that poison the products of its vital organs.

After 1-2 weeks of treatment garlic stops swelling in the intestine, and the process of fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

You can also use the infusion of garlic and lemon.

Warning. Upon receiving the garlic prepared by any method can be pain in the stomach. It is unpleasant, but not dangerous. We must be patient a few days. After the destruction of the bacteria will not be pain.

Heartburn may appear as degeneration of the mucosa returns to normal gradually. Heartburn can be removed if before meals 1-2 times a day to drink 2 tablespoons of freshly prepared juice 2 potatoes grate and squeeze through cheesecloth.

Thus any acidity neutralized.

On the first day of treatment, start to watch your diet.

Many representatives of official medicine are opposed to holding enema, considering that the leaching of protective intestinal mucus can disrupt normal intestinal microflora.

IP Neumyvakin reasonable answer, that if not properly mixed diet in the gut for a long time no normal microflora.

Colon Cleansing water sankha Prakshalana

 Colon Cleansing water sankha Prakshalana

Colon Cleansing with water and with the help of yoga exercises (sankha Prakshalana):

This exercise is the pinnacle of yogic cleansing procedures. The method consists in the fact that drinking salty water is pushed by a series

special exercises through all portions of the gastrointestinal tract, simultaneously removing the accumulated toxins in the lining of dirt and debris.

Perform the procedure should be on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning in a working day. In 5 liters of warm water to dissolve 25-30 grams. salt (some yoga practice using brine pickled vegetables) and quickly drink the first cup (300-320 ml). Then, without a break at a fast pace to do the following exercises.

Feet put in 30-35 cm width, fingers weave in "lock", raise your hands above your head, palms up. Torso quickly execute the leftward and rightward by 8 times in each direction. This exercise opens the valve between the stomach and duodenum - the so-called gatekeeper.

Legs put on the width of 30-35 cm. The left hand lay to one side to shoulder height, bend the right elbow and hand are located at the left clavicle. Rotate the torso to the left, placing his left hand back, turn back, changing the position of the hands. Now, take your right hand to the side, and his left hand is located at the right clavicle. Repeat for 8 turns without stopping. This opens the valve between the duodenum and small intestine.

Each of the two described the exercises should take about 10 seconds.

Lie on the floor on his stomach. Place palms on the floor on each side of the chest, legs, arrange the width of 30-35 cm, lean fingers on the floor. Straighten the arms, lifting your upper body off the floor. Head to raise, lean only on the floor with his hands and toes. Turn your head, shoulders and torso to the right. Return to the starting position and without delay, turn to the left. Repeat in each direction 8 times. Exercise takes 10 to 15 seconds. With it, it opens the valve between the small and large intestine.

Standing, feet wider than shoulders. Slightly bend their knees, put your left hand on your left knee. Crouch while turning to the left, ducking and Pron right hand to the floor next to the outside of the left foot. The left hip when it should put pressure on the stomach. Without stopping to return to its original position, change hands and repeat the exercise right. It opens the valve for anal defecation. Four movement in each direction will take about 15 seconds.

After the cycle of these exercises should drink a second cup of water and then quickly perform all the movements, then - third, respectively, by performing the exercises, and so row 6 times, then usually there is a desire to empty the bowels. If it does not come, you have to drink another cup of water and do a set of exercises.

Sometimes anal valve does not open and the water remains in the gastrointestinal tract, causing a feeling of heaviness, gurgling. In this case, a series of exercise should be repeated 2-3 times. Then, if stools have recommended a provocative enema of a small amount of water (about 300 mL).

After each visit to the toilet should wash and lubricate the anus with vegetable oil (cream) to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of salt.

Drinking water and optionally a toilet visit is necessary as long as not all spill over 5 l of water and liquid discharged from the intestine is completely clear. Then 300-400 ml need to drink a conventional non-saline water and vomit to close gastrointestinal valves. The taste of salt water coming after fresh, tells that the valve is closed.

Then you need to eat well boiled rice porridge without salt, sugar, butter. Refrain from drinking it is desirable for another hour and a half, and coffee or cocoa in this day should not be drinking. After the meal is useful to take a hot bath and sleep. There is no exercise that day can not be tolerated.

Repeat sankha Prakshalanu recommended every 3-6 months.

Contraindications. Gastric and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids), hypertension, fever, tuberculosis, intestinal cancer, renal failure. It is not recommended to do a clean people with obesity grade 3, as well as those who are more than 60 years.

Additional recommendations for the purification using sankha Prakshalana:

1. When the feeling of fullness in the stomach due to the lack of clearance (evacuation) of water therefrom, of nausea recommended right hand massaging the stomach from left to right, as would be squeezing the water therefrom in the direction of the small intestine. Massaging the middle of the right and left hand downward projection from the stomach to the small intestine.

2. If after drinking the 6th cup of salted water and conducted exercises will not drain, it is recommended the blunt end of a ballpoint pen to massage the centers of both palms turn clockwise (the projection of the small intestine). Then turn to massage the colon projection in the palm. The results of your work will manifest quickly as the urge to a chair. Then drink another 1 cup of salted water, continuing to do the exercises, massage the palm of your hand, and the passage of the intestine opens.

3. Sometimes you can not just open the pylorus. The water does not leave the stomach, it felt heavy, sometimes gurgling. In this case, massage the stomach from left to right until the sense of relief and a point of the stomach on the left ear.

4. Typically, the first evacuation of water from the anus occurs alone, it is necessary to restrain her. However, it happens that gas plugs interfere with normal bowel cleansing. If the first result is not going to the toilet should be without drinking water, do 1-2 consecutive set of exercises and take a pose "Birch" (shoulder stand, lying on the floor on his back).

5. If after drinking 7 cups of salted water no chair, to do a small enema - up to 1 liter. As soon as the sphincter of the rectum for the first time will operate, problems with the evacuation of the water is no more.

When you are tired you can go for 5-15 minutes, relax, and then continue the procedure.

6. After the end of the procedure need to rest up to 20 hours.

7. In 20 hours, you can take drugs that enhance bile ducts: 1-2 tablets or 1 vial allohol shpy 25 ml of warm water. An hour later, drink 50-75 ml of olive (or other unrefined vegetable) oil and drink 30-50 ml of warm lemon juice.

8. After receiving the oil and lemon juice in the liver area to tie a hot water bottle (in a towel). Lying on his right side with pursed his knees to his stomach. Warming continue to 23 hours. Then remove the water bottle and go to bed.

9. On the next day did not eat anything.

At 6 am, unless there is an independent chair to do enema 3 to 2 liters of water.
