Methods for bowel cleansing. Part 4


Purification of yogurt:

Ukrainian folk healers IG Nepomnyaschaya and LA Bochkova in cases where for some reason it is not possible to clean multiple performing enemas offer a cleansing technique yogurt.

On the first day of fasting produce enema intestinal lavage of cool boiled water, then during the day to drink 3 liters of store yogurt (but not less than 1, 5 l), a bit of sugar with small pieces of dried black bread. Other food and liquid do not use.

The next morning, and once again make an enema for the day drinking 1 liter or more of a freshly prepared apple juice. You can add the carrot, cabbage, beet juice or a mixture thereof.

On the third day of the enema is not needed, but throughout the day taken only vegetarian food.

Colon Cleansing yogurt will benefit if the conduct it regularly - 1-2 times a month. The criterion of efficacy, as well as with other techniques, provides a sense of ease in the intestine.

The authors of the method emphasize that the intestines be cleansed better when performing specific exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and stimulate peristalsis.

Exercise 1.

In the morning, lying in bed, fingers of both hands vigorously rub the area of ​​the rectum (on the left of the navel diagonally to the groin area) for 3-4 minutes. Abdomen with the relaxed, legs slightly bent at the knees. Right index finger to press the belly button and hold until the participation of the pulse, then release.

Exercise 2.

Be Like all fours and perform exercises that strengthen the muscles of the intestine; inclinations, "bicycle" (at least 70 movements), a sharp retraction and pushing the abdomen while sitting on his knees (to start with 20-30 times and bring to 70), throwing the legs behind her head.

To improve intestinal motility and anti-constipation is also useful in the middle of a foot massage basins using Roller Massager.

Purification using plant fibers: rosehip and sea grass kelp

Fibrils are well milled, and then steamed wild rose or seagrass kelp granules (dry) to take best at night after 2-3 hours after dinner on 1/2 tsp.

In the course of movement in the intestines they razbuhnuv vigorously endure together with accumulated debris there.



Often, the liver and the gall bladder is used to clean the bowel celandine.

In particular, IP Neumyvakin and NA Semenova talk about the method of removal celandine polyps from the colon.

Fresh leaves and stems celandine ground in a mortar and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting pasty mass is filled with hot water in a ratio of 1: 10 (e.g. 50 g. To 500 ml of water).

After cooling the solution was administered to the patient in the form of an enema (2-3 hours before he has to make an ordinary enema). This procedure is particularly efficient when the treatment solution is delayed in the intestine for 1-2 hours.

Sometimes just a few enemas, after which begins to move away from the gut a large number of polyps. But often the procedure is performed in a day, and if the patient tolerates them, and every day.

The usual course of treatment is 10-20 procedures. In cases of severe polyposis treatment is carried out 2-3 times with 2 or 3-month break.

Simultaneously with the release of intestinal polyps, or even earlier in the skin begin to fall off papillomavirus - long hanging warts, which are a kind of outer projection polyposis colon.

So if you have any papillomavirus on the eyelids, neck, chest or armpits, you should know that in the colon - trouble.

Methods for bowel cleansing. Part 3


Cleansing the colon with the help of fasting

Fasting for bowel cleansing urged their patients to Paul Bragg. Fasting once a week for 24-36 hours allows the body to extract additional energy

which previously spent on processing and digestion of food, but now used for other needs of the body.

The first meal after that abstinence - fresh salad of carrots and cabbage without spices and oil - serves as a broom, which peels off and removes fecal accumulation in the intestinal walls. About the same salad and recommends an expert on healthy eating VS Mikhailov.

Purification of N. Walker:

N. Walker suggested cleansing the colon with the help of juices and special diets. Daily need to drink a mixture of carrot juice (280 ml) and spinach (170 ml) or carrots (280 ml), beets (80 ml) and cucumber (80 mL). You can drink daily 500 ml of pure carrot juice. Juice should be freshly squeezed.

Colonic motility normalized and improved by inclusion in a sufficient amount of food products rich in fiber: fruits and vegetables, whole grains. This food has also laxative effect as it creates a large mass in the colon, which increases its motor function. Fiber absorbs much bile, which is irritating effect on the wall of the large intestine and stimulates these motor skills, which also contributes to the normal emptying.

Fruit is particularly strong effect on the motility of figs, plums, grapes, dried fruits. In the intestine, they swell strongly, increasing in volume and weight.

A strong purgative action vegetables have carrots, beets, and fresh salad. In the cabbage a lot of fiber, it is useful for constipation. But colitis it is not recommended, as it is crude fiber.

Sprouted wheat bread and soup it easier defecation and handling act on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

In the event that the use of vegetable juices and raw cause bloating and increased gas formation, it is necessary to consume vegetables in a stew, reducing consumption of fruit.

The formation of gases in the intestine is partly explained by the fact that vital active elements that make up the fruit and vegetables, especially sulfur and chlorine, decomposed products accumulated in the gut rot, "scale" chemical reaction. Particularly valuable in this respect crude cabbage juice with a high content of sulfur and chlorine, purifying the gastric mucosa and intestine.

Accustom themselves to the use of raw cabbage juice should be gradual. Please drink it in half with carrot, then gradually reduce the proportion of carrot juice.

Cleansing lignosorbom (without enemas):

Very efficient cleaning of the colon can be done with the drug lignosorb, it will quickly remove belly. This cleaning method does not require the use of an enema. Lignosorb can be purchased at the pharmacy. Place lignosorb in ordinary bank (if he is not in a tube) and refrigerate.

In the evening, you need to pour in three-liter jar 2 liters of warm boiled water. Then, the solution in the water 1 tablespoon lignosorba.

Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning (preferably 5, worse at 7, but later is undesirable).

Boil 1 liter of water, add the 1 tablespoon of regular table salt. Then pour the water in the three-liter jar, harvested in the evening. Bank to wrap a towel so that the fluid in it remained warm as possible.

Remove from the refrigerator lignosorb.

Eat 1 tablespoon lignosorba, thereupon immediately take 1 tablet shpy, all washed down with a glass of water.

After 10 minutes, have a cup (cup) of fluid from a 3-liter cans (pre-stir it to lignosorb not settled on the bottom left).

After 7 minutes, drink a cup of the following 3-liter cans and make any belly breathing exercises (just in case, to avoid cramps in the abdomen. If spasms occur you continue to do breathing exercises, and they will).

After 5 minutes again to drink a cup of the 3-liter cans.

After 5 minutes the drink next cup. Jumps a little bit about it on one or two legs, so that the liquid quickly reached the intestine.

After 5 minutes, again a cup of 3-liter cans, and so on until all the liquid will not end in the bank.

After defecation or before from the anus begins to pour the liquid. A small portion of the liquid will come out with urine (ie through the kidneys), but most of all pours out of the vent.

It is impossible to go to most of the liquid has gone into the kidneys, that is, did not come out in the urine. It is necessary to walk, move, jumping in place to squat, to massage the abdomen. If the fluid comes out through the anus, it is necessary to increase the number of jumps and movements of the abdomen.
