There are many ways to cleanse the bowel.
Mitigating microclysters
Such an enema is recommended to those who have bad body holds water (prone to dehydration), poor natural heat production (constant freezing hands and feet), there is a tendency to violent chair and constipation.
This is observed in individuals with the brittle body dry, flaky skin and constantly merznuschih.
Symptoms: severe flatulence, constipation or sheep feces, pain in the lower back, sacrum, hips, irregular or painful menstruation, the depletion of the seed, dry and peeling skin, chilliness, fatigue, darkening of the skin and weight loss.
If such symptoms have appeared (most clearly they are expressed in the dry, cold, windy winter), then the following mikroklizmochki and hot bath every day or two. The most effective such an enema in the cold dry season, which contributes to the aggravation of these symptoms.
Method of implementation: Take 100 ml of cow's milk and put it in the 20 c. melted butter. Heat to melt the butter. In the form of heat by means of a blower, to enter into the large intestine. Lie down.
Typically, the organism itself keeps the liquid as much as he needs. We perform this procedure is recommended at sunset. As a result of this procedure, the substance of dryness and cold, which caused these phenomena in the body is absorbed and neutralized.
Dryness and rigidity neutralized moisture milk and softened butter and cold - heat, which has in milk and appears additionally when skisanii. As a rule, after 2-3 such microclyster stool becomes soft, light and kolbasoobraznym. Furthermore, naturally grown normal lactic microflora.
You can try several varieties of such compounds mikroklizm and choose for themselves the best.
- Milk (100 ml), clarified butter (20 gr.) - Constipation, sheep feces, gas formation, desiccation and dehydration.
- Base as in the first composition (milk and ghee), plus a pinch of ginger or pepper (black, red). This structure further suppresses the mucus in the body and increases the heating value. Therefore, it is possible to recommend a complete, phlegmatic people.
- Base as in the first composition, plus 1/2 teaspoon of salt. This will strengthen the action of the first composition.
- Base as in the first composition, plus a 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of rich broth sage or 1/2 teaspoon garlic. This is very helpful in bilious disorders. As a substitute for milk or a diluent (50: 50) of meat broth can be used (especially lamb) or bone broth. These additional components in its effect on the body: soften, reduce mucus or bile.
Enema of Walker
For 2 liters of warm boiled water (IP Neumyvakin and NA Semenova recommend cool) add a tablespoon of lemon juice (or 4-6% ethyl apple cider vinegar or any acidic fruit juice or sour pickle sauerkraut).
N. Walker believed that the acidic solution is necessary for the normalization of acid-base balance of the intestine, for putrefaction and fermentation processes take place in a slightly alkaline medium (see. The opposite view, Purification of O. Eliseevoj).
Pour it all into a mug Esmarch, hang at a height 1, 5 m. The tip of the tube to be removed, dip it in vegetable oil. Take the position of Bozeman, a basin above the shoulders. The tube is introduced into the colon as far as possible in the 25-50 cm, but in the beginning, and 5-10 cm is sufficient. Mouth breathing, the abdomen relaxed.
The procedure is preferably carried out after a bowel movement:
1st week - daily
2nd week - every other day,
3rd week - two days later,
4th week - three days later,
Week 5 - once a week.
On admission of water into the intestine often occur pain, which is quite natural, since the accumulation of feces distorts the position of the intestine, causing the voltage of its walls and discomfort.
After his release from colon blockages and pain disappear enema procedure becomes easy. And purgation will quickly remove belly.
This cycle of enemas during the first year it is desirable to 4 times. In the future - once a year.
Laxative microclysters
The laxative enemas used solutions of salts, vegetable or mineral oil.
Salts (table, sea, Karlovy Vary) is administered as a 10-15% -s' solutions of heat (40 ° C) in an amount of 100-200 ml with a rubber bulb or syringe Janet through a soft rubber catheter. Liquid should be held for 20-30 minutes.
Oil operates smoothly, poslablyayusche, softens the stool, eliminate the spasm of colon peristalsis and normalize it lubricates the intestinal wall, without causing irritation.
Honey microclysters
Modern yoga advocate, teacher and educator Indra Devi very effective bowel cleansing of toxins finds honey and coffee enemas. Tablespoon of honey dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Introduce fluid into the intestine and hold for 10-15 minutes.
Coffee microclysters
In 200 ml of boiling water 3 tablespoons lower ground (but not instant) coffee, boil for 3 minutes and then 12 minutes to hold on low heat. Strain and cool to room temperature. Terms of use of the same.
The secret of the impact of coffee lies in the fact that, when administered through the intestines, it has no adverse effects on the nervous system, but perfectly activates the mucous membrane of the colon and helps to remove from it the toxic substances, and in addition, a beneficial effect on the liver, gall bladder and adrenal glands. This enema helps overcome cold starting.
Purification of O.Eliseevoy
Before cleaning the intestine with enemas should be on the eve eat only cereals. Then in the stomach less acidic environment is established. Enema should be with herbs, which give an alkaline reaction. Water enema can not acidify the medium must be alkaline.
You can not use an enema infusion of chamomile, as this plant is able to kill all of the intestinal microflora, which has a negative impact on cellular immunity. Also it is not necessary to fill in the urine, as it can be acidified medium or diluted with water.
Saline solutions can not be used, giving acidic salt. It is best to pour into clean water enema. Water in a mug Esmarch better not to fill 2 and 1, 5 liters. You can use a decoction of red beet. For this purpose it is necessary to boil the beets, pre-clearing, for half an hour.
The resulting broth is poured into the enema. Contraindications have a enema - elevated hemoglobin and the presence of a tumor.
In addition to bowel cleansing enemas promote exercise.
Maximum podozhmite belly, extremely puffed out. It is possible with effort, you can not force.
Do this exercise when you have free time. It can be sitting at work, you can go on, no one will see. From this exercise, you just physically tired. After a few months you feel the result.
Of course, those who have stomach ulcers or some trouble in the internal organs, it is best to consult a doctor.