Beet juice - a means of cleansing the body


Beet juice It contains large amounts of vitamin A, sodium, calcium, chloride, vitamin B6, sulfur, potassium and iron.

That is why the beet juice is considered to be a powerful way to cleanse the body.

What has the force of his impact is so great that the juice can cause heart palpitations, high fever, paralysis of the vocal cords.

Therefore, fresh beet juice is recommended to drink in moderation and mixed with other juices such as apple, carrot, cucumber.

Beet juice is recommended to use at:

- Anemia;

- Atherosclerosis;

- Menopause;

- Skin diseases;

- Visually impaired;

- Disruption of the menstrual cycle;

- General weakness;

- Kidney and liver;

- Overweight.

Beet juice - a means of cleansing the body

The combination of beet juice (1/4) and carrot juice (3/4) - this is an excellent means of hypoallergenic.

To this end, a day is recommended to drink about 200 ml. juice. Moreover, a mixture of beet and carrot juice has a tonic and tonic properties.

Dilute with water beet juice is used to stimulate the liver.

Do not panic if the beets will stain a chair and urine red. This is normal.

Beet greens rich in carotenoids, and minerals, so it is also under pressure from the juice and add to the mixture of vegetable juices.



Why is the total cleansing of the body should begin with the intestines?

It's simple - the intestine is the main highway along which like everything that enters the body. And our food goes a long way, because the length of the intestines of about 3 meters. In this way absorbed from food nutrients

but unnecessary and undigested gradually removed from the body.

From what do we clean the intestines?

The fact that a portion of roughage is enteric. Scary to think skinny-looking person may eventually accumulate a 20 kg fecal stones that have never come naturally. These toxins do not lie dormant, and gradually begin to decompose toxins poisoning us.

When necessary purgation?

How do you know it's time to cleanse the bowel? Watch yourself: If you have irregular bowel (ie constipation, then diarrhea), frequent bloating, bad breath, fatigue, frequent colds, urgently needs to clean the intestines.

Colon Cleansing can be performed by qualified physicians should contact the medical institution where you hold hydrocolonotherapy. In simple words - will wash the intestines water. The course is constantly monitored by a medical procedure that is sensitive to your feelings.

Therefore, the procedure is almost painless and very effective: you can completely wash out the colon and does not destroy the natural intestinal flora. Practiced even the introduction of bifidobacteria in the intestine itself, during one of the last washing procedures.

When intestinal lavage is performed mild hydro colon walls. Intestinal villi are exempt from the stool, thereby increasing its suction capacity, and thus improves digestion. Most likely, after such a professional purgation you lose a few kilos, but get an excellent digestion and health.

Colon Cleansing home

At home, you can spend bowel cleansing with enemas. Be careful to place himself an enema, you need certain skills and considerable skill.

To place a circle you need an enema douches (this capacity is sold in every pharmacy). Tip, which is introduced into the anus should be boiled before use. The water enema should be clean, better than boiled. The water temperature should be a little above room temperature. And of course, you can not do an enema with hot water (above 40C), burn intestine.

The easiest way to put an enema: get up on all fours, hold your head down with one hand to insert the tip of 5-7 cm and open the tap on the hose. Head all the time to keep lowered. After all the water go down (1, 5-2 liters), remove the cap and try 5-10 minutes to keep the water inside. If plain water does not help cleanse the intestines, you can add in the water of 0, 5 teaspoon grated children's soap.

If you want to make a purgation during constipation, you can put an oil enema. To 50-100 ml of this is taken and in a vegetable oil heated state (+ 37C) is inserted into the rectum. To introduce oil into the intestine can be a syringe or a syringe of a rubber catheter. Enema can be done even with hemorrhoids, but need special care with the introduction of the tip. Enema can not be done if you have recently had an operation on his intestines, has an inguinal hernia or abdominal bleeding or gastrointestinal tract.


If you do not suffer from constipation and do not want to mess with an enema, you can once (!) Take a laxative. Intestine cleared just after the enema. Modern drugs such as Fortrans, according to experts, can replace several enemas in their effectiveness. However, these drugs are quite expensive, but health is more expensive.

After cleansing the intestine villi are released that have been clogged by slag deposits. Accordingly, improved absorption capacity and improve immunity. To enhance the effect of enemas or laxatives can drink course Bifidumbacterin or Linex.

These drugs help to move the normal microflora in the liberated areas of the intestine. It is useful to have a rest after a bowel cleansing. Just starve 2-3 days, rid the bowels of the work of digestion. During this time in the gut microflora recovers.

You'll feel rejuvenated, disappear headaches, pain in the joints and spine. Even difficult to imagine how much good can bring purgation.

But just enough to clean the intestines. Other systems of the body, the kidneys and liver, are a huge burden and are affected by toxins is not less than the intestines. A clean them is not so easy, because we can not wash the liver some water as it did with the intestines.

Mayhem liver - pass fatigue


"The older the queen" - the so-called Tibetan healers liver suffers from an excess of harmful for the body's cells. Simply put, the liver is packed with almost all cholesteric inclusions and the inveterate bile from which they are formed, and the most formidable gallstones.

In people, this is called "black bile".

The bile ducts of the liver bile scores and bladder, leading to chronic inflammation, and sometimes rupture of the gallbladder.

From suffering stagnation of bile and digestion in general, do not get the food processing elements.

And when we tried the summer to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, the stock of the future, it may be that some of the necessary vitamins such are not digested by the liver. Overcomes weakness, fatigue, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, spoils the complexion.

To keep the liver in good condition, get a habit to drink before going to bed a glass of cool boiled water, which dissolved a teaspoon of honey and added a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid.

Before taking a drink, it is desirable not to have a two o'clock, if it is difficult to resist, then reduce this period to at least 30 minutes.

One of the easiest ways to cleanse the liver and anti-fatigue offers a German doctor Herman Kruger, who has studied for many years the work of the liver. "Twice a day, warm up her usual heater - he advises. - If you will be in the morning and in the evening to put a heating pad on the right upper quadrant - the liver area, gradually feel better - will increase the flow of bile.

Because of this, you will soon feel the surge of energy. In a word, tired back down, and you will again be full of energy. " It is desirable for more efficient purification, talking to your doctor, taken with warm mineral water, cholagogue grass.

Well helps infusion dandelion. Naturopaths recommend drinking it to four glasses per day. Contained in the dandelion biological agents not only prevent the formation of gallstones, but the available dissolved.

Since stones, mainly composed of cholesterol, they heat melts and they are available on the bile duct. With regard to the removal of weariness, then explained it this way: "The liver is involved in the absorption of sugar in the body and stimulates the warmer her work.

Thus, without any major intervention can be achieved not only cleanse the liver, but also the release of large amounts of additional energy. "

This, according to Krueger, the easiest and most harmless way to recuperate.

Even a perfectly healthy person these sessions it is desirable to 20 minutes twice a day. Eliminates the stagnation of bile simple and regular exercise.
