The gentle way to cleanse the liver tyubazh


How to start your health? With the same, which begins with comfort at home, peace of mind, etc. The origins alone. It all begins with purity. Net body makes the mind clear. To help the body to open a second wind, you first need to release the dirt from the liver, kidneys and intestines.

It will focus on cleansing the liver.

The gentle way to cleanse the liver - tyubazh

A method of cleansing the liver with the help of olive oil and lemon juice.

"If you lived in ancient Babylon and would be seriously ill, your doctor concurrently priest would ask you to blow the ram's nose. Then he would be killed sheep, I would take his liver to read and predict the outcome of your illness. These civilized ancestors thought, "breathed" over the sheep liver can be not only to determine the nature of the disease, but also to predict recovery. They believed that the liver - a place of vital functions; liver was explicitly chosen gods to reveal their intentions "(William D. Snivel" Inland Sea ").

Yes, ancient people worshiped, revered liver and believed that it is not only the center of the soul, but also the most important organ in our body. However, in later centuries, the liver was irresponsibly forgotten faces of the medical profession. All knowledge boiled down to the fact that it just makes bile for digestion ... Today, we are once again open and come to know the liver (alas, again, not all). It is not as romantic as the heart, not as deep and mysterious as the brain.

However, the liver has a lot of rights to the unique: it controls the chemistry of our bodies, it is the mistress of the house and poison control center as well as the fuel depot and the service reserve. In his boundless way the liver is the most hard working body among those that we have. If we try to count than she is busy, it counted more than 500 separate functions it performs (and how much we do not know!).

If you're already thinking about what we need to do to your health, start with the liver. Let it be cleaned!

If the liver is intoxicated, it produces a toxic bile. Participating in digestion, bile toxic poisons everything, no matter what you eat.

And no matter how healthy it was not your food, getting into your body, the food is poison. Think about it.

Signs of liver contamination as follows:

1. Overweight,

2. Cellulite

3. Lack waist

4. The yellow plaque on the sides of the tongue,

5. The vertical crease between his eyebrows, pimples there,

6. Corn under the little finger of the right leg (and this is no joke!).

Anyway, liver intoxicated at all. Few people can boast of having the only natural foods in the diet. Dyes, preservatives and all other products himproizvodstva, getting into the body, put the liver into a stupor. Being by nature still biological species, we made so that we can recycle and absorb almost any live food. But it is not lifeless chemicals.

Pay attention to the cuisine of different countries. What did people do not eat! Not every one of us without a shudder into the mouth of a delicacy of the worm, but the synthetic foods we eat quite safely. Strange, is not it? Recently I met in the literature a definition of modern man - Homo Chemical. Man Chemical. It is interesting that there will be people of the future?

Cellulite - is also the result of liver . Female body is designed so that everything that he considers unnecessary and harmful determines disposition away from vital organs - in the legs, buttocks, and when it runs out of space - on the arms, shoulders, stomach. It turns out cellulite. Slag is enveloped in fat and is more or less neutralized.

Nature has arranged so that the woman has always been more or less ready to conceive and nurturing the child. But we have something that does not help! In some cases, cellulite can be called spicy dimpled ass, but from him still have to get rid of. Although women were more fortunate - male slag deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract ancient yogis developed a very complex procedure, which includes drinking liters of salted water, and a set of exercises, you can direct the water from the stomach into the intestines and drive it on all its departments in 10-15 minutes. The procedure allows to clean those parts of the digestive tract, which are inaccessible to conventional washing.

However, there is an easier way to cleanse the liver sparing - tyubazh.


Preparing for tyubazh you do not complicate. The only condition - the power in this day should be strictly plant. In the evening, take a good bath tёplenkuyu and generally a good relax.

A method of cleansing the liver - tyubazh


Tubage principle is: an empty stomach in bed laid on the left Polubok (as if on the back and on the side). On the right side under the ribs puts a heating pad. Sip a glass of medical solution of sugar (sold in the pharmacy called "Sorbitol") - small sips slowly.

Sorbitol can not dissolve in water, but not carbonated seltzer (also sold in a pharmacy). Put it takes three to four tablespoons. Minutes 20-30 drink "orphan mug" (300-500 ml) strong choleretic herbal infusion. Spend a couple of hours in bed with a hot water bottle, and then heading to the bathroom. All. You can do other things.

It is possible that the result will seem very insignificant. Do not think that the liver is not cleared. Just everything that looking for a way out, stuck in the intestines. Make an enema. If this is not possible, in a week you need to repeat the procedure again. You can make a "double cleansing", that is a day after cleansing again you spend training, and the next morning tyubazh are new. The main act of being.

Bile grass - tansy, dandelion root, burdock root, corn silk, you can add the nettles, calendula. A better use ready choleretic charges or fees for a liver cleanse.


Contraindications tubage:

1. Acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis,

2. Significant violations of the cardiovascular system,

3. The active form of tuberculosis,

4. Malignant education

5. Pregnancy (all terms)

6. abdominal wall hernias.

A method of cleansing the liver with the help of olive oil and lemon juice.

There is a way to cleanse the liver with the help of olive oil and lemon juice. It is the most famous recipe. The principle is the same, only instead of sorbitol you for the same two or three hours every ten or fifteen minutes to make two mouthfuls of oil and drink two sips of lemon juice. Its only drawback for many - an immediate urge to gag as soon as you swallow oil.

The catch is that a properly functioning, clean the liver fails to respond to oil - no gag reflex. But who is she? And why at such drinking liver oil? If retching not - so you can clean the liver. If you regularly (at least every six months) are starving at least a week, and then you do not need to clean the liver. It's enough. But before entering the long fast, it is better to carry out clean - will feel better.

In addition, warm liver beneficial effect on all organs of the abdominal cavity, improves the blood and stimulates the function of the diaphragm, and, consequently, the work of the lungs.

In general, you want to live a long time - warm liver.

Of course, to overdo blisters on the skin is also not necessary - this will only get worse. Just this factor should have in mind. Of course, at one time the liver is not clear. We need to spend at least five cleansing. But you will feel the result - the food will be better and more quickly absorbed, appetite normal.

The beauty, and more!

Cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances


Improper nutrition, as well as with age in the human body accumulates to several kilograms of toxins and harmful substances.

This leads to a variety of diseases and adverse effect on life expectancy.

The accumulation of toxins and harmful substances and excessive delay in the body cause a loss of appetite and cause blockages.

Thus, when thirst appear dry mouth, dizziness, heart pain, memory loss. If you violate the separation of saliva and sputum occur disease disappear forces, loss of appetite. In case of delay sneeze blunted sensitivity, headaches, cramps in the muscles of the limbs and neck, with the crooked mouth, jaw-dropping. In suppressing the yawning the same consequences occur as for delay sneeze. Hunger causes dizziness and weakness. Excess of lactic acid leads to fatigue of the organism.

Flatulence causes constipation, swelling, intestinal colic, impairs vision, causing coldness, various heart diseases. At a delay of feces can cause headaches and twitching hands and feet. When urinary retention formed stones. At a delay of semen difficult urination, develop prostatitis and impotence. Lack of sleep leads to frequent yawning, weakness, heaviness in the head, indigestion, dark eyes.

When these violations must be hungry, to breathe through the mouth and rinse smoke Aloe Aloe decoction mouth. Cleanses the body can also be vomiting and laxatives, but these agents are contraindicated for people with weakened soft tissue of the lower abdomen.

Laxatives should not be taken if the intestines are dry excess (as happens with constipation), you first need to bring solid mass by using enemas or thinning agents. For example, use of the bath for several days prior to thinning has a laxative effect on the excess, but it is necessary that between visits to drug administration bath and passed a short time. Laxative decoction should be drunk in the form of heat, and then warm the stomach and feet, a little move.

It should periodically drink small sips of hot water in an amount that would not prevent the action of drugs. Take a laxative should not eat or drink until the medication is no longer operate. At this time you can not sleep. Halitosis is eliminated by taking the medicine powder barley oatmeal. Laxative useful to take in the spring or fall.

Improper nutrition, as well as with age in the human body accumulates to several kilograms of toxins and harmful substances.

This leads to a variety of diseases and adverse effect on life expectancy. To get rid of toxins and harmful substances, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, engage in physical exercise, work and rest. But if after all the body is already running, it is necessary to periodically cleansed of harmful substances or toxins.

When properly conducted purging from the body are derived toxins and harmful substances, improves health, normalizes all processes appear ease and flexibility in the body, increases immunity and disappear many diseases.

Removal of harmful substances from the body occurs during breathing, perspiration, body waste, using vomiting, laxative and a number of medical procedures.

Before you start cleaning, it is necessary: ​​first, to eliminate the conditions conducive to the body's pollution. Go for food mainly raw plant food. Animal products containing the desired protein, eat small portions (for complete assimilation). It is important to use clean water. For the normal course of metabolic processes necessary to move a lot. Secondly, it is important to observe the sequence of cleaning procedures.

First cleaned intestines, then liver, kidney. At least clean fluids. A large number of harmful substances enter the body through food and water. For example, industrial poisons, heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, and others. Particularly dangerous is regarded as entry into the body of carcinogens. These substances contribute to the emergence of cancer.

However, to deal with such pollution is quite simple. To do this, use environmentally friendly products. Water is better to take a proven springs or buy from well-known manufacturers. To clean tap water can be used special filters or household use proven folk ways. Many harmful substances ingested during smoking cigarettes.

In the process of life in cells and tissues are constantly produced harmful exhaust substances (sometimes called slag). When allocating organs working perfectly, all waste material should be completely eliminated from the body. However, not many people with the ideal allocation system. But even if the young organism manages and prints the majority of waste and harmful substances, - the age they will still begin to accumulate.

It should be added that most people do not eat, and thus doubly pollute: howling body. Scientists have found that the adult human body accumulates, inter alia dirt, 2 kg of slag and salt. Toxins gather in the body for many reasons. Various nutrients that enter the body, resulting in chemical reactions oxidize - break down into simpler.

Released at the energy used by the body, and the oxidizing agent can easily be displayed. However, for various reasons, complete decomposition (oxidation) of all the substances does not occur. Remain oxidized ballast substances, called slag, harmful substances, dirt and so on. D. They have hardly removed from the body, and over time can build up and poison it.

One of the best tools for the complete oxidation of the slag is exercise. To display the accumulated salt and slag can be used as natural solvents. These include fresh juice of radish, beets, cabbage, carrots, apples and others. The juice must be prepared immediately before use, otherwise it may lose the desired quality. Eating just vegetables or fruit will not give proper results. Radish juice is a strong current.

To begin, you can use it on a tablespoon 3 times a day. Gradually bring a single dose of up to 100 g is better to take this juice before a meal, but in this case it must be diluted with water. Beet juice also acts strongly enough it therefore consume 100 g of 3 times a day before meals (for 15-20 min). Cabbage juice is especially good for people who are overweight, t. To. Promotes fat burning. Taking it faces meal 100 g, 3 times a day. Carrot and apple juice can be consumed in unlimited quantities. but also three times a day before meals. Duration of juice therapy for several weeks.

Large injury causes cholesterol. Putting aside the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol causes atherosclerosis - a disease that shortens the life more than any other and is the cause of every 2nd or 3rd death.

Before cleaning the body to remember a few important principles, without which the normal purification fail. Firstly, it is important to observe the sequence of cleaning procedures.

So, if we try to clean the fluid your body using bath procedures without pre-clearing intestines and liver, the benefits of this cleansing will be a little. After the toxins (poisons) intestine and liver immediately get into the bloodstream and begin again to poison the body.

The main pollutant of the internal environment is the large intestine. Naturally, the cleaning procedure must begin with him. After cleaning the intestines into the blood will no longer act harmful substances.

Followed by purification of the liver. Then you need to clean the kidneys. Finally, the cleaning cycle should be cleansing at the cellular level. Immediately prior to cleansing procedures necessary to carry out some training body.

To the cleansing process was efficient as it should be stir harmful deposits, toxins and bring them to the excretory organs. To do this, drink plenty of warm water, the body is heated further and so on. These measures help to increase the circulation of fluid in the tissues, and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances
