Triad method of cleansing the body of parasites


Triad Hilda Clark. It is fairly well-known method of cleansing the body of parasites. Now no one is surprised by the fact that the human body can live the most diverse animals. Although studies on this topic have started recently. American naturopathic physician Hilda Clark, researching cancer patients

found in their bodies inside the dirt and parasites. After many thousands of studies Helen Clark made the following conclusion:

90% of chronic diseases are generated by two reasons - parasites and "ecotoxins" (environmental toxins, trapped inside the body - a term introduced Helen Clark, too).

In 1988, she developed a special apparatus "sinhrometr", which measures the frequency response of any natural objects emitting strictly specific range of electromagnetic radiation.

She was unpleasantly surprised, realizing that virtually every cell of her live peacefully colonies of microbes, viruses, and other evil spirits, which otherwise could not be detected.

Thus, in front of her stood a natural question: how to effectively clean your body of toxins and parasites?

Empirically Clark determined that 3 substances taken by mouth, have the ability to cleanse the body of the man as worms and their eggs, and it can successfully treat cancer.

These three substances: green shell walnut, wormwood and clove seeds.

She called these grass "Triad." To use them it is necessary in the form of immature peel of black walnut tincture is done - and, moreover, highly concentrated (Nux, sometimes at pharmacies), then taken herb wormwood and clove powder.

Simultaneous administration of the three components in the body destroys all adult pests and their larvae and eggs, and also destroys pathogens and fungi. Babies infected unicellular parasites still in the womb.

However, pregnant and lactating women to take "Triad" is impossible. In addition, it is not recommended for stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis.

With increased pressure also need to beware, cloves enhances it even more. Also, do not begin cleaning during the critical days, these herbs can enhance bleeding.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Valery A. Ivanchenko has developed a version of the "Russian Triad" to cleanse the body from parasites.

It includes: tansy, herb wormwood and clove powder.

All of these components have an aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiseptic and antipyretic effect.

Single dose of powder from flowers of tansy - 1 g; daily rate - up to 3 years

For wormwood - 200-300 mg, respectively, to receive up to 1 g per day,

powder for fresh carnation - 0, 5 and 1 g, 5 g

It is advisable to take all three components at once (tansy, wormwood and cloves), putting them in a capsule drug. They are sometimes sold in pharmacies. You can take the powder and without capsules spoon, and drinking water.

Take "Russian Triad" (tansy, wormwood and cloves) during the week as follows.

The first day - 1 capsule (single dose) for half an hour before meals.

The second day - on the capsule before breakfast and before dinner.

The third day, and the next week - on the capsule (spoon), "Triad" 3 times a day: before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner.

Then you can take preventive Triad 1 time per week.

General recommendations for cleansing the body of Semenov

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General recommendations for cleansing the body of Semenov
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Recommendations for cleaning the kidneys

Spending better in the end of summer, watermelon season. Arm yourself with watermelons and black bread. It's your food for the week.

If the kidneys and bladder stones there, the best time of their expulsion - the gap between three and two o'clock in the morning. Get in the bath and eat watermelon. The urine will leave the sand and stones.

The second method of purification fit for any time of year.

Prepare a 20-25 grams of pine oil and the collection of herbs: 50 g of oregano, sage, lemon balm, knotweed, St. John's wort.

Grass ground to tea. Within a week vegetarian diet plus tea from the collection of herbs and honey.

7 day half an hour before a meal to cook 100 g chilled infusion of herbs and add 5 drops of pine oil, stir and drink all through a straw (to protect teeth from decay).

Infusion with fir oil taken before meals for 5 days. The results of treatment you will see on the darkened urine, which may be pebbles.

Sometimes you fall hard brown or dark red clumps dense with the smell of pine oil. It clumps of sand.

Recommendations for cleaning the genitourinary system

The best way - the microbiological breakfast soaked for 5 days of rice.

At half-liter jar is filled with 2 tbsp. Spoon the rice and cover with water, put on the day. On the second day of rice, rinse and re-fill with water.

Next place the second jar with rice, flooded with water, and so up to 5 cans. When the rice vymoknet within 5 days, cook it and eat without anything. From food and drink refrain for 4 hours.

Do not be alarmed when the urine becomes like a dirty pudding - it cleared urogenital system.

Breakfast of soaked rice continue for 2 months. Creaking knees and elbows will be silent and mobile.

If someone is suffering from uterine, adenoma, by boiled rice with tea, you can add ground ginger. In a cup of tea - 70-100 grams of ground ginger.

In the case of mastitis, apply compresses of iced tea with ginger for 15-20 minutes to the place of the tumor in the breast.

Recommendations for cleaning the lymph

The most effective method of Dr. Walker. A mixture of 900 grams of grapefruit juice, orange juice, 900 g, 200 g of lemon juice, 2 liters of melt water. This is the norm for 1 day.

From morning to do an enema and drink a solution of one tablespoon of Glauber salt in 100 g of water. After this good warm shower or bath.

It will begin a great loss of moisture through feces, urine, sweat. After every 30 minutes of drink 100 g of the prepared mixture until all drink 4 liters.

Clean lymph 3 days in a row, no eating, except for the juice mixture and melt water.

If you get through the whole cycle of cleaning - safely includes a good regimen of physical exercise: running, swimming, cycling, play tennis. Do not be afraid.

Cleaning your body back the inner strength, purity, health, beauty and a clear mind.

This is advice for those who understand that the health - the greatest value that we have with you. And this value must be able to dispose of.

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General recommendations for cleansing the body of Semenov

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General recommendations for cleansing the body of Semenov
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Secrets Hope Semenova, its method of cleaning the body of toxins stone-like formations harmful accumulations save many diseases. People performing her advice in a matter of weeks rid of bronchitis, cholecystitis, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, prostate adenoma, and many other dangerous diseases.

Methods Hope Semenova preserve and restore health without medical intervention, without the use of pills and other pharmaceuticals.

I recommend to carefully study its recommendations to clean up all the organs.

Recommendations for cleaning the bowel by Semenov

In 2 liters of boiled cooled water add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Pour into a mug Esmarch without tip. The end of the tube dipped in vegetable oil. The situation during the enema - on elbows and knees. Inhale by mouth.

The best time for treatment - 5-7 hours in the morning after a natural bowel movement.

1 week - daily

Week 2 - a day

Week 3 - 2 days

Week 4 - 3 days

Week 5 always - 1 times

Many fear that the frequent enemas wash gastric microflora. So people think, are not familiar with the physiology, the use of drugs, in fact, kill beneficial intestinal microflora, contributes to settlement in it, and proliferation of dangerous, drug-resistant, especially to antibiotics forms.

Harmful microorganisms feed our body, poisoning it with their secretions. The disease cripples normal metabolism and is called dysbiosis.

Fighting dysbiosis

A week or two in the morning on an empty stomach, eat (not personal) clove of garlic for 1 hour before meals. Clove - in the evening 2 hours after a meal. Tag healing - no swelling stomach after eating. The process of fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract is terminated.

Intestinal cleansing and combat dysbiosis start simultaneously.

Remember! It is necessary to introduce a steady diet of porridge, bread and others. Cereals containing bran. Only grain cereals, coarse bread return your intestinal muscles to force the mucosa - the ability to suck.

Never use a laxative! This leads to the depletion of intestinal mucosa, cracks, proctology diseases.

Recommendations for cleaning the liver

Rid the bowels of the old slag dumps, sparing the blood of a powerful intestinal intoxication, proceed to clean the main laboratory of the body - the liver.

One of the main tasks - to rid the blood of the dead red blood cells, obsolete their 120 days of bilirubin. In the liver parenchyma bilirubin should be filtered and discarded together with the bile into the duodenum.

If weakened and painful liver is unable to filter waste, the bilirubin goes into the blood, where its concentration is increasing rapidly, disrupting metabolism. At high concentrations of bilirubin in the blood often falls to the liver attached to the wall in the form of warts.

Drops and cholesterol clog the ducts. Because of this, in the gall bladder stones are formed. Their removal during surgery does not resolve the problem of restoring the cleaning function of the liver.

Traditional medicine recommends to clean the liver after a complete intestinal cleansing. Otherwise there is a danger of blood poisoning again.

Preparation of the liver to clean - for a week vegetarian diet with a regular cleaning of the intestine.

And then:

1 day. Make a morning fasting enema. Eat fresh apple juice preparation in any quantity.

Day 2. Same.

Day 3. The same, but only eat up to 19 hours. Go to bed, to the area of ​​the liver put a heating pad, every 15 minutes, drink 3 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil and 3 tablespoons immediately. spoons of lemon juice.

Cleaning consumes 200 grams of oil and 200 grams of lemon juice (instead of olive oil may be refined sunflower). Hot water bottle to keep on the right upper quadrant for another 2-3 hours. Calmly sleep.

When the stomach works, then go green stones bilirubin, cholesterol, cylindrical tubes, rags dead mucosa and black smelly bile. Often 2-3 ejection. After them, you can do a cleansing enema, easy breakfast.

Purification of the liver repeated after 2-3 weeks until release from the intestine is clean. At 3-4 times stones can not be.

Sometimes, after first clearing the output of slag incomplete. Then after a few days there is heaviness in the liver. This is a signal for the immediate cleaning "stronuvsheysya dirt."

Regular cleaning of the liver, at least once a year to support its filtering ability. Increase alertness, joint mobility, will be clarity of thought.

Recommendations for cleaning joints

After the liver at the time to clean the joints, get rid of those toxins, blockages that "store" osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, other diseases.

Recommendations for cleaning joints:

5 g leafs dipped in 300 g of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Infuse in a thermos for 4-5 hours. The solution was drained and sip for 12 hours (all at once is impossible)! The procedure was repeated for 3 days. A week later - to repeat another 3 days.

During the treatment - only vegetarian food!

Purification of the joint first year on a quarterly basis, and then once a year and, certainly, after cleaning the bowel. If you do not, then the intestine under the influence of crude broth bay leaf, may cause allergic emissions.

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