Cleansing the gallbladder, kidney,


Cleansing the gallbladder, kidney, spleen, pancreas and prostate. Some of the people, even with a healthy lifestyle because of the specific organism can accumulate "sand" and formed "stones" in the gall bladder, kidneys, spleen,

pancreas and prostate.

Ultimately, this process leads to various serious diseases and ailments.

To cleanse the gall bladder, kidney, pancreas and prostate advisable to choose the most suitable natural remedy, promotes the resorption of stones and turn them into sand, and apply it to the destination.

To cleanse the gallbladder using infusion knotweed, St. John's wort, lemon, beetroot, apple juice.

The kidneys are well cleaned extract of bearberry, knotweed, horsetail, lemon juice.

The pancreas is cleared infusion of bay leaves and parsley.

Clean the prostate, you can extract of licorice root and burdock.

Juice drink usually pure by 60-100 grams broths 1/3 cup 2-3 times per day. At the same time take Bile or diuretics.

To prepare 10 grams of funds placed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiled water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes.

The resulting mixture was insist at room temperature for 45 minutes and filtered. The remaining raw materials squeeze, the volume was adjusted with boiled water to drink.

Bay leaf infused for days in a thermos (10 sheets of 300 grams of water).

For assets purchased at a pharmacy, must be guided by the instructions on the package.

To clean the spleen, you can cook porridge with fresh minced parsley roots with milk. On two kilograms of parsley roots need 3, 5 liters of milk. Porridge eaten in three days instead of the other dishes.

Duration of cleaning depends on the funds.

Infusions knotweed, horsetail can be taken throughout the winter, St. John's wort is not more than two months, bearberry, licorice, burdock month laurel 2-3 weeks.

Infusion of parsley take in two phases of 10 days from the two-day break.

If you are in these bodies of stones greater than 3-4 mm, these simple procedures likely, they are not removed.

In this case, the deeper cleansing under the supervision of a qualified professional.

Colon Cleansing hay without enemas


An effective way to cleanse the intestines and stomach without enemas, hay.

To enhance cellular immunity there is a wonderful way through the purification of the intestines and stomach hay.

Colon Cleansing hay is recommended only for adults, children under 16 years of age are contraindicated cleaning.

Course bowel cleansing - 1 week.

Take senna should be in the evening. When receiving the temperature may rise, but this rarely happens.

During the week, perform the following procedure: In the evening take 1 tablespoon senna, fill it with 1 cup of water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve. Drink as a tea at 1, 5-2 hours after eating. Then nothing is.

On the first day take 1/3 cup of broth. The rest of senna can be stored in the refrigerator for a day and used for the next evening reception.

The next morning, sure of his body. It may be the stomach ache. When morning bowel movement should be strong relief.

It is necessary that everything was as far as possible, that is, pain, discomfort should be quite tolerant and relaxation, although strong, but one time during the day (in the morning).

Maybe it will once again defecation. If there will be a lot of pain, and most importantly - from the toilet will not move, then the dose should be reduced.

If 1/3 cup - is an acceptable dose, start to increase it. At the end of the procedure (the 7th day), it is desirable to take a cup of decoction of senna.

If the procedure is carried hard, you can skip a day, then continue. If transferred easily, then pass it to 10 days.

As a control, make it a rule: 1-2 bowel movements a tolerable state of health and indulgence.

Note purgation without enemas, hay is a very severe treatment, so it is necessary to take seriously and carry it carefully.

This applies particularly to those who have stomach ulcers or a predisposition to it.

The best thing - to consult with the doctor that uses naturopathic treatments.

During this procedure, sometimes go "deposits", remaining in the intestines decades. Senna actively cleans the kidneys, removing sand and stones.

After completing the course will be other feelings that come when cleaning out the stomach and intestines, such as watery eyes, under the eyes, where the channel begins stomach, strange sensations arise.

Feelings will be soon, and some have no feelings do not arise. You can purgation once a month.

Trained and healthy people can make a major purge in 1-2 days, but this is only suitable for cleaning of physically healthy people.

If you are not sure of the need to perform purification . or during her feel any danger, immediately stop and start another kind of cleansing with softer drugs, designed for a long time.

Methods for bowel cleansing. Part 2


Purification using yogurt and apple juice

This type of cleansing is recommended to diabetics.

Method of implementation:

1st day.

Make fasting enema 2-4 liters. During the day, there is nothing, and only drink kefir shoplifter average fat content, but without the sugar and fruit. Other dairy products are not suitable. Drink to 3 liters, but not less than 1, 5 l of one glass every hour.

If there is a state of hypoglycemia: weakness, cold sweats, chills - you can drink a glass of hot tea with a teaspoon of honey. To make the heating pad feet. The body is rubbed with a solution of diluted as food, vinegar. If there was a state of hypoglycemia, add kefir to black pieces of dried bread. Nothing else to eat or drink.

2nd day. Make fasting enema. During the day, drink only juice, homemade, fresh cooking. Juice all: apple, cabbage, carrot, cucumber. Better - Apple. Possible and mixtures thereof. As one glass drinking 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 hours.

Note. If you are working and not enough time in the morning, you can do cleansing enemas evening. If permit time and feel, then morning and evening to 2 liters.

3rd day. Light breakfast. Better to juice blends. During the day, vegetable salads, vegetable soups, vegetable stew without oil.

4th day. Same as in the third day, but with the oil. Do not forget to massage the palm of your hand for self-emptying of the bowel. Such purification can be carried out continuously 1-2 times a month.

Attention. All procedures should be carried out under the supervision of a physician-endocrinologist.

Purification of ground elder

Choose fresh shoots goutweed. Run them through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice. Take the juice of goutweed scheme: Day 1 - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 15-30 minutes before meals, day 2 - 2 tablespoons, 3rd day - half a glass, if not apparent side effects.

The course of treatment - 10 days, then break for 5 days and then take 10 days. Patients with ulcerative process may begin pain, heartburn, they need to drink a little soda, diluted with water.

Purification of Glauber's salt and starvation

In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of solution (a tablespoon per cup of water) of sodium sulphate (Glauber's salt). The water should be warm or cool, but not cold.

The solution removes from the body all the toxins and cleanse not only the intestine, but also other organs. Number of output laxative sewage can reach 3-4 liters or more, which can lead to dehydration.

To compensate for the lack of liquid, it is necessary to take a large grapefruit 4, two large and three large lemon and orange juice squeezed out of them (the total amount of juice to be 2 L) to the juice add 2 liters of water.

The mixture start to drink half an hour after the adoption of a laxative and to continue to drink every 20-30 minutes. There are for this day is impossible. Before going to bed to make sure enema of 2 liters of lukewarm water and add the juice of 1-2 lemons.

Such cleaning should be carried out 3 days in a row. On the fourth day should start drinking vegetable juice and eat raw vegetables and fruits.

If, during the purification of the weakness appears, in any case, do not throw food, the weakness will pass, the body clears.

Purification by Semenov

Through purgation at the school health Semenov enters the grain in the daily diet of about 60%.

Enema preparing since - in 2 liters of lukewarm boiled water add a tablespoon of lemon juice or 4-6% ethyl apple cider vinegar or any acidic fruit juice or sour pickle sauerkraut.

Day 21 - enema daily, twice a day. The first two weeks of bowel cleansing - is preparing to clean the liver, the third week - rehabilitation, out of cleaning the liver. If there comes a natural bowel movement, you can go to an enema every other day.

If the chair is not natural, it is necessary to eat cereals and breads made from flour of 1st grade. If two consecutive days comes natural defecation - an enema to do on the third day and so on. D. A positive result - the intestines freed itself 1-2 times a day.

People up to 40-43 years should do a cleansing enema 1 time per week. Once every 5 days - up to 55-60 years, one every 3 days - further by age.

In the schools have separate food, each patient receives daily white kaolin clay about 20 grams. in a day. Breathing exercises carried out under the program paradoxical breathing.

Bowel cleansing, removal of toxins promotes daily bath with a steam room. Wires and Crystals conducted on biologically active points on hands and feet.

The result of this treatment - naturally liberated intestine, which distinguishes finely chopped leftover food like pasta, lightly painted in dark green color and did not leave any marks on enamel bowl. Time of defecation - very short, 4-5 times faster than urination.

Cleansing Clay

Apply necessary to clean greasy clay sand without impurities. It is best to use clay, taken one whole piece. Pound piece of clay into a powder to sift it through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary impurities.

Pure powder ready to put on some time in the sun clay powder to be dissolved in the required quantity of cold water and drink the whole thing - and water, and clay - sips, but not in one gulp.

If the bottom of the cup there is not much of a clay powder, it is possible to add more water and drink. Do not use metal spoons. Clay powder should be taken just before eating.

If you prefer to take the clay together with other drinks, it is advisable to do it with infusion of mint or other medicinal herbs, but without sugar. You can add a small amount of honey and a few drops of lemon juice.

You can not drink the clay with milk or coffee. If at the beginning of the reception clay water were constipation - a measure of slagging organism. In this case, during the day slowly sips need to drink plenty of water sufficiently light clay.

Cleansing Clay intestines and stomach can be carried out in two main schemes:

1) Half a teaspoon of clay powder dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. Take morning and evening on an empty stomach for a week. After a week increase the dose of clay powder and 1 teaspoon, a week later in the glass plant it is necessary to have 1 tablespoon of clay. In the fourth week it is necessary to start taking clay balls.

Balls roll should be about the size of 5x7 mm. Such balls need to swallow 10-15 pieces for the reception. The balls can be replaced with a suspension prepared from 2 tablespoons of clay and glass of water. Clay in the glass thoroughly.

Clay is able to absorb all the toxins and waste products accumulated in the intestine. Intestine is cleaned 2-3 days. By the end of the first week of admission is cleaned stomach. In the second week, an increased amount of clay helps to peel from the walls of the intestine accumulated slime and rotting food debris.

Furthermore, the clay body needs it provides minerals and trace elements, which enter into the blood and begin to affect the cellular metabolism outside the digestive tract, blood and embossing scraping dirt traps of various muscles, ligaments, blood vessels.

The body restores normal metabolism, thus can manifest chronic diseases that often occur palpitations, worsening low-intensity pain, difficulty urinating, depression and general weakness. Unpleasant symptoms should soon pass as bowel cleansing is working properly and does not poison the body processing products.

Crisis manifestations can not be afraid, they are - an indicator of the correct treatment. On average, a full cleaning process may last 2-2, 5 months. After this period, you can go to receive occasional mud balls at 10-15 mid-size pieces 1 time per week.

2) Take 2-3 tablespoons of powdered clay and dissolve them in a glass of warm boiled water (can be used instead of a clay slurry of clay balls the size of 1x1 cm, taking them to 10-15 pieces 3 times a day. After a week the amount received should be reduced by half clay (1-1, 5 tablespoons per cup of water, 2 times a day).

Take necessary in the morning and evening on an empty stomach 2 hours after dinner. After receiving the clay in the evening do not eat, because food will slow down the cleansing process. In the third week, it is necessary to start taking a light suspension: 1 teaspoon of clay in a glass of water. This clay needed in order to recover the salt and mineral balance in the body.

One can reduce the time to receive one week, assuming the clay dosages for 3 days. After this kind of cleansing should be at least another week of weak clay water to drink 0, 5 teaspoons of clay in a glass of water, take 2 times a day, in the morning - on an empty stomach. This purification scheme can help people with exacerbations of the disease, as well as children.
