Cleansing of the body should begin with the intestines. This must be done for the following reason. The use of drugs inside the kill beneficial intestinal microflora, inhabits its dangerous forms that are resistant to drugs, and especially - to antibiotics. It cripples the metabolism, causing goiter. Very children suffer from it.
Therefore, for bowel cleansing should be carried out not only the special procedures, but watch out for a balanced diet, after eliminating dysbiosis.
Food for bowel cleansing - separate, ie protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, soups, nuts, seeds, beans, mushrooms) are used separately from carbohydrates (bread and flour products, potatoes, cereals, sugar, honey) to the time difference of at least two hours.
These products can be combined with fats, oils, as well as "live" foods - vegetables and herbs. Withdrawn from the diet of milk (casein it is not digested in the body) and other dairy products.
Eliminating dysbiosis. Within a week or two in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before meals to eat (without anything) clove of garlic and clove in the evening - 2 hours after a meal. A sign of healing is no swelling of the stomach after a meal. The process of fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract stops.
Intestinal cleansing, combating dysbiosis and separate power supply must begin at once. Cleansing the intestines, remember that it is a dump in the gut led to the atrophy of the muscles of the intestine and its sluggishness, ie atony.
To defecation was a natural and regular, it is necessary to enter into the diet of porridge, black bread and other cereals, bran, lots of raw vegetables. They will return your intestinal muscle strength, and mucous - enzymatically-suction capacity.
Take laxatives should only be a last resort, as they dried mucous intestine and cause cracks.
Many researchers and healers offer purgation spend together with the purification of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). GI length is 16 m. It is a one-way tube food divided into five parts. Each part is separated from the other valve-sphincter. In the normal state, all valves should be closed. By moving food valves open.
When medication - muscle relaxants, analgesics and drugs valves normally innervated lose property, that is, they stay open! The food uncontrollably moving from one department to another, reaches the large intestine, is dewatered and deposited thick layers on the walls of the intake system of the colon.
For bowel cleansing is necessary to use only water with the addition of acidified organic natural agent - lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and others. Do not use mineral water. Change the alkaline-acid index by mineral water will inevitably change the same parameter in the blood and cause general systemic disease, which can hardly be overcome, especially because these diseases do not relate to gastroenterologists.
The most common way is to perform bowel cleansing enemas.
For enema need a mug douches, or combined heating pad or a large syringe (Many doctors believe that the syringe as an enema can not be used).
Apply different positions: lying on the right or left side with your knees tucked to her stomach; squatting; standing leaning with an emphasis hands on his knees; kneeling, with emphasis on the elbows; lying on his back.
Mug douches can be hung, raising and lowering it as necessary. Water enema is better to take to defend the raw or boiled (room temperature 18 ° C). This water increases peristalsis.
In the water, it is desirable to add a fresh beet juice (1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water), slightly acidified with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter).
The best time for a cleansing enema - 5-7 am 20-21 o'clock in the evening.
Before performing the procedure it is desirable to lubricate the tip of the nourishing cream, Vaseline or vegetable oil, let the air out of the tube, raising and lowering the tip with respect to circles, waiting for the water flow, turn off the tap.
To arm an enema is necessary to prepare a comfortable place and ensure that the hose was stretched, when you enter the enema tip. It is necessary to prepare the oil-cloth or plastic wrap for this procedure. The situation during the procedure - on his knees and elbows - or rather on one elbow, the other hand should be introduced into the anus and keep the tip.
The tip should be introduced slowly and carefully to avoid damage (especially if you have hemorrhoids). Belly relax. Do not tighten. You can enter the hose by removing the tip, then the water will go down very quickly in the intestines.
After inserting the tip (or the end of the hose), we must vigorously mouth long puffs draw in a breath and exhale briefly his mouth, too (if uncomfortable, breathing nose). Make seven vtyazhek, and then - a small vacation. The more energetically you draw air, the faster the "retracted" all the water.
If water has entered not all, and you felt a strong pain in the bowels of the coup of their contents - close the tap in the hose or tighten the hand hose, standing up without removing the tip of the anus and massage the belly movements hands up, then continue the procedure. Water should enter all!
When the water in the circle is complete, remove the tip, put to the anus prepared gasket, tighten the muscles and try to delay the passage of water of not less than 7 minutes. Abdominal pain can be "calm down" stroking. If you can - walk to the introduced water. Enema should be done without the hassle of having enough time.
Enema failed if at the end of the procedure, you feel the emptiness in the stomach and ease in the body. If you feel that much left out and should be added, that is to pour more water into the cup, and again to make yourself an enema to push all that remains in the stomach.
It is advisable that before there was a natural enema defecation (bowel movement). In that case, if you have constipation, first enter 0, 5 liters of water and then release it. This will free the rectum. Fill with water into a mug Esmarch (rubber enema) and do an enema, as described above.
When torsion, the presence of adhesions of the sigmoid colon may have twice or thrice administered 0, 5 liters of water, and only then be able to enter 2 liters at once. Remember that the amount must be flushed through the intestine 6 liters of water, and can be, and 8 liters, it is desirable to clean water. The total amount of water should be at least 6 liters.
In severe intestinal, the presence of adhesions in the mesentery, severe slagging, you may have to clean the intestines to rest, that is, intermittently.
It is undesirable to do an enema in the case of diseases with high fever, severe headache, weakness, nausea, stomach upset. During exacerbation of chronic diseases. In heart and kidney failure, hypertension III degree, recent myocardial infarction or stroke in the postoperative period.
In diseases of the colon, and in women - a roll of the vagina. In a state of fatigue, stress. When the pain in my stomach. Women - during pregnancy and lactation, during menstruation. Start cleaning - not earlier than two days after the end of menstruation, and finish no later than two days prior to the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.
Some print media are recommendations bowel cleansing with hot water, that is, doing hot enemas. As shown, the hot enema only suitable for healthy people.
Those who have cracked the intestines, bleeding hemorrhoids, malignant or benign, hot enema contraindicated, besides making hot enema with such ailments - thus cause severe pain. It should also be aware that hot enema can cause high blood pressure.
Enema procedure can be considered completed, if vigorously massage intestinal gurgles in the intestines and not "croaking", ie the intestine completely emptied.
If an enema formulation for children need to use child enema tip, pre-lubricated with it before each dose. The position of the baby during the procedure - any convenient for the person who will do the procedure.
Enter the water necessary until the child first unpleasant sensations, and then pinch the hose, then gently continue administering until, until the child can tolerate. Then the child has to empty the bowel, and the process should continue.
The amount of water should be age-appropriate. If a child suffers patiently enema can be administered, and more water to wash clean.
At the age of 3-6 years, the child can not enter more than 1, 5 liters of water for 6-7-year-old child is suitable enema with 2 liters of water for 9-14-year-old in an enema, you can pour 3-4 liters.