Congratulations on the wedding day a friend in verse

 Congratulations girlfriend to the wedding


My dear, my friend!

Wonder how good you are!

I am looking at you shining,

And the smile and the soul!

In a beautiful day - congratulations!

I want to wish you,

That was the favorite you

And you're living in a dream!

Let elect loves

Showered with sea roses,

And may never know,

Your eyes bitter tears!


Girlfriend - my faithful!

Rejoices the heart and soul!

Bride you - excellent class!

And so, damn - good!

Let this day brings you,

It is only joy and love,

And let the fire in the eyes of play,

All that so stirs the blood!

You are beautiful as the Garden of Eden,

Captives, and manish - seduce!

And this wedding dress,

An immensely decorate!

So whether you are always inspired,

His chosen always

And let the love you meet,

Married life - a serious time!


Only yesterday you were playing,

At the wedding, and my family!

And now you are creating,

Family life is really yours!

You - like an angel in a white dress!

Beautiful - like heaven!

Your smile is striking,

Eyes shine with joy!

I wish you - only happiness!

Have fun, joy - all the best!

And let your family does not know

What does it mean in the life of a bitter collapse!

Be adored, loved,

Stored fondly - destiny!

Whether you infinitely happy,

It is better you do not have this!

Author Valeriy Petrovich

 Audio congratulations to newlyweds


Let every day from that moment

It brings you joy, happiness and success.

And let the trouble, though, as an experiment,

Forget in your life a place for comfort.

Let your soul every day

Increasingly, larger blooms.

Act your every Acts guess the outcome,

And though in the end he has a horse!

I wish to choose in this life goal.

Go to her briskly and without much troubles, problems.

I wish that life sonorous flute

The world is full of fun music and dance.

The last thing I want to say,

This is just something that will never know despair.

And let the fate of your touch,

Will look for a way out of problems.

Today is your holiday,

Forget all the plans and tasks.

Let your spirit will visit the rest,

And wished good luck to your essence.

Author Natalia Macha

Cheerful congratulations to newlyweds with wedding poems

 Congratulations to the wedding young


Newlyweds expensive!

We congratulate you all came,

And that you live like a native,

Gift bunch brought.

Your grandfather iron horseshoe

I took you yesterday at the horse,

That happiness loyal base

It was you, you need it.

You dragged grandmother salt

In a bag to the gram exactly pud,

That spared, ate plenty,

That's better, they say, live.

Father gives you the peace pipe,

That was no fights, no quarrels,

Mom broom out of the apartment

He sweeps nonsense.

All others dragged

Carpets, utensils - they found,

To rich you were,

To have fun in life go!


The most beautiful newlyweds

With the seal of this document,

Because you successfully found

For the joyful moment of the meeting,

For that to live together decided

Share everything honestly in half,

What we did not forget to invite

We'll give you tips.

Live happily and amicably,

Do not notice the little things,

Suddenly, the dishes do not need to beat -

Damage large up nobody.

Know how to take care,

To conserve heat in the nest,

Share equal work -

Go all the mountains of life from his shoulders.

For the general case, try

Though something a little yield,

Do not hesitate to admit a mistake -

This will help you to love.

And finally you want

Nice house full of kids,

With these document are giving you this,

Do not forget that about him!

Author Eleni Kerr


All relatives and friends all

Congratulations to you today,

Kissing you giving

This evening, in a moment of feast.

You are already married hour

And Satan odnoyu

All okreschivayut you -

You become husband and wife.

Do not pull over

Bedspread - tear.

Better hands holding

You fly in a flight.

 Audio congratulations to newlyweds


Hurtling chaise removed,

Pour trill bells,

Ringing rushes through the neighborhood,

Happiness pours all ends.

Rasprekrasno bride

The white lace.

Rose bouquet, cake dough

In the hands of the bride. Guests,

feast till night,

Drink always for the young.

Happiness and joy are predicting

And the children removed.

We congratulate you, too

And cordially wish

Enjoy the beauty,

Always good to revel.

Author Olga Zhumigina

Congratulations to the wedding of the parents

 Congratulations to the newlyweds from parents


Two ringlet rolled -

Suddenly turned into one.

Two fates united -

And all around it flourished.

Let the whole life, my family,

Quiet river runs.

On this day, let the Almighty

I bless you from heaven.

Both father and mother wish

In happiness and harmony to live.

Let prayers help

You always true love.

Finding the problem solved,

Gordo does not shoot from the hip,

Ask always forgiveness

For resentment, temper.

And each other happiness, affection

Try to give.

That's when all my life a fairy tale

Can you turn.


No matter how serious was the way,

Where b fate you did not throw,

Remember: always love and loyalty

In life we ​​are saved.

You sense your light,

How to take care of a huge treasure.

Love in their hearts, in the shower

From the eyes of envious store.


Two doves - together forever

And the joy they are in trouble

Always fly to a cherished

In the constellation of Love star.

We have you children today

On the path of life to soar,

Always be near each other and

To cherish, to love carefully.

Author Svetlana Sanyuk


Two loving hearts merged,

Two roads merge into one.

All common was: friends and apartment

And the troubles and joys equally.

There is no place in the soul of egoism,

Salary is no longer yours.

Forget all your whims.

On the first meste- family!

The agreement, peace reigns among you let him.

Love is more precious every year.

We want you to solve the problem

By the principle of "sleep on it".

Wait until we have grandchildren dream.

The more the merrier!

In the martial exploits bless.

Give birth to the delight of the children!

Today, on the bright hearts combinations

We wish harmony in the family and love.

And ask you: "All will foster

Before the wedding ring walk together! "

Author Tatiana Mosunova

 Audio congratulations to newlyweds


We would like to congratulate you on today

On the wedding day ... with the best day!

And in regards leave

We want to - do not forget about it,

It will let the year, and yet

You respect each other,

Because there is no light at all expensive

Love and You love it!

And be happy, family,

Our kids in a good way!

And grandchildren, please, dear,

Well we say - Be!
