Jam - a fruit or berries that boil with sugar or molasses. In the late autumn on the shelves of some stores there is an exotic fruit with an interesting name - feijoa. Today we tell you how to quickly and easily cook a tasty and healthy feijoa jam for the winter, how to make jam, jam raw, not boiled, detailed recipes.
Use of feijoa jam
Feijoa - tasty and healthy fruit green color, taste and smell very much like strawberries or kiwi.
The flesh of a ripe pineapple guava resembles jelly. The ripe fruit, the more benefit. It is best to eat pineapple guava with the skins.
The fruit are rich in vitamin C, contain a large amounts of iodine, as well as pectin, sugar, cellulose, organic acids and antioxidants.
Feijoa is recommended to use in diseases of the thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, gastritis, it can be used for diabetics. This berry is perfect for improving immunity.
To save all the advantages of a feijoa in the winter, cook the jam! Feijoa jam is well suited to the pancakes, you can add the cottage cheese or yogurt.
1. Feijoa should be washed and pour over boiling water.
2. Using a knife, remove the tails, skins are not removed.
3. Small fruit cut in half, and larger - in four parts.
4. Clear the orange peel on, divided into small slices, clean white walls and remove the stone.
5. Walnuts pour boiling water for 5-7 minutes, the water is drained and washed with nuts.
6. We grind all the prepared ingredients in a blender.
7. We shift the resulting mixture into a clean bowl.
8. Add the sugar and stir.
9. Cover the bowl with a towel (cap) and leave at room temperature until the sugar dissolves.
10. After that, we shift the jam in the prepared jar, cover with lid and send in the refrigerator.
Recipe 2. feijoa jam with pears
For the preparation of jam need:
• Feijoa - 1kg;
• medium sized pear - 2 pcs .;
• Semi-sweet white wine - 100ml.
How to cook:
1. First cut the flesh of the pineapple guava, add it to the pan.
2. Peel the pear from the skin and cut into small pieces, remove seeds.
3. Mix the peeled pear and feijoa fruit, put the mixture on the heat and add the wine.
4. Cook for 15 minutes. The mixture should be stirred continuously.
5. Turn off the heat and add the sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved.
6. Again, put the pan on the fire and boil for 20 minutes.
7. Pour into pre-sterilized jars and roll for the winter.
Recipe 3. Fast feijoa jam
Ingredients for a wonderful jam:
• 1 kg of fruits of feijoa;
• 1 kg of white sugar;
• 100 ml of water.
How to cook:
Feijoa rinse and crush berries. Put the fruit in a saucepan, add water and sugar.
The mixture is warm to heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Penkov must be removed.
Pour into sterilized jars and roll for the winter.
Bon appetit and good health!
Jam with honey instead of sugar Different recipes
Honey - bee products, natural sweetener, whose existence has been known since ancient times. On the beneficial properties of honey even know the children. The article presents the different recipes useful jam with honey instead of the usual sugar.
Use honey for colds, diseases of the stomach, liver, and hypertension. Honey and propolis used for cosmetic purposes, for the production of creams, gels, masks.
In Russia, before the widespread sugar honey cooked jam - a real treat, especially with tea after Russian baths. Currently, caring hostess cook desserts with honey and sugar in equal proportions.
Not bad, and we remember the recipes of our ancestors and process technology to make jams these days instead of the usual sugar and use honey.
Recipe 1. Crude blank black currant honey
Raw it is called because of the fact that it does not boil.
currants - 900 grams.
Honey - 850 gr.
Berries ripe black currants cleaned of debris, stalks and flower cups. Then rinse with currants and crushed with a blender or grinder.
Honey put in a saucepan and melt. In the hot honey to put milled currants, mix and leave in a warm place, to highlight the juice. Then shift the jam with honey in jars and put in a cool place: a cellar or refrigerator.
It can be used instead of black currant raspberries, gooseberries, red currants. And, you can make assorted berry honey. Also to be tasty and healthy. Recruit dry jam spoon in a bowl for dessert.
Recipe 2. Jam paradise apples with honey
Apples - 1 kg
Honey - 800 gr.
water - 210 ml.
Ranetki jam or apple of paradise is a decoration of any celebratory tea. In addition to the exquisite appearance, it has a unique taste.
Paradise apple sort, remove damaged and rotten, cut half of the stalk. Then rinse the apples and chop the sharpened match at 5-6 places. Then the apples cook 4-5 minutes, cool in cold water, lay in an enamel bowl.
Honey put in a saucepan and melt.
The apples are prepared to pour honey syrup and let stand for several hours. Then cooking apples three times for 15 minutes with an interval of 5 hours. Ready jam expanded in terms of banks and roll for the winter.
Recipe 3. Pear jam with lemon and honey instead of sugar
pears - 1.6 kg
sugar 700 grams.
Honey - 900 gr.
Lemon - 1 pc.,
water - 400 ml.
For the preparation of jams, use ripe pear with firm flesh. Pears wash, peel and seeds and cut into thin slices.
Then the slices folded into any dish, add a little water like that she only covered the fruit and boil for a few minutes.
Next pears lay in a colander and cool in cold water. After blanching remove undigested pieces. Chilled slices put into a bowl for jam.
Lemon wash and cut into slices, pour laid on the formula with water and boil with a little zest. Then, remove the slices and drain the water.
In a separate saucepan put sugar, honey, pour the lemon water and boil.
In a bowl with slices of pear pour hot syrup and cook three times a 9-delayed 10 minutes at 4 o'clock. The finished hot jam spread out on the prepared dish and roll for the winter.
Using data detailed recipes can be similar to cook tasty and healthy jam with honey instead of regular sugar with any berries and fruits.
What can be done out of a jam recipes for dishes, desserts
After preparing jam from different fruits and berries, you can fantasize a variety of desserts, which will be very helpful to your table. So, what can be made out of a jam recipes for different dishes.
The famous cake with jam tarts
All cuisines add jam to many desserts. In Italy, there is the famous cake - "tarts", which is great for a sweet breakfast in combination with a hot cup of Italian coffee. The method of preparation is very simple.
You will need: 3 egg yolks, 1 cup buckwheat flour, 100 grams of sugar, butter (100 g) and a favorite jam, often prepared with raspberry jam.
Cooking method:
Mix well the yolks, flour, sugar and butter. Then put the weight in the fridge for half an hour. Prepare the oven, heating it to 175 C.
Roll out 2/3 of dough into a round Korzhik. Cake thickness of 1 cm and a diameter of 24 cm. Korzh put on baking paper and place in the prepared pan.
Spread the jam, but the edges should be left untouched, as in baking, jam is spread. Jam does not take a liquid, that is not very spread out, and spoiled the aesthetic appearance.
Of the remaining dough to make thin strips and put them on the cake to get the cell. The cake is baked for about 35 minutes.
Pancakes with jam
To prepare the pancakes air is necessary: in the prepared bowl break 2 eggs, add a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, mix well.
Add one cup of milk (room temperature) and 300 g of flour, mix well a lot to make it look like thick cream.
Pour half a glass of milk and two tablespoons of vegetable oil and stir well the resulting mixture.
The dough should get watery. Heat the pan, greasing it with oil. And we can fry the pancakes. Filling for pancakes can serve your favorite jam, jam, jam.
Delicious cake Sacher
The invention of the Austrian confectioner Franz Sacher, and today continues to amaze fans of sweets.
How to prepare the famous cake "Sacher":
take shape for baking a cake with a diameter of 35-30 cm. Boca form lubricating oil and sprinkle with bread crumbs. At the bottom put a round of parchment.
In a water bath prepare 200 g of dark chocolate, and 200 g of butter hammered with powdered sugar (100 g). Add the slightly cooled chocolate and beat until fluffy mass, gradually add the egg yolks 9.
The 6 protein Pour 200 g of sugar and stir. Thus adding the sifted flour (200 g). Gently spread the prepared baking tin and put in preheated oven to 180 C and bake for about 40 minutes.
After baking, we are pulling out of the oven, giving the cake cool down for about an hour then divided into 2 cakes. The apricot jam and add the boiling water a little warming up.
Hot jam coat with a cake. The remaining jam through a sieve. We cover the entire cake and leave for 2 hours to form crust.
Then cover the cake frosting, which is prepared in a water bath with the addition of 400 grams of sugar, combine melted chocolate with sugar and glaziruem cake. Cake is ready for use.
Rice kutia jam
To prepare the rice kuti jam you will need: one cup round rice, one cup of your favorite jam, two glasses of water. Preparation: in boiling water fell asleep washed rice cereal, cook until done.
Ready put rice in a colander, drain the water. Spread on a plate, add the jam, stir, meal ready to eat. For a taste you can add raisins and nuts to decorate.
Also very tasty balls of ice cream combined with the addition of your favorite jam. In winter, the jam can be eaten with a cold hot tea.