Nectarine got its name because of the high sugar content. Homeland of the fruit are the Mediterranean countries. Many people believe that the nectarines - a type of peach, but it is not. The fruit is fairly large and beautiful, a little sweeter peach. The article presents the different recipes for delicious homemade jams of nectarines for the winter.
Nectarine is very rich in vitamins, nutrients. The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which is beneficial for the intestines.
Peaches can be eaten not only fresh, it can be used in the preparation of various fruit salads, desserts, compotes home. As well as fragrant brew jam nectarines, who recalled the taste of sweet summer cold winter.
Jam is produced only from ripe fruit when the fruit is absorbed all the subtle scent of summer. Unripe fruit does not have the necessary taste and flavor to the jam. Jam is very easy to prepare at home. Today, in any supermarket you can buy jam, nectarine, maybe it will not be as much vitamins as in homemade jams, but the taste of cooked food almost identical.
Nectarine jam - a great filling for pies, savory pies, muffins, pancakes, cottage cheese or casserole. Very tasty sandwich distant childhood, fragrant crust of bread with butter and jam. You can also add in your tea instead of sugar or honey, and you can simply bring to the table as a dessert of nectarines.
Recipe 1. nectarine jam with oranges
For the preparation of homemade jams will need:
1 kg of sugar, 1 kg of nectarines, as well as half a kilo of lemons for flavor and for that to crystallized sugar and 1 kg of oranges to complement the flavor.
Cooking method:
Cut into thin slices the same nectarines, stir the sugar in an amount of 1 kg. Then, leave for 40 minutes until the juice.
Oranges and lemons peeled and cut poludolkami.
Add the nectarines to cut fruits and set on fire. After boiling, remove the foam and mix the jam. Casserole with jam on the fire continues to cook until done. Willingness to determine consistency.
To check availability and saucer need to pour a thin layer of jam and watch the jam should not be spread.
The resulting delicious jam we put into jars, carefully sterilized and roll up for the winter.
Recipe 2. nectarine jam with vanilla
Another popular recipe for making jam is with the addition of vanilla.
For the preparation of the three portions will need: 1 kg of ripe nectarines, 3 cups of sugar, vanilla pod.
Cut nectarines into cubes the same size. Pour into prepared dish and add three cups of sugar. We reserve mass 8 hours in a cold place until the juice.
We put the jam on the fire and cook for 25 minutes after the jam boil. 7 minutes before the end of cooking, pour the contents of the vanilla pod.
The second method of cooking jam
There is another way of cooking jam nectarine, which consists of two stages. First, boil the jam for about 7 minutes and set aside his 5 hours, then put on fire and boil for about 10 minutes.
Dry fill sterilized jars cooked jam and twists for the winter.
Recipe 3. nectarine jam with cinnamon and almonds
For true gourmets can cook jam with cinnamon and almonds.
You will need: 500g nectarines, 1 ch. L. ground cinnamon, 2, 5 cups of sugar and 150 grams of almonds.
Cooking method:
peeled nectarines, cut into slices and covered with sugar, we alter and leave for two to three hours. We put on the fire as soon as the boil, cook for 15 minutes, remove the foam and remove from heat. Cover with a cloth and leave the jam at night.
Prepare the almonds, boil for about 7 minutes, cleaned, cut into slices. Put the jam on the fire as soon as boils, you must add the cooked cinnamon and almonds. Cook about 10 minutes more, and roll up for the winter.