Ripe, juicy melon aroma, tasty. Her flesh melts in your mouth. A exuded the aroma of fresh melons will not leave anyone indifferent. And as we would like to eat in the winter favorite fruit, but sometimes in our northern latitudes there is no such possibility. There are several recipes for jam melons, they help preserve your favorite fruits for the winter.
Jam will be appreciated by both adults and children. Jam melon has a distinct flavor and aroma. There are several ways to cook melon jam - traditional classical cooking for the winter, sugarcraft fruits and modern way - cook the jam melon multivarka.
1. The classic recipe for jam melon
For a traditional jam melons take 1 kilo of melon pulp and syrup 1, 2 kg of sugar, a half cup of water, 5 grams of vanillin and 3 grams of citric acid.
How to cook:
Collect for cooking jam is not quite ripe melon with firm flesh. Peel the melon peel, remove seeds and cut the flesh into pieces. Sliced melon blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain and let the water cool melon.
Boil sugar syrup from water with addition of vanillin, citric acid. Pour the hot syrup melon and soak in syrup 6 hours and then put on fire, bring to a boil and cook the jam back in 15 minutes.
Then prepare jam allow to cool, then pour into sterilized jars for the winter. This jam will delight you with winter evenings with a cup of aromatic, strong tea. And also, melon slices, cooked in syrup will become excellent decoration for your cake.
Recipe 2. Thick jam melon
Thicker jam may be obtained by saccharification melon slices. For this method of preparation you need melon pulp - 800 grams, 1 kg of sugar and 200 grams of almonds.
How to make:
Melon cut into thin slices, and place prostirilizuyte banks layers of almonds, melon, pour layers of sugar. Separately, cook the syrup - 3 cups of water to three cups of sugar. Pour the contents of the jars hot syrup.
Close the cover of the winter and store jars in a dark room, for example in the cellar. It should stand for three months. After that, the jam is ready for use.
Recipe 3. jam melon multivarka
Modern technological progress does not stand still. And modern housewife can appreciate the wonderful melon jam Multivarki.
How to cook:
Prepare the melon pulp - 1 kilogram of flesh cut into cubes. Take 3 large prunes and finely chop them. 500 grams of sugar and 200 grams of water to cook the syrup. In a bowl combine Multivarki melon, prunes, pour a syrup.
Set the mode to multivarka fighting and the smallest capacity. Timer set to 5 hours - that is how much time will prepare your jam. But five hours later it is ready for use.
Recipe 4. multifruit jam melon platter
There is another recipe for an unusual jam melon. Only it was not quite melon. Rather, let's call it multifruit jam.
To make it, you need 200 grams of melon flesh, 200 grams of white grapes, 200 grams of sweet pear and one large peach. And just 1 kilo of sugar and 200 grams of water.
How to make:
All ingredients except the vine chopped (about the size of a grape). Put in a pan first pears and cover them with sugar, cover with water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, add the melon, again bring to a boil, then peach, and repeat the procedure.
Remove from the heat and the weight of the hot dip grapes. Jam boil over is not necessary. It can pour into banks in the winter and let stand for 3 days.
Melon jam prepared by any of the recipes are always unusual and welcome guest on our table. It's nice to get out of the cellar or refrigerator for the New Year bank melons in syrup, canned or melon with almonds. And of course, always melon jam will be important for the winter to tea or coffee with biscuits or cakes.
Jam made from grapes in winter recipes
People are used to that from the grapes the wine is usually done. Jam made from different grape varieties obtained even tastier. Of course, for the preservation of the grape is not the best option, but it turns out really delicious.
Recipe 1 How to make jam from grapes
For the preparation of grape jam, you will need 1 kg of grapes. You can use as black grapes and white. Next, you will need 1 kg of sugar and half a glass of water.
To start with you prepare grapes, cleansing it of leaves, sticks and washed. Then you need to put the grapes in some greater capacity. This can be a pan or basin.
Grapes need to fill with sugar and let the mixture for several hours. You should notice when the berries begin to let the juice. This is the first sign that it's time to put the pan on the fire. Add the water and bring to a boil.
After the jam boils, reduce little fire. Take care until small bubbles appear in the water. This means that the jam is ready. It should be amber.
Jam golden necessary to fit into jars for the winter. Banks need to turn over and cover with a warm blanket. Keep out of any jam recommended in a cool, dark place.
Recipe 2 Tasty jam from grapes
There is another way of cooking grape jam. It is very simple, as it turns jam unmatched. You will need 1 kg of grapes with fleshy berries.
Naturally, the first thing the grapes should be washed and cleaned of debris. By this recipe should be prepared grape jam it in a sugar syrup.
To make the sugar syrup will be enough of one kilogram of sugar and one cup of water.
Heat the water and add sugar to it and wait until complete dissolution. Then, put the grapes into the water. Berries need to cook for about half an hour. Do not fire strong as berries Undermountain.
Next, add a spoonful of the mixture of citric acid and a little vanilla. Soon, pops, do not forget to remove it from the surface of the jam.
The seeds of grapes are also emerge. Do not forget to remove them. Next hot jam should be placed in small jars for the winter.
Recipe 3 jam grapes syrup
Then we offer to your attention one more way of cooking grape jam in a sugar syrup.
Grapes are put in an enamel pot. Pour hot sugar syrup heated to forty degrees. Let it brew takes about eight hours.
For one kg of grapes, you will need half a kilogram of sugar.
Sugars which remain after the syrup is prepared, it is necessary to divide it into three equal parts. Each piece is added to the pot every cooking.
After we gave the grapes brew, leaving him 8 hours, add one part sugar. Boil the mixture for about ten minutes. Then we give it brew jam again.
Doing more of the same, add the sugar and cook for about ten minutes. The third time we do the same procedure again, bringing a dish until done. In order to give an intense aroma of cooked, put a little vanilla.
It is advisable to jam until until syrup boils at a temperature of one hundred and five degrees Celsius. Before jam pour banks, the banks themselves are recommended to heat up a bit.
Only after this procedure is permitted to fill the jam jars and close for the winter. If you cook the jam of green grapes, be sure to add a few leaves of cherry syrup into the water. This helps preserve the color berries
Sea buckthorn jam and use recipes
Seabuckthorn - a small shrub whose branches are literally covered with berries, and so it has a name. The article describes the health benefits for women and men, which gives the sea buckthorn jam and useful recipes.
Good plant survives and is mainly found in the wild. But recently, due to the mass of useful elements growers are increasingly grown in their areas. Also shrub often found in urban alleys.
The health benefits of sea buckthorn jam
Jam of sea-buckthorn berries clothe not only tasty and fragrant, yet it has antibacterial properties and is very useful because it contained masses of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is recommended to use for people with diseases of the heart and digestive tract.
Fruits of sea-buckthorn berries contain a large amount of useful minerals and vitamins, as well as an indispensable source of antioxidants. So after eating the berries as food, the body charged with energy and force. Especially shown in the use of the people after forty years.
Because of this delicious fruit can be cooked a huge amount of sweet and good food. And its features is that even when the heat treatment, the berry does not lose its medicinal qualities, so the dishes prepared from it, is also useful as raw berry.
The most popular dishes from sea buckthorn - a sea-buckthorn jam, which has several variants - recipes.
Recipe 1. Sea buckthorn jam classical cooking
1 kg of sea buckthorn berries need:
1, 5 kg of sugar.
Washed well with selected berries, dried them. Then pour into a pan, and poured sugar on top. Give up infusions until berries begin to highlight the juice.
Then we put on the stove, and cook stirring constantly removing the foam, until tender for about an hour. Let cool slightly resulting delicacy and shifts in banks.
Recipe 2. Sea Buckthorn with walnuts
1 kg of berries you will need:
2 cups cold water
1, 5 kg of sugar,
200 grams of shelled walnuts.
To begin prepare syrup, for that pour in sugar water and bring to a boil, then tormented simmered for 15 minutes. In the resulting sugar syrup add finely ground walnuts and boil over moderate heat for 20-25 minutes.
Further, the resultant mixture is added pre-prepared fruit and boil for another 25 min. The resulting jam Let cool. Well, everything! You can take a sample.
Recipe 3. Sea buckthorn jam puree pureed with sugar, not cooked
1 kg of sea buckthorn berries need
800 grams of sugar.
Trained and well-washed fruit carefully crumple tolkushkoy. For convenience, you can use the blender. During grinding berries gradually add sugar.
After complete digestion of sugar, it can be assumed that the delicacy is prepared. We spread into sterilized jars. Ready jam raw (not cooked) is only suitable for storing in the refrigerator.
4. Jam Recipe from the hips and sea buckthorn
1 kg of berries for jam need:
1 kg of sugar,
4 cups water
2 kg of rose hips.
The berries are washed and thoroughly dried. Rosehip wash and purify the seeds. Of this amount of sugar and water syrup cook, this bring to a boil over moderate heat, these products and boil 15 minutes.
Prepared hips and sea buckthorn laid in jars and pour hot syrup prepared. Banks rolls. Then wrap up warm clothing or a blanket and store in them to cool.
5. Sea buckthorn jam recipe with apples
1 kg of berries need:
1 kg of apples,
2, 5 kg of sugar,
3 cups of water.
Cook sugar syrup jam, pouring water into the desired sugar and boil for a few minutes. At this time we clean apples from the core and peel, and cut into small pieces. Pours prepared apples in syrup, waiting to boil and boil for 40 minutes.
Then pour pre-washed and dried fruits of sea buckthorn and simmer another 25 minutes. Jam Let cool slightly and shift into the prepared dish.
These tasty, healthy and delicious goodies will be wonderful guests at your table at any time of the year!