Jam made from ginger useful recipes

 Jam made from ginger

The famous Chinese delicacy, called "chow chow" finally came to our country, and found there a lot of their fans. However, it called us a little differently - ginger jam, useful recipes are presented in the article. Jam made from ginger and squash, as well as quince and rhubarb.

A little about the beneficial properties of ginger

Residents of the East have long been known extraordinarily beneficial properties of ginger. It is an immunomodulatory plant, as well as cleans the body of toxins.

Ginger has blood-thinning properties, so its circulation is accelerated, and thus the body will supply the required nutrients and oxygen, and quickly eliminate waste products.

For fans of long-distance trips it extremely important. Essential oils, the properties of which can "boast" only ginger, help people who are prone to motion sickness when traveling, carry them without much inconvenience.

In itself, ginger jam has a very special taste and can not find their place in the traditional sweet table. However, it can serve as an excellent flavoring for different dishes (pastries) and drinks (mulled wine).

For the preparation of any jam of ginger root (with or without additives) with the root, do the following manipulation: washed and cleaned of skin, cut into thin layers or thin strips and soak it for a few days. After these preparations ginger ready for making jam out of it.

Jam made from ginger and pumpkin

For such exotic delicacies you must have ginger root (about 7 cm), 1 kg pulp otchischennoy from the seeds and skins of pumpkin, 1 whole lemon (pulp) and 1 kg of sugar.


• Ginger soaked (preferably in the evening, so it was easier to navigate by time) in the above method, subject in this form for 2 days.

• 2 days (same evening) finely diced pumpkin flesh add the sugar and chopped in a blender (or cut into thin slices) Lemon. Leave the mixture in the tank until the morning to give my pumpkin liquid.

• The next morning, combine the pumpkin mixture and the ginger, put on the stove and cook our dish for 30 minutes. If a very slow boil, then cook this exotic as long as the pumpkin cubes become transparent.

• After cooking, spread the jam into sterile jars and roll up tightly.

Jam made from ginger and quince

To make this dessert delicacy need 3 cups previously soaked and chopped ginger root, the same amount of chopped pulp quince, 4 cups of sugar and the same amount of water.


• In a bowl of water placed quince mixed with sugar, put on the stove and cook (after boil) for 7-10 minutes on low heat. Harvesting is ready when the quince pieces are soft.

• In the resulting mixture add ginger, reduce the fire almost to a minimum, and cook all this mixture to a jam condition. This mixture should interfere nonstop to cooking is not burnt to the container. By the time it should take about 10-15 minutes.

• All resulting mass must pass through a sieve until homogenous and then placed in jars and close tightly.

Jam made from ginger and rhubarb

For the preparation of this jam is necessary to consider the taste preferences, so the hostess reduce or increase the amount in the recipe of an ingredient in its sole discretion.

As an alternative, I propose to take the following proportions:

5 stalks of rhubarb (the average length and thickness) of Article 10. spoons of sugar, ginger root (about 2 cm). In this recipe root macerate is not necessary.


• rhubarb stalks are crushed, put in a container for cooking, poured sugar and fill with water. Until the mixture starts to heat, stirring constantly, dissolve sugar.

• After boiling, it should jam juicy stew 20-25 minutes (as rhubarb allocates a lot of juice). Then diminish the fire.

• The boiling mixture (after 20-25 minutes), add the ginger and frayed cook another 10 minutes. By the end of cooking rhubarb should break up the fibers. Then pour jam in a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Delicious plum jam different recipes for winter

 plum jam

Recipes delicious plum jam from fruits, culinary conquered many countries, as well as the heart of the Queen of England. The Queen of England every day before breakfast, eat two of these fruits.

Plum - a symbol of loyalty and Japanese samurai

Probably not such a person in our country from a child to an adult who did not try a fruit like plum. Varieties and varieties of plum trees a lot different. Everyone knows her taste, from sickly - sweet-sour to tёrpkovato. Plum trees are common in many countries (Japan, China, Europe, the Caucasus, Asia).

Plum is used in cosmetics and medicine, while nutritionists drain favorite dietary product. Plum has a rejuvenating and firming body effect, anti-bacterial and laxative properties.

Plum - Queen of culinary delights

Each country has its own national and unique culinary masterpiece of plums. This fruit is eaten raw, because it is prepared according to the recipes a variety of sauces, desserts, jellies and jams, cordials, wine, it is marinated, smoked and dried.

Since fresh plums are not stored for a long time, plum jam is one of the ways to store the winter of delicious and healthy fruits and fine desserts. Method of preparation of plum jam a lot. Here are some recipes from them:

Option 1: Plum jam slices

Ingredients: 1 kg fresh plums, 300 g sugar and 50 g water.

The recipe at home: Fresh plums must be washed, cut into wedges and remove the seeds. Halved plums folded into a bowl, pour the sugar and put on a small fire, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

Jam bring to a boil and immediately pour into pre-prepared jars and roll for the winter. This type of jam is not only a delicious dessert, but also can serve as a billet for pies.

Option 2: Delicious plum jam seedless

Ingredients: 1 kg fresh plums, 1200 kg of sugar and 400 g of water.

The recipe is simple: Just as in the previous recipe, plums cleaned of seeds. Make sugar syrup and pour their slices of plum. Slices syrup drenched put on fire and bring to a full boil.

The procedure was carried out boiling up to 4 times to complete cooling plum mixture. If you do not have a sour plum, at the last cooking, it is necessary to add the juice of half a lemon. Hot jam pour banks and roll for the winter.

Option 3: A dense plum jam jelly

For those who like to jam homogenous.
Ingredients: 1 kg fresh plums, 1200 kg of sugar and 50-100 g water.

The recipe at home: Stoned plum fill half the sugar, provided the recipe, and let stand for 5, but you can 6 hours. Then drain separately prune juice, prunes and grind in a meat grinder or blender.

From prune juice, remaining sugar and water to make sugar syrup and combine with plums twisted. The resulting mixture simmer until tender.

Ready jam can be checked by dropping a drop of jam on a saucer. If the jam does not spread, it is ready. Hot jam pour banks and roll for the winter.

Fig jam, use recipes

 Fig jam

The healing qualities of fig jam and contraindications. The process of preparing a delicious dessert and a description of several recipes. The most interesting and delicious recipes jam classic, unusual dessert figs with lemon and hazelnut.

Dessert of figs - tasty and healthy

Jam for cooking, which is used nowadays figs delicacy. It has an incredible taste and also very helpful. What is the use of a dessert of figs?

The first is the fact that: Peach jam a lot of vitamins. Brewed from the berries syrup as a laxative very good. Second, in diseases of the cardio - vascular system: Peach fruit tree is also good to help, because it contains a lot of potassium.

Even in figs much iron is useful for anemia. Fig jam from berries beautifully can get rid of the heat and helps to restore power.

But there are contraindications figs

It is undesirable for people with diabetes mellitus suffering from pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases acute.

As cooked jam which includes figs.
The cooking process is quite simple.

1. fig jam

To prepare the classic recipe: Peach jam will need to prepare the figs in the amount of 1 kg, also need 1.5 cups of water, of course, sugar - 1 kg, and citric acid - to taste.

For cooking is better to take the fruit of medium size, light in color. Fruits dark color will need to be cleaned because the skin is already hard at them. At the beginning of the cooking process it is necessary to wash the figs, gently remove the tails and make a few punctures toothpick. This is done in order to fully boil figs.

Further, enameled ware filled with water and placed on the fire to boil. The water began to boil - poured previously cooked figs and cooks up to 10 minutes. Then you need to get the berries and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Further, figs laid out on a towel, it is necessary to dry it. During that will dry figs, you can prepare the syrup in which to cook the jam. Take for this vessel, poured sugar and water is poured into it, 300 ml.

It is put on the stove and brought with stirring to dissolve the sugar. The dried figs are added to the syrup and boil 40-45 minutes. How long will the process of cooking depends on the ripeness of the fruit.

If underripe figs (green), the jam is the best cook longer. The ripe fruit is enough for 35 minutes and the jam is ready.

Before the end of cooking in a jam recipe for added taste citric acid and mixed. Poached figs unfolds in pre-cooked, sterilized jars, pour syrup and rolled lids.

2. Jam: lemon + figs

For the preparation of this jam is needed 1 kg of figs, not to forget the lemon water, of course, 300 ml. and will come in handy 1 kg of sugar.

Here, the process of cooking one to one in the classic recipe fig jam. Just two minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon, finely chopped. Just peel and lemon juice complete the aroma and taste of this delicacy. Jam in this case, a gentle, not very sweet and has a distinctive taste.

3. Jams: figs + hazelnuts

To make it necessary to have a berry jam figs - 1 kg; have sugar - 1 kg and 100 g funduka- presence required.

Figs need to process - wash, cut short tails. Then, each fruit is put hazelnuts, roasted in advance. Fig formed into a container for cooking jam, fill with sugar and set aside for a day, the juice formed.

The contents is placed on the stove - boil, boil over low heat, like a classic jam for 45 minutes.

Further, ready fig jam with hazelnuts expanded into sterile jars and lids prepared rolled up for the winter. You can leave a little sample.

Enjoy your tea in the winter evenings!
